Chapter 276 Gpod!
Fadell is here. Lin Xiao wanted to go to Silicon Valley after receiving a call from Fadell saying that MP3 finished product development had been completed.

However, considering that the Chinese New Year is coming soon, this coming and going is a toss, and there are other things that Yanjing can't get away from, so Lin Xiao tried to ask Fadell if he is interested in coming to Yanjing.

Unexpectedly, Fadell agreed immediately.

In the afternoon, Dong Meilan brought Fadell and another engineer, John, to Eternal Technology.

As soon as he saw Lin Xiao, Fadell shouted at Lin Xiao with an exaggerated expression:

"Hey, BOSS, is the time from Silicon Valley to Yanjing counted in our R&D time? 10 a day!"

Lin Xiao smiled, "Of course..."

"It doesn't count!"

After Lin Xiao finished speaking, Fadell immediately said to John beside him, "Man, help me figure out how much reward we have earned from the boss."

"250 million." John blurted out with a smile.

Lin Xiao also laughed at this time, "That must be because your products satisfy me."

"Don't worry, Boss, I'm sure you will like this gadget." Fadell said confidently.

Then, he took out several MP3 players from his bag and handed them to Lin Xiao, Yang Guanbin and Ren Xiaowen respectively.

Lin Xiao held it in his hand, and it was no different from the appearance Dong Meilan gave him to confirm last time, but it was a bit heavy in his hand, presumably because something was added to it this time.

After all, it couldn't be turned on the previous time, and some parts were not installed.

"Come on, folks, experience the perfect product."

After Lin Xiao and others took a look at the appearance, Fadell immediately took out several pairs of earphones and handed them to several people.

"White earphones?" Ren Xiaowen said in a little surprise after getting it.

These days, earphones are mostly black, but white earphones like this are really rare.

However, after taking a look at the pure white color of the MP3, she suddenly realized that only white headphones are a perfect match for this.

"Yes, beautiful lady, our MP3 player only has one color, which is pure white, how about it, isn't it cool." Fadell said brightly.

“Of course, it’s not just a cool color, it also has a small hard drive that can carry 1000 songs, a rechargeable battery that can play 1000 songs continuously, a scroll wheel that can easily control 1000 songs, and… "

When Fadell said this, he changed the subject and said, "Of course, these are BOSS's ideas, but I also added another cool thing to it. Hey, BOSS, why don't you experience the product first?"

Lin Xiao could see that Fadell was deliberately showing off, so he smiled, plugged in the earphones, and started listening.

Fadell pretends to be English songs in it, but the number is indeed sufficient and the types are also very comprehensive.

Lin Xiao tried to listen to several different styles of songs, and the experience was very good, with good sound effects. It can be seen that Fadell has done a lot of homework in the design of the software program and the matching of the hardware.

And the roulette design makes the whole operation very convenient, um, that kind of silky smooth feeling.

After listening for a while, Lin Xiao took off the earphones, and said to Fadell, "Fadell, you did a good job!"

As for Yang Guanbin and Ren Xiaowen who were on the side, they took off the earphones with unsatisfactory expressions, and their faces were full of surprised expressions.

Such a product has completely subverted their previous cognition.

"Such a small thing can hold so many songs, and it can be operated so conveniently!"

Ren Xiaowen muttered, but she spoke in Chinese, so Fadell did not understand.

However, this did not affect the smile on Fadell's face, because he knew that Ren Xiaowen must be praising this MP3.

He was unanimously praised by everyone, especially the obviously satisfied expression on Lin Xiao's face at this time, which made Fadell very happy. He immediately said to Lin Xiao: "Hey, boss, most of what I said earlier is from you. Idea, now I have to tell you something you don't know."

With that said, Fadell took out a laptop from his bag and turned it on, then connected the MP3 to the computer with a USB cable, and started transferring songs.

While transmitting, Fadell asked Lin Xiao, "Boss, what did you find?"

Lin Xiao looked at it seriously for a while, and then suddenly said with some joy:

"transfer speed!"

Although Lin Xiao is not particularly familiar with the technical parameters, but the company has been making USB flash drives in the past two years, and he has seen quite a few.

The U disk of Eternal Technology adopts the technology of USB1.1. This technical standard came out in 98, and it was the highest standard of USB transmission before.

However, the MP3 speed shown by Fadell far exceeds the transmission speed of his own U disk. This speed increase can even be seen with the naked eye.

This speed is very similar to the transmission speed of many products in later generations.

Lin Xiao looked at Fadell, who immediately said with a smile on his face: "Yes, BOSS, you are right, the transmission speed! Because our MP3 uses the new USB2.0 technology, which is The new technical agreement just announced not long ago."

"USB2.0!" Lin Xiao read this familiar word, and suddenly realized that she had been ignoring this point before.

Apple launched the ipod in 2001. The reason why it has such a large capacity is that they have developed a set of FireWire transmission technology, which can greatly improve transmission efficiency.

I have been ignoring this point before. Imagine if my MP3 player has the capacity to hold 1000 songs, but it takes one or two hours to transfer the songs... Such an experience is obviously not so pleasant.

"Fadell, what is the transmission speed of the new USB2.0?" Lin Xiao immediately asked.

Fadell smiled, and replied: "Its transmission rate has reached 480Mbps, converted to 60MB/s in MB, which is 40 times higher than before."

"Of course, in actual transmission, the theoretical transmission speed cannot be achieved, but the time to fully store our MP3 player is also greatly reduced. We have tried it, and it takes about 10 minutes."

"10 minutes!" After hearing this, Lin Xiao immediately shouted to Fadell: "Great job! Fadell, this is something I didn't think of before. You have done a great job!"

"Such a transmission speed can greatly improve the user experience!"

At this time, Yang Guanbin, who was born in technology and worked in a computer company, interjected and asked: "Then is it compatible with the previous USB?"

After hearing this, Lin Xiao immediately turned his attention to Fadell.

Fadell grinned at this point. "Fortunately, they are compatible."

"The new USB2.0 defines a structure compatible with USB1.1 in the controller interface. It can drive USB 2.0 devices with USB 1.1 drivers. That is to say, all devices that support USB 1.1 can be directly connected to USB 2.0 interface without worrying about compatibility issues."

After listening, Lin Xiao and Yang Guanbin looked at each other and smiled, which undoubtedly made the whole MP3 player more perfect.

Fadell continued at this time: "BOSS, because a friend is participating in the formulation of the new USB2.0 protocol standard, I have paid attention to it very early. Although the USB2.0 protocol standard has been formulated and announced, other manufacturers still need to It will take a while to follow. If our MP3 player comes out, it may even be the first electronic product to use a USB 2.0 interface."

Lin Xiao looked at Fadell and asked, "So, you think this will be one of our selling points?"

"Yes!" Fadell nodded heavily, "A player with a large enough capacity and the fastest transmission speed, hey, that's so cool!"

After hearing this, Lin Xiao immediately said: "Since the product has been developed and designed, of course it needs to be launched on the market immediately."

"Fadell, I need you to prepare a complete set of production materials immediately, and then we will find a factory for small batch production. If you confirm that there is no problem with the trial-produced product, we will immediately mass-produce it and launch it to the market!"

"No problem!" Fadell shouted. "I like your efficiency."

Lin Xiao smiled, and said to Fadell: "In China, there is an idiom to describe this, which is called vigorous and resolute!"

"???" Fadell looked blank, "What does this mean?"

Lin Xiao explained: "It means that our actions are as fast as lightning and wind."

Only then did Fadell look stunned, "So that's it, it sounds cool."

"Oh, that's right!" Fadell said to Lin Xiao at this time: "Boss, we may be one last step away, we have to seriously think about a cool name, as a very good product, it must have a Be able to remember its name right away."

Lin Xiao blinked his eyes after hearing this, thinking seriously about the cool name?It doesn't seem to be necessary, after all, Jobs has already chosen it for him in the previous life.

Yes, it was chosen, not chosen, because Apple actually asked advertisers to obtain the name. At that time, Jobs chose that one among many names.

The product itself has been cut off, so naturally I don't care about cutting off another name.

So, Lin Xiao said to everyone: "Maybe, we can name it pod."

Pod, which means pods, was used by the advertiser to describe the exquisite appearance of this MP3.

"Pod!" Fadell read the word, and then immediately said: "I like this name very much, it is easy to remember!"

After finishing speaking, Fadell said to Lin Xiao in surprise, "Hey, Boss, I thought you would spend a lot of time thinking about this name, but I didn't expect it to be so fast, oh, I see, you must have thought about it a long time ago." ,yes?"

Lin Xiao smiled and didn't explain, just said: "As a product produced by Eternal Technology, it seems that we should make it more recognizable, let's call it Gpod!"

"Got it! When I get back to Silicon Valley, I'll immediately modify its program and add this cool name to the display page!"


(End of this chapter)

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