My martial arts will hang up

Chapter 1167 Accident

Chapter 1167 Accident
With golden chains loose.

Chen Fan, whose eyes were full of murderous intent, finally appeared in front of the two demon god kings again.

He held the Dao Yuan mace tightly in his hand, and exuded a sharp aura from his whole body!

The Cold Wind Demon God shuddered, his face changed in shock, but he tried his best to control the chains of the sky that had been scattered by the impact of Chen Fan's terrifying moves, and continued to wrap around Chen Fan's body!

The corners of his mouth twitched, but he did not forget to shout to Qi Xun:

"Qi Xun, you and I are definitely not opponents of this son, we can only rely on the 'chains of the sky' to entangle him, as long as we survive the gap driven by this son's ultimate power, victory will be ours!"

The Qi Punishment Demon God didn't seem to hear what Leng Feng said, turned around suddenly, and then turned into a streamer and escaped!

Chen Fan's strength really made him afraid.

Not to mention the two teaming up, it's hard to delay Chen Fan's "Ultimate Power" once. Even if it can be delayed, what if Chen Fan has an extra "Ultimate Power"?

The Demon God of Punishment has already lost the courage to continue to confront Chen Fan.

Seeing that the Qi Punishment Demon God escaped, Lengfeng Demon God's expression changed drastically.

On the other side, Chen Fan dropped another sword, and while the terrifying sword light blasted away the entangled sky chains again, the raging sword light also went straight towards the cold wind demon god.

Qi Punishment Demon God and Lengfeng Demon God jointly urged the "Chain of Heaven" to suppress Chen Fan, not to mention, Chen Fan was out of suppression at this time, how could Qi Punishment Demon God activate the "Chain of Heaven" alone? Let Chen Fan activate the full-strength moves under the "Ultimate Power".

The golden chain was blowing with the wind, but at this moment, it was impossible to get close to Chen Fan.

Leng Feng Demon God's expression changed in shock, he stared straight at the sword light that Chen Fan cut down, but resentment and helplessness flashed in his eyes.

He couldn't stop Chen Fan's sword at all.

But the next moment, a familiar aura burst out from the body of Lengfeng Demon God suddenly.

The wind was blowing fiercely on his body, but there was lingering black air around him, and his body also changed in the blink of an eye, with countless scales, tentacles, and fleshy swellings emerging from his body!
He was holding a long black ruler in his hand, and the ruler suddenly enlarged, but it suddenly moved towards the sword light that Chen Fan cut down.

There was a terrifying roar. Although the black long ruler kept retreating, and the cold wind demon god's mouth spurted blood wildly, in the end, it resisted Chen Fan's sword forcefully.

Under the ultimate force, Chen Fan's full-strength sword strike was hard to block by some of the top and first-level demon kings!
To be blocked by a mere third-tier Demon God King is quite a shocking thing.

However, Chen Fan was even more surprised by the aura erupting from the Lengfeng Demon God...

"The power of the abyss... who are you?" Chen Fan's eyes were cold and his expression was extremely delicate.
Even those who also practiced the "Blood Fusion Technique" rarely could control the power of Tianyuan.

And the use of the power of Tianyuan by the cold wind demon god is even more exaggerated than Chen Fan at this time!
Although Chen Fan's use of the power of the abyss is also strong, the addition to his strength is just icing on the cake. Although it is exaggerated, it is still not as good as "Picking the Stars" or Berserk.

However, with the addition of Tianyuan's power, the cold wind demon god is much stronger!
Lengfeng Demon God's eyes were distorted. Although he supported Chen Fan's slaying sword, his face was full of unwillingness and resentment.

At the same time, black mud continued to emerge from his body, swelling wildly in all directions.

On the black mud, illusory tentacles twisted and grew continuously.

The surrounding space is constantly being eroded by the power of the abyss...

Chen Fan's eyes were extremely serious, but the next moment he suddenly raised his head.

An indescribable subtle feeling made him realize that something had descended.

"The Will of Heaven..."

This is not the first time he has felt such a feeling, so he should judge it!
Unlike when he was weak, the will of heaven did not cast too many eyes, but at this moment, Chen Fan was able to sense the terrifying will that was tens of millions times stronger than before!
And with the appearance of this special feeling, the will of heaven came.

The distorted face of the Lengfeng Demon God, who was still constantly deforming, showed a hint of astonishment and despair, and the terrifying aura on his body suddenly began to decline.

Chen Fan was stunned for a moment, but he quickly understood: "Heaven's Will cast his gaze, making the blessing of the 'Ultimate Power' on Lengfeng Demon God invalid."

Although Heaven has will, it has no entity and cannot easily interfere with reality.

But it can be affected from the side.

"I, the blood god, and the power of the heavenly abyss on the deformed blood demon will be allowed by the way of heaven, but it seems that others cannot..."

The power of Heavenly Abyss in Chen Fan and others comes from Zishang's research and experimentation, and it is localized, and the law of heaven naturally allows it.

While other people use the power of Tianyuan, nine out of ten are because they have taken refuge in Tianyuan...

Chen Fan's eyes flickered, but he rushed forward and raised his Dao Yuan Mace again.

Without the blessing of "Ultimate Power", the strength of Lengfeng Demon God has dropped by half, and his "Power of Heavenly Abyss" is indeed terrifying, but for Chen Fan who also masters "Power of Heavenly Abyss", it is not so terrible.

Chen Fan shot with all his strength, but managed to kill him with a single strike.

On the contrary, it is more troublesome to deal with the power of the abyss that burst out from him.

Chen Fan didn't deal with the follow-up power of abyss immediately, but he stimulated the mind space, and all the "power of abyss" left by the cold wind demon god was collected into the world of mind, and then immediately moved away from the holy land of wind demon.


Chaos Sea.

Like the ripples of water.

The face of the bloody Demon God of Punishment was distorted, full of fear.

"The cold wind has exposed its strength in front of outsiders, it's troublesome..."

At this moment, Qi Punishment Demon God can also sense the world's rejection and malice towards him.

He knew that it was the resistance of the will of heaven to him.

When he reached this step, he didn't dare to appear in any place where Tiandao could cast his sight.

Like the ripples of water, his body kept flickering.

At this moment, he even slowed down the power to move the space.

"As long as I can escape to the open sea, there is still a chance, Lord Alos will help me..." He was anxious in his heart, and the moment his body moved away, he saw a figure appearing in front of him...

The person is Chen Fan!

The eyes of the two intersected for an instant.

Chen Fan immediately slashed out with a Dao Yuan mace, but the Qi Punishment Demon God moved away in the end, and the surging sword light rushed towards the vast sea of ​​fog.

"One step late..."

Chen Fan narrowed his eyes, but without any hesitation, he stepped out again and moved away.

Before the open sea.

The figure of Qi Punishment Demon God slowly emerged, but it suddenly rushed towards the open sea.

The outer sea is special, but to enter it must pass through the boundary between the chaotic sea and the outer sea, and it is impossible to directly space travel into it.

And the moment his figure appeared, Chen Fan also suddenly appeared not far from him. He saw the Demon God of Punishment who was not far away, but he also turned into a streamer and chased after him at a high speed.

And even though Chen Fan only has sword comprehension, he has practiced the Dao of Thunder and the Dao of Wind after all, and his speed is also frighteningly fast!

The two of them were in front of each other, but they stepped into the open sea in the blink of an eye!
But after entering the outer sea, Chen Fan's eyes were cold, but it was the strongest "Mie Zi Jue" power that immediately activated the Star God Seal.

Although the "Mie Zi Jue" is not enough to kill a demon king directly.

But such a terrifying soul attack also caused the Qi Punishment Demon God's figure to stagnate suddenly.

(End of this chapter)

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