Chapter 202

In the villa, Ah Zi sat on the bed with her pillow in her arms, and suddenly sneezed.She rubbed her small nose, and said to herself in puzzlement, "What's going on? Does anyone miss me?"

"Maybe it's the people at the checkpoint."

Ling Hai sat on the edge of the bed, wiping the dagger in his hand, "The two of us have been going there every day recently, and the girl in charge of the ranks remembers what time we like."


Ah Zi smiled, then she put the pillow aside, jumped out of bed, took off the purple dress from the hanger, and said to Ling Hai: "Xiao Hai, help me put it on~~"

"You, you."

Linghai put down the dagger, angrily and amusedly walked to AhZi's side, and began to help her put on the slightly cumbersome dress.In fact, I don't blame Ah Zilan, the main reason is that women's dresses designed in this era are very complicated, and all wealthy families usually have special staff to wait on them.This time she left in a hurry, Ah Zi brought this set of formal dress, but not the maid, so Ling Hai could only help her put on the dress.

"By the way, how's the progress?"

While carefully helping Ah Zi tie the ribbon, Ling Hai asked, "How many days are left to finish?"

"Three days at the fastest, five days at the slowest."

Ah Zi herself was not idle, and began to wear lace gloves, "Ivy and the others have already started to work at full capacity, and the arrangement will definitely be completed within five days."

"Five days."

After weaving the silk at the back waist into a beautiful bow, Linghai looked at his work with satisfaction, and then continued to tidy up the hem of the clothes, "Do you think he can understand?"


Knowing what Linghai refers to, Ah Zi put the headdress aside, and said firmly: "But no matter what the result is, we must do our best to help him."

"Even if it will fail in the end?"

For some reason, Linghai suddenly wanted to continue asking.After hearing Linghai's question, Ah Zi was silent for a long time. After a while, she gently put the silver moon crown on her head, and looked at herself in the elegant purple dress in the mirror. The golden eyes are full of determination.

"I'd rather fail."

Standing up, there is no immaturity on the pink and jade-carved face, only deep maturity.Ah Zi looked at Ling Hai, the corners of her mouth curled up, she was no longer the girl who was eager for help.

"And don't want to do nothing."

************************************************** *
"Why are you helping him?"

Under the silver moon, Chuchun's style is extraordinarily gentle.Feeling the slightly moist air, Lia Ke hugged her knees and looked up at the crescent moon.

Torea on the side leaned against the pillar, holding the spear from another world in her arms.The eye-catching long pure white hair fell in the moonlight, like a spring hanging in the Milky Way.The crimson eyes reflected the waning moon, Torea thought for a moment, and answered:

"I do not know."


Liya obviously didn't expect Toreya to give this answer, but she was soon relieved.After getting in touch with her recently, she knew that this was simply the girl's ignorance, and it was not out of politeness.

In other words, Toreya has not learned to be polite until now.

"I remember, he was not so friendly to you."

Liya looked at Torea and asked curiously: "Actually, I have always wanted to ask, in your heart, what kind of person is he?"


Torreya lowered her head, a pensive look appeared on her face.After a while, she looked at Li Ya and replied softly, "He was injured."


Liya was stunned for a moment, and asked a little puzzled: "He was injured? But how do I remember that he keeps getting hurt?"


Torreia paused, then organized her language, and explained to Lia: "No, it's not that kind of injury."

"It's a mental injury."

"Say it to me it hurts the heart."

Thinking of the need for Magnum III, who is still taking antihypertensive drugs, Liya replied firmly.


Torreya shook her head. Although what Liya said was right, there was still some discrepancy: "He suffered more serious injuries than Sanshi."


Liya Kechang opened her mouth, with a little confusion in her eyes.

"Many times, there is always a kind of hatred from the heart in the eyes he looks at me."

Thinking of seeing Zhou Li for the first time, when his devouring eyes fell on her, Torreya even felt her blood froze.At that time, she began to have fear of this man, followed by curiosity.

Obviously I have never met him, why does he hate me so much?
Curiosity is a terrible thing, it is like poison wrapped in honey, making you gradually die in excitement and sweetness.But Torea didn't care, she just did as usual.Then came the journey of Muqi, which changed her view of the man who always held an unforgettable hatred.

"On the way, he always told me something..."

Thinking of the stories Zhou Li told on the road that were not suitable for reading at the age of 60, Torea's cheeks were stained with a faint blush. She gritted her teeth and skipped this paragraph: "I just can't write Great stuff. But he ended up telling me a story where he was the hero and the enemy... seemed to be me."

"Although he compared me to the devil in the story, he is the fighter. After the story ends, the brave defeated the devil. It should have been a happy ending."

The words suddenly paused, and Torea continued: "However, after telling the end of the story, I realized that what he was talking about was a fateful tragedy."

"At that time, he was like a child, helpless, painful, sad, and of course hatred. These things are unnecessary burdens, and I discarded these things, so I grew up."

There is no need for Torreya to say what happened later, Lia Ke knew what happened next.Although the memory has faded, the traces left by his miraculous actions will not disappear.

"However, if you must find a reason for me to save him."

Torea thought for a while, she had long remembered the feeling when the warm light fell on her brow when she was captured by the Moon Dancer that day.She looked at Lia Ke and gave the reason.

"He saved me."

"How many more?"

While other people were opening their hearts and communicating, Ivy, who had just completed a round of purchases, leaned against the wall with a tired face.Ain supported his waist, the long list made people dizzy.

"There are three more."

The Aiwei brothers and sisters, who still had three unfinished tasks, let out a long sigh, and their backs gradually elongated in the setting sun, feeling very lonely.

I have to come by myself next time I draw lots/can’t let him come!
 and also

(End of this chapter)

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