I was born again with 100 million

Chapter 2 Let's Do Business

Chapter 2 Let's Do Business


Lin Aijun and Liu Lanzhen looked at the thick stack of money in Lin Xiao's hand, and were stunned for a moment, and they didn't react until Lin Xiao spoke again.

"Mom and Dad, I have money here. All tuition fees and living expenses are enough. Don't go to the construction site anymore."

"Lin Xiao, where did you get the money?"

Lin Xiao expected that the joy and excitement of his parents did not appear, and the faces of both Lin Aijun and Liu Lanzhen became very nervous at this moment.

After Lin Aijun finished asking in a deep voice, Liu Lanzhen immediately asked Lin Xiao anxiously, "Yes, Xiaoer, how do you have so much money?"

This was in 98, when a normal working salary was only about 500 to 1000 yuan. Lin Xiao, a rural high school student who had just graduated, suddenly took out tens of thousands of yuan.

Too scary!

This kid in my family must have gone to do something illegal, right?Looking at the stack of money in Lin Xiao's hand, this was the only thought in Lin Aijun and his wife's mind.

Lin Xiao also quickly realized what his parents were worried about, and immediately explained: "Don't worry, Mom and Dad, I earned this money myself."

"You made it yourself? How did you make so much money?" Lin Aijun was full of disbelief.

"Internet." Lin Xiao gave a random reason, "Do you know that it is the computer? I designed a website for an Internet company on the computer, and this is the reward."

I found the Internet as a shield. Firstly, my parents are not familiar with the content in this area. Secondly, Lin Xiao can indeed make simple websites. Thirdly, I am familiar with the development of the Internet. I will definitely set foot in this field in this life.

Sure enough, after Lin Xiao finished speaking, both Lin Aijun and Liu Lanzhen were confused.

Lin Aijun still asked with doubts on his face: "What have you done, what kind of network can send you money?"

"I'm quite rare." Lin Xiao continued talking, and then began to popularize simple Internet knowledge with his parents, and he did not forget to give some examples of getting rich.

What Yahoo! has been established in just a few years, and its market value has already reached billions. A person in China developed a mailbox, sold a set, and earned tens of thousands for each set sold.

After Lin Xiao's explanation, although Lin Aijun and Liu Lanzhen still had doubts on their faces, their expressions looked much better.

At least they knew that Lin Xiao hadn't done anything illegal.

While telling Lin Xiao to put away the money quickly, Liu Lanzhen continued to cook. Taking advantage of this time, Lin Xiao also began to think about how to persuade her parents not to go to the construction site.

Obviously, even if I took out the 5 yuan, maybe the two of them just wouldn't work so hard, but to keep them from going to the construction site, unless... I used the 5 yuan to make a living for them.

By dinner time, Lin Aijun and his wife had basically accepted the fact that Lin Xiao had already earned 5 yuan.

Not only did his son perform exceptionally well in the college entrance examination, but he was also able to make a lot of money, which undoubtedly made them extremely happy. After sitting at the dinner table, the smile in the corners of Liu Lanzhen's eyes never stopped. When Lin Aijun smoked, his posture seemed a little more comfortable.

After Lin Xiao put down the bowls and chopsticks after dinner, seeing that the time was almost up, he immediately said, "Mom and Dad, let's start some business at home, you don't want to go to the construction site to work."

"Business?" Liu Lanzhen was a little surprised when she heard Lin Xiao's words.

Lin Xiao nodded, "With the 5 yuan, we will open a store in Wei Town, and the cost should be enough."

Lin Aijun, who was smoking a cigarette, immediately waved his hand, "I will save this money for your school use, so you don't have to worry too much about family affairs."

"Dad, my money is not a one-off, there will be more later."

"There is more?" After hearing Lin Xiao's words, Lin Aijun was taken aback immediately, 5 yuan is a lot, and there is still more.

Ignoring Lin Aijun's doubts, Lin Xiao continued to persuade: "Dad, Mom, you can earn a little money by doing physical work on the construction site every day, and we can use this money to go to the town to do some business. Not only will you not be tired , earning more, you can see that the good life outside the past few years is all business."

Lin Aijun and Liu Lanzhen were a little moved by Lin Xiao's words. They worked hard on the construction site just to make a living. If they had other livelihoods, they would not be tempted.

Lin Aijun and Liu Lanzhen looked at each other, and Liu Lanzhen asked a little uncertainly, "But what are we going to do?"

"Small supermarket."

Lin Xiao replied that in 98 there was no real supermarket in Xing County, let alone Haofeng Township.

However, Lin Xiao remembered that in a year or two, models of supermarkets began to appear in the counties and towns, but they were all under the name of a supermarket and did not look like a real supermarket.

Lin Xiao didn't want to open a too formal supermarket, which would require too much capital, unless he cashed out that box of Xiangjiang coins. Before he thought of a comprehensive method, Lin Xiao didn't want to take the risk of doing this, and he also There is no way to explain the origin of such a large sum of money to my parents.

It is enough to find a job for parents and open a small supermarket in Wei Town.

After all, I'm going to college soon, and if I make it too big at once, my parents won't be able to do it without experience.

As for building a small supermarket, Lin Xiao believes that his parents can still do it. His father, Lin Aijun, served in the army. Although he has retired, he has been working on construction sites in various places in the past few years, so he still has some vision.

And her mother, Liu Lanzhen, also went to elementary school, and used to work as an accountant in the Weizhen government agency for a while, but because she was not a regular worker, she was replaced by a related person.

Moreover, the fact that the supermarket is small does not mean that it does not make money. In the previous life, the person who opened the supermarket first in Wei Town was in the village next to Lin Xiao’s. Because the business was doing well, his net worth quickly exceeded one million in a few years. .

"Small supermarket?"

"Yes! To put it bluntly, it is a better daily necessities store." Lin Xiao continued to say to his parents: "Dad, don't you have a comrade in arms who is engaged in wholesale in the city? We can go to him to get the goods."

"Then Mom is in charge of the cash register and account reconciliation, and then hires one or two helpers, and it's ready to go."

When Lin Xiao said this, Lin Aijun's expression was a little moved, but he didn't agree. He pondered for a moment, "Let's discuss it with your mother tonight."

"Okay." Hearing this, Lin Xiao was immediately overjoyed. Neither of his parents was the kind of person with a particularly rigid mind. He expected that they would agree to this matter in all likelihood.

That night, Lin Aijun and his wife entered the room early, and Lin Xiao didn't know what they were talking about, but when Lin Xiao got up for breakfast the next morning, Lin Aijun really agreed.

"Lin Xiao, your mother and I discussed it. According to what you said, let's open a small supermarket. We can't spend our whole life doing coolies."

"Well, Dad, you're right to think so!"

Seeing that his parents agreed to do business, Lin Xiao immediately shouted happily.

Hearing Lin Xiao's words, Liu Lanzhen immediately reproached and said, "You child, why are you talking to your father?"

"Hey." Lin Xiao listened to the nagging that was annoying in the previous life, but now he feels very kind.

After the meal, Lin Aijun proposed to go to the construction site for another day. By the way, he told the foreman that he would not do it, but Lin Xiao immediately objected. According to his thinking, since he decided to start a business, he should do it immediately.

Of course, there was another reason, Lin Xiao didn't want his parents to do coolies for another day.

Lin Aijun was moved by Lin Xiao's rhetoric that he had a chance one day earlier, and others might have done it later.

However, he had to go to the construction site to make an agreement with the people in person, so he drove Liu Lanzhen to the construction site, while Lin Xiao was going to take this opportunity to visit the storefront in Wei Town, and they made an appointment to meet at the bridge.

When he came to Wei Town and walked around, Lin Xiao quickly took a fancy to the place. In fact, he didn't need to pick it. He directly locked the location of the small supermarket in his previous life.

Although this place is not the most central location like the vegetable market, it is not far away. It is on the street of Haofeng Township, and the largest villages in the township have to pass here to reach the middle of Wei Town.

What makes Lin Xiao feel a little strange is that the location of this place is obviously good, and the area is not small. Each floor has more than 200 square meters and three floors, but the whole building is locked and useless.

After Lin Aijun and his wife came back from the construction site and explained, Lin Xiao realized that the house belonged to the village. It used to be a textile factory, but it closed down later.

"Then let's go directly to the village and see who is responsible."

After Lin Xiao finished speaking, Liu Lanzhen shook her head and said, "I'm going to the Finance Office, and it's up to them."

"Finance Office?" Lin Xiao was stunned, that's where Liu Lanzhen used to work.

"En!" Liu Lanzhen hesitated for a moment, and then said: "Let's go, go to the Finance Office, I still know a few people, at least I can talk to them."

Lin Xiao and Lin Aijun looked at each other. They both knew that Liu Lanzhen's heart had always been a thorn in the side of being replaced, so she never went back these years.

Liu Lanzhen led the way, and the three came to the Finance Office.

Just entering the gate, a woman about the same age as Liu Lanzhen walked towards her. She had a long face and haughty eyes. After seeing the three of them, she stopped walking and said in a strange tone:

"Hey, isn't this Lan Zhen? Why come back to the institute when you have time?"

Lin Xiao keenly noticed that Liu Lanzhen's expression suddenly became a little unnatural as the man spoke.

(End of this chapter)

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