"The mirror of Haotian Mirror?"

Xingjun raised his eyebrows slightly when he heard the words:

"I do have a half mirror in my hand. Although this mirror is not very useful to me, this half mirror itself is rather special..."

It seems that he is not willing to give up this half mirror easily.

It's the same for Chen Fan.

Anyway, it is also an accessory of the Supreme Immortal Artifact.

Even if the effect of a single mirror is not strong, it has enough collection value just because it is an accessory of the Supreme Immortal Artifact.

Chen Fan hastily said: "If senior Xingjun is willing to give up this half mirror, I will definitely pay the price to satisfy senior!"

The firmness of Chen Fan's gaze also made Xingjun silent for a while.

His eyes flickered, he pondered for a while, but looked at Chen Fan again: "If you really want this half mirror...Chen Fan, I don't need you to exchange any treasures with me, I just want you to promise me to make one thing."

Chen Fan also squinted his eyes when he heard the words, and then said: "Senior Xingjun, please speak—"

Xingjun said: "What I said is not to ask you to do something immediately, but in the future, I hope you can do something according to my request, of course, I will not ask you to hurt yourself or It's something else..."

In fact, it is similar to the agreement between Chen Fan and King Yuheng.

Chen Fan will help Xing Jun with one thing in the future.

It doesn't matter when Chen Fan is weak, but with Chen Fan's strength at this time, he has already reached the pinnacle of the world. Except for the few "ultimates" in the world, the immortals and demon kings who can compare with him are Not many at all.

His promise at this time is naturally far from the original gold content.

However, Chen Fan only hesitated for a moment.

Judging from Mr. Xing's personality, Chen Fan didn't think that he would ask him to do anything excessive.

Chen Fan said: "I can promise you, Senior Xingjun, but there are some things I want to say first, and some things I will definitely not do..."

Not only can't hurt himself, but also can't hurt his family and friends, and Chen Fan will not do some things that violate Chen Fan's morality and three views.

Xing Jun also nodded immediately, and said with a smile: "Of course I won't force you to do these things."

The two of them immediately made an oath of heaven, and Xing Jun also handed over half of the mirror to Chen Fan.

"This half mirror is actually a mirror that my disciple Xiyue's sect founder got by chance. Later, this mirror was passed to my disciple and she dedicated it to me."

"Speaking of which, the establishment of the name of the sect my disciple belongs to is also related to this mirror..."

Chen Fan took the mirror, but his eyes were extremely bright and excited.

He can already confirm that this half mirror is the "moon-shading mirror".


The hidden sect where Xiyue lives is called "Zheyue Gate"!
In fact, when Chen Fan got the mirror, he could also sense that the sun-shading mirror in his body was shaking extremely fast.

The different mirrors of the Haotian Mirror are independent of each other, unless there are four of them together, but the same mirror will naturally respond to each other.

After getting the moon-shading mirror, he bid farewell to Lord Xing immediately and returned to Jianzong.


Within Chen Fan's mind world.

He sat cross-legged on the open ground, but in his hand he held the sun-shading and moon-shading mirror that had been successfully fused.

The mirror that covers the sun and the moon is a very special mirror in the Haotian mirror, and its special function is the key to collecting other mirrors.

At this moment, Chen Fan can try to deduce the whereabouts of other Haotian Mirror mirrors.

Chen Fan took out the deduced sacrifices and materials, and began to arrange the ceremony.

After a long while, Chen Fan stared at the mirror covering the moon and sun in front of him with twinkling eyes.

The deduction was quite smooth, and it was indeed possible to deduce other mirrors, but the result made Chen Fan feel subtle.

Chen Fan can only deduce the whereabouts of some mirrors, but not all.

There are several mirrors, and he cannot deduce the exact location or whose hands the mirrors are in.

"Those mirrors are either in places similar to 'Ancient Tree World' or 'Outer Sea', or they are in some ultimate territory..."

With Chen Fan's strength, he couldn't accurately deduce the location of the sun-covering mirror even after activating the fused moon-covering mirror. That's all Chen Fan thought.

"The fat man didn't eat it all at once. I'd better collect all four mirrors first and fuse them to reach the quality of an immortal. Maybe when the time comes, the effect of the mirror covering the moon and the sun will be stronger, and I will be able to deduce the whereabouts of the rest of the mirrors..."

At this moment, Chen Fan has already collected three mirrors. As long as he finds one more mirror, he can fuse the four mirrors together.

Of course, he doesn't know whether the fusion of the four mirrors is particular or not, and whether it can be any four sides, and what effect it will have after fusion, he can only guess.

But what is certain is that, as a component of the Supreme Immortal Artifact, if the four mirrors can be fused, their power can definitely be greatly increased.

Chen Fan's eyes flickered, and he set off immediately.


South cloud desert.

Boundless sandstorms swept across the world.

Chen Fan's figure appeared in the sandstorm.

Although Nanyunmo is considered to be a relatively hip place among the Nine Wonderful Lands, and the degree of danger is not that high, it is still one of the Nine Great Wonderlands, and there are many spatially disordered places in it.

And the whereabouts of one of the mirrors that Chen Fan deduced is here.

With a slight wave of Chen Fan's hand, the terrifying sandstorm stopped suddenly, but the thick dust on the ground rose into the air at a high speed like anti-gravity.

In the blink of an eye, a terrifying deep pit appeared on the ground for dozens of miles, and among thousands of sands, a black mirror fragment flew into Chen Fan's hand.

Chen Fan grabbed the mirror and shook his head involuntarily.

But this is not a complete mirror, not even a half mirror!

Shaking his head, Chen Fan's body disappeared in Nanyunmo in the blink of an eye.


Middle domain.

A remote town.

A small family called Liuyunzong.


The young martial artist in the training uniform held a long knife and kept waving it, but he was practicing martial arts.

While waving the long knife in the young man's hand, one after another sword light pierced the air, but his cultivation level is at least at the fifth level of martial arts.

Judging by his age, he is considered good in this small sect.

The breeze was blowing, but the movements in the young man's hands couldn't help but froze, and he looked to one side with a subtle expression.

At some point, a figure suddenly appeared in the empty courtyard.

This is a young man in white clothes, with sword-like brows and star-eyed eyes. There is no fluctuation of true energy on his body, but he exudes a suffocating and terrifying aura.

The blade in the boy's hand froze slightly, but he cupped his fists cautiously: "This senior should not be from my Liuyun sect, right? I don't know if you came to my courtyard, do you have any advice?"

The man in white was naturally Chen Fan.

His eyes were on the boy's chest.

"I came here to find something..."

He waved his hand slightly, but there was a black necklace protruding from the cover of the clothes on the young man's neck. It was a storage treasure!
The young man is only at the fifth level of cultivation, and being able to store treasures in his body obviously has a certain chance.

But the young man's expression also changed drastically. He could find that his necklace was a person who stored treasures, and naturally he was not a simple person. His hand holding the knife suddenly tightened, but it immediately relaxed again!
He was naturally unwilling to give up the treasure, but he knew better that when facing unpredictable enemies, his own resistance was meaningless.

Chen Fan waved his hand again, and with the turbulent ripples, a golden mirror appeared in the void in the storage necklace.

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