Chapter 16

"Yesterday, this man sat next to me, and he deliberately squeezed my seat. Today, I finally don't have to sit with him."

At this moment, Chu Xiyun let out a long sigh of relief, and patted her chest lightly.

Immediately, she smiled at Lin Xiao and said, "Thank you, Lin Xiao,"

"You're welcome." Lin Xiao replied in his mouth, secretly said in his heart, pat lightly, it will shake.

"Why did you come to Xiangjiang alone?"

Lin Xiao asked curiously, there are not many people who come to Xiangjiang alone in the mainland, let alone a girl alone.

"It's not my stinky little aunt. I came here with her. Who knew that she ran out of the country by herself yesterday morning and left me alone."

While answering, Chu Xiyun wrinkled her small nose, and then asked curiously: "What about you? Why are you alone? And you changed the group?"

"It's just that after the college entrance examination, I want to come out to see the world. I heard that Xiangjiang is prosperous, so I came to have a look." Lin Xiao replied. As for why he changed the group, the reasoning was the same as what he told the tour guide.

After listening, Chu Xiyun immediately blinked her big eyes and asked, "You also just finished the college entrance examination?"

Hearing Chu Xiyun's question, Lin Xiao immediately smiled, "So, you just finished the college entrance examination."

Chu Xiyun nodded immediately, "After all, the admission results should come out soon."

In the words, Chu Xiyun still revealed a little nervousness, which is inevitable, after all, most people would be nervous about being admitted to the college entrance examination.

Of course, Lin Xiao was an exception. He couldn't say that he was 100% sure about the admission to the college entrance examination, but at least 95%.

So at this time, I casually asked, "What school did you apply for?"

"Yanjing University of Foreign Studies."

After Chu Xiyun finished answering, Lin Xiao said "Hey" immediately, "I applied to Yanjing University of Science and Technology, and it's in that area. If we are all admitted, it will be next door."

"Really?" Chu Xiyun opened her big beautiful eyes with an expression of surprise.

"of course it's true."

Lin Xiao replied, and then began to draw the approximate locations of the two schools.

However, the conversation between the two was quickly interrupted by the voice of the tour guide, "I have told everyone before that our tour fee this time is sponsored by some merchants, so as a reward, we will take you to visit these merchants Take a stroll."

"At the same time, I also hope that everyone will be grateful. After all, others have sponsored our tour fare, and we have to buy some other people's things appropriately. The products sold by these merchants are also not available in the mainland. Everyone knows that Xiangjiang's Fengshui is very powerful, like this lottery gold, it will transfer luck, and there is no such thing in the mainland..."

"What do you mean?" Chu Xiyun obviously didn't experience this before, and she muttered to Lin Xiao, "The winnings are very expensive, and I didn't bring much money with me."

"To put it bluntly, the next step is to take everyone shopping."

Lin Xiao began to explain to Chu Xiyun, telling the other party that what the tour guide said now is a routine, if you really buy it, you will suffer a loss, but generally the tour guide and the store will force you to buy it, if you don’t buy it, you will be locked up in the store Can't get out.

"What? Will it still be closed in the store?"

Chu Xiyun was a little surprised when she heard it, but she immediately lowered her voice, moved closer to Lin Xiao's direction, and asked nervously, "Then what if I don't buy it and they don't let me out."

As Chu Xiyun approached, a refreshing fragrance immediately entered Lin Xiao's nose.

Smelling the girl's unique fragrance, Lin Xiao said to the other party: "If you really don't want to buy it, then no matter how much they scold you, just bear with it, but ordinary people may not be able to bear it, they scolded too viciously, and some tour guides even They will forcibly search your bag to see if there is any money."

"Ah?" After Chu Xiyun heard this, her pretty face was a little flustered. She grew up in a greenhouse, and she had never experienced such a thing.

Lin Xiao saw that the other party was really nervous, so he smiled and said, "It's okay, just follow me later."

"Yeah!" Chu Xiyun nodded immediately.

The car stopped in an underground parking lot not long after, and the tour guide led everyone directly into an underground jewelry store. After everyone entered, they immediately closed the door.

The shopkeeper started to introduce. At this time, their tone and attitude were still good, and indeed many people in the group believed this and started to buy.

However, there are always people who are unwilling to buy, and the tour guide and the people in the store immediately start to curse.

Naturally, Lin Xiao wouldn't buy it. He took Chu Xiyun to the side, and someone looked over with an unkind expression.

The ferocious appearance of these people made Chu Xiyun subconsciously approach Lin Xiao.

At this time, the female tour guide also came over, and said to Lin Xiao and the two with an uneasy expression, "You don't go shopping, what are you doing here? Do you know..."


Lin Xiao directly interrupted the other party. He spoke Cantonese, and his tone was strong, which immediately made the female tour guide's angry expression stagnate.

"I'm very familiar with Xiangjiang, and I have relatives here, so don't try to threaten me."

Lin Xiao's tone continued to be tough, and he reached out for a business card and put it directly in front of the female tour guide.

"Dafu Securities, my cousin is an executive inside, Mr. Li, if you don't want to cause trouble, please stop bothering us."

The female tour guide was shocked by Lin Xiao's imposing manner, and seeing the words Li Jianxian and customer manager written on the business card, the arrogance on her face dissipated a lot.

She is just a tour guide and doesn't know much about securities, but she is a little apprehensive seeing that the securities company is also a manager or something, and looks very high-level.

Seeing the other party's expression, Lin Xiao continued, "Ask someone to open the door. Let's go outside and wait. This damn place is suffocating."

Seeing the impatient expression on Lin Xiao's face, the female tour guide became even more uncertain. After all, the general tour group from the mainland is not so dragged.

Seeing that Lin Xiao and Chu Xiyun had already walked towards the door, the female guide thought to herself that it was just the two of them who didn't buy anything, and it would be a big deal to ask others to buy more. If they really offended the rich here, she would He waved his hand to signal the man who closed the door to open it.

Lin Xiao and Chu Xiyun walked out of the store, and the tour guide's cursing sound was faintly heard from behind. After the two walked out, the door was closed again.

"It's scary!"

Chu Xiyun looked back at the closed door, and patted her chest again.

Lightly, it will shake.

"What did you say to her just now, how did she let us out."

Chu Xiyun asked Lin Xiao curiously. She had just seen these people's attitudes towards those who didn't buy things with her own eyes, so she was really surprised to be able to come out so easily.

"These people are bullies. Maybe she let me out when she saw that I understand Cantonese."

Chu Xiyun nodded, and then asked a little strangely: "Then what do you mean by showing her a business card? Is that person named Li Jianxian very powerful?"

"He? Oh, he's very powerful. He handles millions of dollars in business every day. People in the world call him Mr. Li."

"So powerful?" Chu Xiyun clicked her tongue secretly, but she didn't ask Lin Xiao how she knew each other, she felt so impolite.

(End of this chapter)

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