Chapter 208 All Pigs

Yuan Fenglin, Xiao Hui, and related technicians were quickly brought together into an office, and the two key figures, Yuan Fenglin and Xiao Hui, were naturally under key control.

The police's evidence collection and blockade are still going on at this time. The company's computers, materials on the production line and various technological processes, and then the materials in the warehouse and the products produced, etc., will all be evidence.

When Yuan Fenglin and Xiao Hui saw each other, their expressions were very ugly.

The two of them couldn't figure out why things turned out like this all at once.

Obviously everything is going well, and they are ready to make a lot of money, why did the police and industry and commerce come to the door without any warning?

At this moment, there was no chance for Yuan Fenglin and Xiao Hui to talk about what was going on, so they looked at each other with puzzled eyes.

They were all wondering if the problem was with each other.

Xiao Hui suspected that Yuan Fenglin's management hadn't been done well, and it was because the staff of the technical department had leaked the news, or how could the police still know of his existence?

And Yuan Fenglin was thinking about the same question at this time.

Could it be that Xiao Hui was accused of stealing technical information?

The more Yuan Fenglin pondered, the more he thought about it, the more he was right. It stands to reason that his products have just been launched on the market, so how could they be targeted by the police and the industry and commerce all of a sudden?

Unless it was Xiao Hui who brought out the technical materials in the sincere manufacturing and was discovered, how could the police and industry and commerce come to him all of a sudden? This morning, there were fellow villagers who came to him to get the goods.

Oh, by the way, there is also the matter of patents. Didn't Xiao Hui say that if he questioned the other party's patent, he would not be able to apply for it?

The man in uniform just said that the patents of Eternal Technology have been authorized.

Xiao Hui, Xiao Hui, I believe in you!

When Yuan Fenglin thought about it like this, the more he thought about it, the more wrong he became. He immediately gave Xiao Hui a vicious look, and couldn't help cursing inwardly.

"Xiao Hui, I was killed by you!"

Feeling Yuan Fenglin's vicious eyes, Xiao Hui, who was in panic, felt his heart skip a beat. His first thought was that Yuan Fenglin wanted to blame himself.

This guy Yuan Fenglin doesn't want to blame himself for all the crimes, and then say that I encouraged him to make a USB flash drive, right?
Thinking of it this way, Xiao Hui was startled and angry. It was obvious that the other party had the idea of ​​making a USB flash drive, so he brought the blueprint. If he blamed himself, wouldn't his crime be even more serious? ?
Anyway, it is impossible to escape the information on the computer, so it is better to act first. In a flash of thought, Xiao Hui immediately shouted at Yuan Fenglin:
"Yuan Fenglin, you have hurt us!"

"What nonsense are you talking about?" Yuan Fenglin knew it was wrong to say anything at this time, it's best not to speak, and quickly scolded.

But at this time Xiao Hui didn't care about it at all, and shouted:
"It's fine if you want to make a USB flash drive yourself, and I need to bring the technical information."

The policeman who was in charge of staring at the two originally wanted to interrupt their conversation, but at this moment they simply fell silent and recorded the audio quietly.

"You, are a pig!" Yuan Fenglin was anxious and angry when he heard Xiao Hui say this. How stupid is this guy to say this in front of the police.

It really happened so suddenly today, Yuan Fenglin and Xiao Hui never thought that this kind of thing would happen before, so they are completely confused at this moment.

Originally, Xiao Hui has completely come out of the depression of the time of sincere manufacturing these few days, and he is in high spirits, but he may face prison in a blink of an eye. This gap has brought him close to the edge of collapse.

Moreover, Xiao Hui had already decided in his heart that Yuan Fenglin wanted to take the blame for himself, and when he heard Yuan Fenglin call him a pig, Xiao Hui became even angrier, and stared at Yuan Fenglin.

"I'm a pig? You're a fucking pig. I'll bring you the data. If you don't know how to let your people destroy it after you use it up, it's all stored in the computer. Are you out of your mind?"

The pig, the pig!
Yuan Fenglin, who was originally controlled to squat, immediately jumped up, wanting to rush over and kick Xiao Hui.

Of course, none of this happened because the police stopped him.

Yuan Fenglin was furious, and at this moment, he simply smashed the pot and yelled at Xiao Hui:
"If it weren't for you stupid X who brought the technical materials and I did it slowly by myself, there would be no infringement of trade secrets, at most one infringement of patent rights, and I would just pay some money."

"In vain, I gave you back 20, just to buy a pig back."

Several policemen in the office looked at each other, and one of them walked out of the office, sent a message back to the bureau, and checked the accounts of Junke Electronics and Xiao Hui.

Now that the matter has come to this point, it is very easy for the Pengcheng police to determine the criminal facts of Junke Electronics, Yuan Fenglin, Xiao Hui and others. After all, all kinds of personal and physical evidence are very complete.

Moreover, after Jingcheng Manufacturing was investigated by the police, it also actively and efficiently provided relevant evidence, proving that Xiao Hui did take a set of technical materials about the USB flash drive from the relevant department before leaving the job.

And provided the information such as the confidentiality agreement signed by Xiao Hui in Jingcheng Manufacturing to the police as soon as possible.

This also makes it easier for the relevant departments to determine the facts of Xiao Hui's crime.

The Pengcheng police and the industrial and commercial department saw that the efficiency of this operation was very high.

It just so happens that Huaxia is currently preparing to start a new round of negotiations to enter the WTO, and the protection of intellectual property rights is also a hot spot.

Such an action is very suitable for current events.

What's more, just after completing the patent authorization, Eternal Technology immediately destroyed a den that violated intellectual property rights and stole technical information. This is enough to show that the Pengcheng Special Zone attaches great importance to the protection of intellectual property rights, and it just happens to show Pengcheng's speed.

As soon as the two departments discussed it, they immediately decided to hold a press conference and report it level by level, hoping that a higher level of news media could report the matter.

Two days later, in Pengcheng, a press conference jointly organized by the public security and industrial and commercial departments was held.

At the press conference, the two departments notified the details of Xiao Hui and Junke Electronics stealing and infringing on Eternal technology, manufacturing and selling fake USB flash drives.

For this press conference, not only the media from Pengcheng and Guangdong Province came, but also some media from Yanjing also came. After all, Eternal Technology is a Yanjing company.

Of course, the largest media still belongs to Huaxia TV. Although this report will not be on Huaxia One but only on China Two, such reports are still very influential.

"Stolen and Infringed U-Disk Technology of Eternal Technology, Relevant Persons Arrested According to Law"

"Pengcheng Cracked Down on Intellectual Property Infringements According to the Law and Successfully Destroyed a Den of Manufacturing and Selling Counterfeit Products"

All kinds of news about this matter were reported that day.

In order to join the WTO, China must do a good job in the protection of intellectual property rights, which has been a recent focus.

The case of the infringement of the technical information and intellectual property rights of Eternal Science and Technology happened to be on this point. For a while, this news caused a certain impact in the legal and business circles of China.

The protection of intellectual property rights has once again sparked extensive discussions in the two industries.

After seeing the news, Huaxia No. [-] reported that this news had attracted so much attention, so they simply made a special report, and specially invited relevant legal experts to analyze and interpret the criminal facts of Xiao Hui and others.

At the headquarters of Suoni Huaxia Company, Noda Kazuki and Kishimoto Yusa, who had been in contact with Eternal Technology before, were watching the special report of Huaxia [-].

On the screen, a legal expert continued to present his own analysis after sorting out the entire case.

"According to the current information released by the police, according to our country's existing legal system, the criminal suspect Xiao Hui may face 3 to 5 years in prison and a certain amount of fines."

"Junke Electronics will also face a huge fine, and the relevant responsible persons will be sentenced to 1-3 years in prison depending on the degree of participation."

Listening to the voice from the TV, Noda Kazuki and Kishimoto Yusa both had ugly faces.

Kishimoto Yusa couldn't help shouting first:
"Baga, this idiot Yuan Fenglin, we have already given him enough funds to find someone to develop and manufacture USB flash drives, yet he still wants to find someone to steal technical information, what a pig!"

"Kishimoto-kun, don't rush to call others pigs, but think about how to explain it to the headquarters." Noda Kazaki's face was also not very good-looking.

He looked at Yusa Kishimoto, and said coldly: "At the beginning, it was you who assured me repeatedly that the development of Junke Electronics was going smoothly, so I reported the truth to the headquarters, and notified the overseas financial company to transfer the second sum of money to you. for them."

"But now, Junke Electronics has been completely destroyed by the Huaxia police, and our entire plan has been ruined. How do you want me to explain to the headquarters?"

Kishimoto Yusa, who was cursing at first, had a stagnant expression, lowered his voice slightly, and said in an angry and wronged tone:
"That guy Yuan Fenglin assured me again and again, and in order to avoid unnecessary trouble, I didn't go to Pengcheng in person, but our technicians also thought that their imitation products were doing well. I never thought that he was not Instead of researching the U-disk of Eternal Corporation, you will spend money directly to buy technical information.”

After hearing this, Noda Kazuki waved his hand, "Stop talking about this anymore, let's think about how to explain it to the headquarters."

Kishimoto Yusa bowed his head in silence for a while, then raised his head and said: "Noda-kun, I will explain this matter to the headquarters and take corresponding responsibilities. At the same time, I think we should also make suggestions to the headquarters."

"After this incident, it is not suitable to make U disks in Huaxia in the short term, and it is difficult to get market recognition."

Arisa Kishimoto's eyes flickered, and he continued: "Actually, I didn't particularly agree with the company's plan before. Why do we have to wait for a lot of U disk imitators to appear in the market before we do it?"

"Our Suo Ni is imitating the USB flash drive. Does Eternal Technology still want to file an international lawsuit? The technology of the U-disk is not complicated. My suggestion is that before the international patent of Eternal Technology is obtained, the company will do it by itself. Based on Suo Ni's reputation, if the USB flash drive is launched, it will definitely be very popular in the market."

Noda Kazuki thought about it after listening, and said in a deep voice: "I will make this suggestion with the headquarters."

"However, there is actually no problem with the original plan of the headquarters. If there are many imitators in Huaxia, we will be less likely to be condemned if we simply make U disks again. Moreover, Eternal Technology does not have so much energy to defend rights."

"It's just..." Noda Kazuki shook his head helplessly.

"During several rounds of contact with Eternal Technology, the company's plans all failed."

After hearing this, Kishimoto Yusa murmured in his heart, what the hell!
Immediately afterwards, thinking that he would definitely be punished by the company, he still didn't forget to curse in his heart.

"The group of Junke Electronics are all pigs!"

(End of this chapter)

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