Chapter 1171
Time passed so slowly.

Thousands of years have passed since the discussion between the two in the blink of an eye.

The changes in the high-level "Blood Fusion" and the content contained in it are too exaggerated.

Of course, Chen Fan had activated the Zhouguang Core long ago.

He shrouded the blood god's head and himself under the core of Zhouguang, and the two discussed for thousands of years.

In fact, the outside world has not passed the past few decades at all.

Chen Fan also further perfected the twelve-fold "Blood Fusion Technique" on the basis of the original one.

The progress of his own "Blood Fusion" is also constantly beating, and the hang-up efficiency is increasing rapidly...

With the progress of Chen Fan's twelfth stage "Blood Fusion Technique", he has absorbed a lot of the original fragments of the world that he himself collected at the beginning. He also absorbed a lot of power...

At this moment, the God-defying bloodline possessed by Chen Fan can no longer be called the God-defying bloodline in a strict sense. With the further integration of the source fragments and the power of Tianyuan, Chen Fan's bloodline has already A fundamental change has taken place!
It's just that at this moment, Chen Fan's change is not thorough enough, but he can only continue to smelt and transform if he has practiced "Blood Melting Technique" to a higher level.

"Let's stop here, Chen Fan, the twelve-fold "Blood Fusion Technique" is perfect enough..."

Blood God's eyes were full of excitement and excitement:

"In the next few days, I will temporarily retreat and rebuild the [-]-layer "Blood Fusion Technique". I won't say that it will restore me, but it should be able to improve my current state a little..."

Chen Fan nodded: "That would be the best."

Blood Shinto:

"When I finish the repair, you should also complete the twelfth stage "Blood Fusion Art". Then we will continue to discuss and improve the thirteenth stage "Blood Fusion Art"..."

The blood fusion technique of the twelfth level is quite different from the original version, but the thirteenth level is almost pushed to a new one.

Chen Fan also nodded. After thousands of years passed, the progress of his own "Blood Fusion" has also jumped a lot, and the efficiency has also increased a lot.

With the core of Zhouguang, he will be able to complete the twelve-fold "Blood Fusion" in a short time.

He believes that there is a talent for hanging up, and it is difficult to create a new thirteenth level of "Blood Fusion", but there is definitely hope!
"If senior is fine, then I will take my leave for now..." I was about to say goodbye to the Blood God.

"Wait, Chen Fan..." The Blood God stopped him suddenly.

"Huh? Senior Blood God, is there anything else you need?" Chen Fan raised his eyebrows and asked.

The blood god nodded, the spiritual light gathered on his body, but a fiery red spar suddenly floated out in front of him.

As he took out the fiery red spar, the entire Blood God Palace became hot.

The power of the flame avenue circulates continuously.

"This is... the essence of flame?" Chen Fan raised his eyebrows and looked at the fiery red spar in front of him.

Blood God nodded with a complicated expression, and then said: "This is Zishang's flame essence..."

As soon as these words came out, Chen Fan's expression also changed:
"Zi Shang is dead?"

The so-called essence of flame is the essence of the whole body's strength after the death of the master of the Sun God Clan!
When Chen Fan returned from the Gate of Ascension to Heaven, the "Ji" of the Sun God Clan, after he settled his regrets, also destroyed himself, and condensed a flame essence on the spot.

Blood God's expression was extremely complicated: "From a certain point of view, Zi Shang is indeed dead..."

"How come?" Chen Fan was a little puzzled: "It's not that the Sun God King saved Zi Shang from the hands of the Outer God..."

Blood God said: "Zi Shang didn't die in the hands of Tianyuan Outer God, but died in the research of "Blood Fusion Technique" and the exploration of Tianyuan's power..."

The corner of Chen Fan's mouth twitched, he hesitated to speak.

But he heard Xue Shen said: "Zi Shang is the only son of the Sun God King, but he is also the first person in the world to practice the Flame Dao except for the Sun God King. If it is not for the existence of the Sun God King, maybe Zi Shang can achieve it by himself The Flame's a pity..."

There were many complexities on the Blood God's face, but it turned into calm in the blink of an eye:

"Chen Fan, you have also studied the Flame Dao. I hope Zishang's Flame Essence can help you understand the Dao. With your strength, you may have a chance to get that opportunity..."

"The Dao of Enlightenment..."

Chen Fan thought that Blood God and Lan Ruo had talked about Flame Avenue more than once, and he couldn't help but ask his guess:
"Is the opportunity mentioned by Senior Blood God related to the Sun God King and the ultimate position?"

Not only the Blood God, but Lan Ruo also said that she hoped that she could understand the Dao of Flame, saying that there are further opportunities on the Dao of Flame.

Chen Fan had already guessed at the beginning that for the immortal masters, the only way to go further is to compete for the ultimate position!

It's just that the ultimate on the Flame Avenue is the Four Great Gods, the only surviving God King, the Sun God King!

Want to achieve the ultimate road.

Only if the Sun God King dies first...

The Blood God had a complex expression, and said with a wry smile:
"I didn't want to tell you deliberately, I was worried that it might affect your advancement... I didn't expect you to have already guessed."

Chen Fan shook his head:

"Senior Blood God, when you asked me for the first time whether I had made a breakthrough in the Flame Dao, and this time you gave me the essence of flames and hoped that I would continue to improve the Flame Dao, it was impossible for me not to have no influence. Now I have Guessing, it’s useless to cover up, Senior Blood God might as well make it clear—”

The Blood God asked Chen Fan not to give up on the practice of the Flame Dao several times, and today he specially took out Zishang's Flame Essence to help him. With Chen Fan's keenness, he had already discovered something.

The blood god's eyes narrowed slightly, then his eyes flickered, and he sighed:
"The Sun God Court is about to come to an end, and the Sun God King is likely to come to an end in this era..."

Chen Fan's heart was as expected, and then his eyes narrowed slightly: "This...why?"

Blood God lowered his voice:

"In the past, catastrophes erupted periodically, but Tianyuan once launched a catastrophe in advance... I don't know if you have heard of this?"

Chen Fan's eyes flashed, and then he nodded.

According to what he said, it should be that Zishang's research on the power of Tianyuan and the blood of Nishen had achieved results, which caused Tianyuan to come early, and sent an outer god called "the evil of Tianyuan" to attack Zishang.

In terms of actual personality, the "evil of the abyss of heaven" is even higher than the ultimate existence in the local world, but under the suppression of the will of heaven, the "evil of the abyss of heaven" cannot exert its full strength, but even so, it is at the absolute ultimate level combat power.

For an ultimate level master, if he makes a move against a Demon God King, the catastrophe will come ahead of time, and the meaning of making a move at any cost is naturally not simple.

Blood God sighed with complicated eyes:

"That catastrophe made us realize the horror of Tianyuan's true power. The world barrier above the nine heavens of our world was blasted by Tianyuan... In the end, it was the Sun God King who burned his own power and the entire Sun God Court. Plug that gap..."

Chen Fan couldn't help but widen his eyes when he heard the words.

His thoughts turned, but he returned to the scene he saw when he first entered the Sun God Court.

The dilapidated and deserted Sun God Court.

And when I left, the Shenting I saw was being continuously eroded by the power of the abyss...

At this moment, he finally understood the reason.

Blood God sighed and continued:

"The Sun God King is known as the number one person in the world, and he is also the most powerful existence among the Four Great God Kings, but his power is not unlimited. Many eras have passed since then..."

"The burning candle is about to go out..."

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(End of this chapter)

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