I was born again with 100 million

Chapter 11 Unexpected Choice

Chapter 11 Unexpected Choice
"Lin Xiao, you're here." Chen Yongming is of medium height. Standing in front of Lin Xiao who is over 1 meters tall, he is as short as a head. He wears a pair of glasses on his face. It seemed that Lin Xiao was a little surprised that Lin Xiao would call him.

"How much do you estimate?" Lin Xiao asked in a chatty tone.

"About five hundred and two." Chen Yongming said, sighing a little, "I didn't pass the exam, my goal is to get a score of 570 or above, and if it's not good enough to get a score of [-], I can also choose a Chinese major. Ben, now I'm all set to repeat."

Well, just like what he remembered, Lin Xiao thought about it, and continued to ask: "Then you won't fill out your application today?"

"Just fill in any one." Chen Yongming said indifferently, "Maybe choose a school with a more famous science and engineering department. The science and engineering school has a lower liberal arts score. If I get this score, I will be more motivated to repeat it next year. After all, I He is also a person who has been admitted to a prestigious school, hehe."

It turned out that he had such thoughts, Lin Xiao murmured in his heart, could it be that the other party relaxed when he repeated the exam in the second year because he had been admitted to a prestigious school?

Lin Xiao thought for a while, and then reminded him: "You are too casual. If you do not estimate the score correctly, the score will be high. Isn't this a missed opportunity to study Chinese at other schools?"

"My estimation is still very accurate." Chen Yongming shook his head.

Thinking that the information about Chen Yongming has helped him after all, Lin Xiao reminded again out of goodwill:
"A few days ago, I also thought that my estimate was very accurate. It was in the early 500s, but I calculated it carefully later. It may be more than 540. This estimate can only be used as a reference, not a complete number."

Lin Xiao paused for a moment, then continued: "Like you, I am also planning to apply for a famous school of science and engineering, Yanjing Institute of Technology, but I chose a school rather than a major, so if I really want to be admitted, I really want to apply for it." went."

"You are going to major in Chinese anyway, why don't you just go for another school's Chinese department? Even if the admission score may be higher than your own estimate, as you said, what if you get in?"

Speaking of this, Lin Xiao patted Chen Yongming on the shoulder, and that was all he could remind. As for whether the other party would listen or not, Lin Xiao didn't care so much.

However, thinking about it, the other party would at least not report to Yanjing Institute of Technology, after all, his evaluation score was higher.

After Lin Xiao left, Chen Yongming lowered his head and thought for a while before raising his head and muttering: "What Lin Xiao said seems to make sense, what if I underestimated the score."

Then, Chen Yongming quickly sat down and began to flip through the application guide again. Of course, he didn't know that his life had been completely changed at this moment.

After chatting with Chen Yongming for this period, Lin Xiao was basically sure that his memory was correct, and since that was the case, he filled in the volunteers accordingly.

Looking around, Lin Xiao couldn't remember where he was, but he remembered that he always sat in the last row because of his height.

But now, there was only one table in the last row with no one sitting there, so Lin Xiao just sat down there.

At this moment, Li Tao, the class teacher, walked into the classroom, and the noisy classroom quickly quieted down.

"Students, the three years of high school are so fleeting..."

Li Tao opened the scene briefly, and then talked about some precautions for applying for the exam.

After all, it is a voluntary report for the college entrance examination. For everyone except Lin Xiao, it is the first time in their lives that they face such an important choice, and everyone is listening very seriously.

Even Lin Xiao listened very carefully. Although he had experienced the application for the exam once, but after so many years, many details have long been lost. In comparison, he may be the youngest one.

After class teacher Li Tao finished speaking, he sent the voluntary form. Lin Xiao, who got the form, filled in all the personal information, then directly turned to the page of Yanjing University of Science and Technology, and began to fill in the codes.

Li Tao walked around the classroom, roughly looking at the volunteers filled by the students, and chatting with people from time to time.

When Lin Xiao was filling in the school code of Yanjing Institute of Technology, Li Tao happened to walk to Lin Xiao's side.

"Lin Xiao, what are you applying for? Yanjing Institute of Technology?"

Perhaps because of surprise, Li Tao's voice was slightly higher, which attracted the attention of other students.


Lin Xiao's answer made Li Tao frowned immediately, "I remember that your estimated score is about 500. Even if Yanjing Institute of Technology is a science and engineering school, it is a famous school after all. At least it costs [-]. Are you serious? Have you considered it?"

For Li Tao's reminder, Lin Xiao is still very grateful. As a class teacher, such a reminder is undoubtedly responsible.

However, I can't stand Lin Xiao as a reborn person.

Out of respect for the teacher, Lin Xiao replied patiently: "I have thought about it carefully, and I re-evaluated the score later, it may be five hundred and forty-five."

As he said that, Lin Xiao continued to fill in the form. The expansion of university enrollment will have to wait until next year, so Yanjing Institute of Technology does not have many liberal arts majors. Among several majors such as social work, language and literature, and economics, Lin Xiao chose economics.

Seeing that Lin Xiao had already started filling in majors, Li Tao was also a little anxious, and the volume that had just been lowered was raised again.

"Lin Xiao, even if your estimated score is five hundred and forty-five, this score will not be reported to Yanjing Institute of Technology. Your decision is too hasty."

"What, Lin Xiao wants to report to Yanjing Institute of Technology, which is a prestigious school."

"That's right, that's 211 University, how dare he report it."

In the classroom, other students who were filling out their volunteers turned their heads one after another. Many of them didn't even fill in their own volunteers, but started talking with others, and the classroom was full of discussions.

"Lin Xiao, have you heard everything? Yenching Institute of Technology is 211 University, so don't be too greedy." Li Tao continued, "I'll get you a form and fill it out again."

After speaking, Li Tao walked to the podium.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Lin Xiao quickly checked all the information. When Li Tao walked to the podium, Lin Xiao also stood up and walked to the podium.

Li Tao saw Lin Xiao following him, thinking he was here to fill in the blank form again, with a slight smile on his face, he looked at Lin Xiao who was coming and said:
"That's right. According to your usual grades, you should be able to apply for an undergraduate degree in our province."

Lin Xiao shook his head, and put the completed form on the podium under the astonished eyes of the other party.

"Thank you, Mr. Li, I have filled it out."

As he spoke, Lin Xiao nodded to Li Tao again, then turned around and walked outside the classroom.


Li Tao watched Lin Xiao's figure walk out of the classroom, shook his head and sighed.

"Hey, at this age, you will regret it when the result comes out."

Following Li Tao's emotion, other students started discussing again.

"Lin Xiao will definitely regret it when the time comes."

"That's right, 211 is not so easy to take."

"I don't know what he thinks"


(End of this chapter)

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