I was born again with 100 million

Chapter 295 Suo Ni also engages in MP3?

Chapter 295 Suo Ni also engages in MP3?

Lin Xiao confirmed the release time of the Gpod, and Yang Guanbin immediately said, "Okay, Mr. Lin, then I'll arrange it right away!"

With that said, Yang Guanbin left the office.

Lin Xiao sat down and continued to think about how he could build momentum with the launch of Gpod.

After thinking about it, Lin Xiao found that the biggest topic of Eternal Technology seems to be himself.

Do you want to consider holding a product launch event and then release it by yourself? Is this just a great gimmick?

When Lin Xiao thinks about it this way, he really thinks it is very feasible, especially because his current popularity in China is very impressive, but because he has been deliberately keeping a low profile, the outside world does not have much information about him.

If you come out to promote the product launch yourself, you will definitely attract the attention of media reporters and many young people.

However, once this is the case, it means that he will completely stand in front of the stage.

If I came to do the promotion of the press conference by myself, once the media exposed it, I would forget about my peaceful life before.

Just as Lin Xiao was thinking about it, Yang Guanbin, who had just left, came back again with a strange expression on his face.

As he entered the door, Yang Guanbin said, "Mr. Lin, when I contacted the person in charge of sales at the island country just now, they provided some information about cable mud."

Hearing Yang Guanbin's words, Lin Xiao's heart moved slightly, and then he asked, "It can't be Suoni, and it plans to launch MP3 products soon."

In fact, Lin Xiao has the impression that Suo Ni also launched an MP3 player this year, but the exact time has been forgotten.

After Yang Guanbin finished listening, he immediately asked Lin Xiao in surprise, "Boss Lin, you already know?"

"No, guess." Lin Xiao shook his head.

Then he made up a reason and said: "Digital music is now attracting more and more attention from the industry. Suoni has a complete industry chain in the music industry. I think they will enter this industry sooner or later."

"You just said the news about Suo Ni, and you came back in such a hurry. This is the first thing I thought of."

Speaking of this, Lin Xiao immediately asked a very important question, "By the way, when are they going to launch the product?"

The expression on Yang Guanbin's face became a little weird again, and he replied: "From the news from the island country, Suoni should plan to release related products on March 3."

Hearing this, Lin Xiao finally understood why Yang Guanbin had such a weird expression on his face. There was only a three-day difference between the two companies launching MP3!

At this moment, Lin Xiao was even thinking, should he simply move the release date of his company's products to March 3?

Anyway, if it's a group arena, they might as well fight on the same day.

But as soon as this idea flashed, he denied it. If it were placed on the same day, the current reputation of Suoni Company would definitely surpass Eternal Technology.

Originally, Gpod was full of selling points, so it was easy to be ignored.

It was good to let Suo Ni release it one day in advance. After the other party made the topic of MP3 players popular, their own products came out, and then there were hot spots.

Moreover, the selling point of Gpod at this time is even more prominent!
As for the comparison between the products of the two companies, Lin Xiao is not worried at all. If the Gpod is taken out now, it will be an instant kill for any company's music player in the world!
Lin Xiao shared his thoughts with Yang Guanbin, and Yang Guanbin immediately agreed with him very much, and he said again: "Suoni and the others seem to plan to hold a related product launch event in Silicon Valley to show that their products have relatively high standards. technological content."

"Then let's go to Silicon Valley too!" Lin Xiao said immediately, making up his mind.

Originally, he was still thinking about whether to hold a product launch conference, but now that Suoni is going to do it, there is no reason why he should not do it.

It's good to have a comparison!If there is a comparison, it will be able to bring out the beauty of your own products!

"Senior Brother Yang, please make arrangements immediately, and then we are going to go to Silicon Valley a week in advance."

Lin Xiao said to Yang Guanbin, "Over there in Silicon Valley, I will let Fadell and Dong Meilan prepare first."

Yang Guanbin nodded, "In this way, we are going to make a big battle."

"En!" Lin Xiao responded, dialed the internal machine in the office, and called Ren Xiaowen and Yue Yuanheng, who was in charge of finance, to his office.

After talking about the general situation to the two of them, Lin Xiao turned to Ren Xiaowen and said:
"Mr. Yang will communicate with Manager Dong to make a product launch plan as soon as possible. Your side is responsible for assisting in inviting domestic media and collecting media that will participate in the Silicon Valley product launch. If there are reporters in the United States, please It is also more convenient for them to arrange for reporters from the United States to participate. If there are no media reporters in the United States, as long as they are willing to arrange domestic reporters, we welcome them, and we will bear the entire cost."

"Since you want to do it, you have to be more active! Manager Yue, after the plan and personnel are confirmed, you can confirm the funds with Manager Dong. The publicity funds in Silicon Valley may not be enough. If this is the case, allocate part of it from the head office. go."

In Silicon Valley, now there is not only a R&D center, but also a subsidiary of Eternal Technology has been established there for the listing of Gpod, including Gplayer, which will be released tomorrow, will also be carried out in the name of the subsidiary. release.

After Lin Xiao finished speaking, he said to several people: "This time, I plan to release the product by myself. What do you think?"

"Boss Lin, you are going to make yourself a hot spot!" After listening to Yang Guanbin, he immediately understood Lin Xiao's meaning and said with a smile.

Lin Xiao also nodded at this time, "If I hadn't heard the news about the launch of Suoni MP3, I would still be hesitating whether I should go to the stage so early."

"However, when our product really competes with Suoni's MP3, consumers will definitely be reminded of the previous intellectual property disputes. At that time, I was already a hot topic of discussion, and a recent QQ incident A series of actions, the outside world is more and more curious about me, so if I release it this time, the influence and effect should be higher."

In fact, there is another reason why Lin Xiao didn't say it. After the press conference at the end of March, around April 3, the Nasdaq will officially start to collapse, and his previous cold winter theory may also be rejected. People turned it out.

At that time, because the influence is relatively large, even if I don't want to, I will be exposed by those media. Instead of this, it is better to bring some benefits to myself while being exposed.

"Boss, this press conference is really in the hands of you. If our MP3 and Suo Ni win the competition again, then..."

Ren Xiaowen didn't say any more, but everyone present could understand the meaning of this.

I'm afraid that young people's admiration for Lin Xiao will be even stronger than after the previous dispute with Suo Ni!

Lin Xiao smiled, this kind of thing, let it take its course, although being famous is not necessarily a good thing.

But at the speed of my own career development, all this will obviously come sooner or later.

"Senior Brother Yang, let's see if it is possible for the personnel in the island country or the United States to get a sample of Suo Ni, and it will be convenient for me to prepare for the press conference at that time."

After finishing speaking, Lin Xiao paused, "However, it doesn't matter if you can't get it. This also reminds us that we must strictly control the product information related to Gpod."

"This product must be unveiled at the product launch, and we want to give everyone a surprise!"

Including cable mud.

(End of this chapter)

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