Chapter 223
If you randomly ask a commoner to give a sharp comment on "Zhou Li" on Jordan Street, most of the answers will be only one.

Who is he hooking on?
Yes, until now, everyone knows that "Detective Folders" shines in weird cases, but they don't know anything about Zhou Li's identity.Due to some reasons, the Battle of the Tower of Jordan did not immediately open the whole process to the public. It only announced that the source of the plague had been lifted, and nothing was said about the specific content.Therefore, the whole of Jordan does not know who actually saved them.

Of course, it would be unrealistic to expect Zhou Lihui to just laugh it off without caring about fame and fortune.

"You haven't declared your identity yet?"

Bai Ziluo, Ivey picked up the tea on the side, took a sip and asked lightly: "Do we need to declare the Chamber of Commerce of the brave?"

"Being not."

Zhou Li thought for a moment, and Heizi fell down, picked up the teacup and replied: "You don't need us to tell the nobles, they will naturally know that you belong to the power of the brave. As for ordinary people, don't talk about it for now, just use your own names. , I have other uses."

"it is good."

In response, the white piece fell, and the chess game ended.

"Five sons in a row, I won."

After wiping off his cold sweat, Ai Wei smiled evilly and finally relaxed.

Looking at the back-and-forth two people playing backgammon in front of them, Kaya, who was dragged by Ivy to be the referee, looked indifferent, and then stood up unsteadily, never wanting to talk to these two despicable adults again. played.

"You won't let your boss go."

Zhou Li, who lost four games in a row, suddenly became angry from embarrassment, and directly rolled up the chessboard in black mist and put it aside, "Damn, why are you all so good at playing?"

"Please, how long has Chonghuang been inventing these things?"

Ai Wei laughed and didn't care, he knew that if Zhou Li really wanted to play a fake match, he wouldn't have tried to cheat three times in a row just now under Kaya's supervision.

"I'm here to copy them all."

Zhou Li shook his head regretfully, like many common problems of late time travel, he has nothing to copy in this world.Before he came here, Chonghuang had done all the things that could be made without too much brain, as for those inventions in chemistry or physics.

Come on, people here can rub diamonds by hand.

"By the way, is it really okay for us to play chess here?"

At this time, only these two stinky players who competed in backgammon in the entire "Brave United Chamber of Commerce" had no work to do, and everyone else more or less had their own things to do.Ivy rubbed his chin, grinned and said, "I'm busy, so I always feel uncomfortable if I don't do anything."

"Why don't you drag the floor?"

Zhou Li glanced at Smelly Chess Basket No. [-] with a slightly strange look, "What can we do? We don't have much to do. Why don't you bite a small magic circle and ignite it, and I'll give you some gifts."

Automatically filtered Zhou Li's incomprehensible words, but they must have abstract meanings, Ivy scratched his cheeks, and clicked his tongue twice, "The main reason is that I am used to being busy, and I have a big job soon, so I always feel idle." Not quite right."

"Well... that's true."

Zhou Li thought about it, nodded and agreed with Ai Wei.Then he threw the thorn silver vine to Ivy, and said to him: "Well, you go to the Hunter's Guild, and they can let you in if you show this. You tell their president, don't forget to participate in our meeting tomorrow." inauguration ceremony."

After that, Zhou Li fumbled in his pocket again, and handed Ai Wei a phone card.

"The old man certainly doesn't want to come. You give him this and tell him that Gerald will go."

The phone card that Zhou Li gave to Ivy was the token used to summon the jellyfish Vera. After receiving the phone card, Ivy got up and prepared to leave for the Hunter Chamber of Commerce.

"By the way, are you sure Gerost will go tomorrow?"

After getting dressed, Ivy remembered this.He discussed Gerost with Zhou Li just now, and the answer he got was that there was no way to get him into the gang in a short time.Now Zhou Li asked him to invite the president of the Hunter Guild under the pretense that Gerost would be there, which made him have a bad guess.

"of course not."

Zhou Li continued to look at him with that strange look, and said as a matter of course: "I lied to Erwin, why do you still believe it?"

"Uh uh."

Ivy was at a loss for words for a while, but he was relieved when he thought of Zhou Li's usual style of doing things.

After closing the door, only Zhou Li was left in the empty mansion.Even Kaya and Elma went out to buy food for dinner, and she was the only one doing the mess.

No, it can't be like this!

Standing up from the sofa, Zhou Li took a deep breath and walked into the room slowly.

Then he lay down on the bed.

Even if you put it on, you have to put it on the bed.

Torreia sat on a chair with a blanket lent to her by the hotel granny covering her lap.Holding a cup of hot cocoa, she gazed at the smoggy sky and the dilapidated Jordan Tower in the distance.

"Little Torea..."

There was a knock on the door, and Torea's ears moved, then she put the blanket aside, stood up, and pushed the door open.

"How is it? Are you used to living?"

The gray-haired old man with a kind face was holding a tray, on which were two pieces of toasted golden toast, a few strips of bacon, and a sun-dried egg.

"Grandma Wen Ya, next time you just ring the bell, I'll go and get it myself."

Torreya took the tray and put it on the table. She lifted the loose hair beside her ear and replied softly, "It's really nice here, and your blanket is also very comfortable."

"That's good."

The old man named Wen Ya smiled. She looked at the woman who was as cold as the moon in front of her, her eyes were full of tenderness, "Little Torea, how long are you going to stay in Jordan?"

"Can you see I'm not Jordanian?"

Torreia pointed at herself, and asked suspiciously, then she realized that her behavior was a bit stupid, she quickly put down her hands, and her ears were also stained with a touch of blush.

"Of course, anyone can see."

The mother-in-law is a very enthusiastic person. When she saw Torea walking aimlessly on the street that day, she was afraid that she was a resident near the Jordan Tower. She couldn't think about going to the Jordan Tower, so she quickly pulled her into her small hotel. .Later in the conversation, I learned that Granny Wen Ya's daughter is a Templar Knight and has been on missions recently, and her wife died of pneumonia two years ago, so she ran the hotel by herself.

Sitting on a chair beside her, Granny Wen Ya looked at the clean and tidy bed and said gently: "You have a different temperament than the people in Jordan, and this kind of temperament is rare."


Torreia froze for a moment, and asked inexplicably, "What kind of temperament?"



Torreya frowned slightly, and the doubts on her face deepened.When Granny Wenya saw Torreya like this, a loving expression appeared on her face: "Do you know that the prerequisite for loneliness is to be able to choose loneliness."

"In Jordan, many people don't have a choice."

Looking at the world outside the window, Grandma Wen Ya seemed to have been opened up, and she began to slowly say to Toreya: "In Jordan, when a child is born, the rest of his life is decided. What gospel does the Gospel spread?" , he will stay in the position for the rest of his life. Humans are not machines, they always want to stop and take a rest.”

"But Jordan is a city in a hurry, it never stops to wait for anyone."

There was a gloomy look in the old man's eyes, and she took out a silver ring from her pocket, with a row of stars engraved on it, the engraving was a bit rough, but the hard work of the engraver could be seen.

"Children, cherish the opportunity to choose."

Putting the ring on the table, the old man stood up and took a deep look at Torreya. Undetectable sadness and deep love appeared in her eyes.

"Don't let loneliness kill you, and don't be afraid of loneliness."

It was a little foggy, but Toreya still felt the deep concern in the old man's tone.She nodded and responded softly: "Although I don't understand it very well, I will keep it in my heart."

The old man didn't speak any more, she just glanced at Torea for the last time, as if she wanted to imprint her in her mind.Then, she opened the door and left the room.

That night.

When the waning moon slowly rose and sprinkled the silver moonlight under the window, Toreya opened the window as usual, ready to go to the bell tower to see the moon.But when she was about to jump out from the paper-covered table, her corner of the eye glanced at the ring that she had placed on the table.

Torreya thought for a while, and picked up the ring.The ring is an ordinary silver ring, and the star carving is a pure handicraft, a little rough, but the star carving is delicate enough to prove the carver's hard work.

Torreia looked at the ring in her hand. When she spun the ring, her fingertips touched the inside of the ring. She was stunned for a moment, then lifted the ring over her head with the moonlight, and looked at the notch inside.

"When you miss me, look up at the stars."

When seeing this line of words, Toreya was stunned.Soon, as if she had thought of something, she quickly opened the door and ran to the third floor of the hotel.

He knocked hard on the door, but got no response.Torreya frowned, then exerted a little force with her right hand, and the wooden door was pushed open by a repulsive force.She pushed the door and entered, then froze in place.

Wen Ya was lying on the bed in a gorgeous sky blue dress, not breathing.

Clenching her right hand tightly, the cold touch of the ring made Torreya come out of the dizziness.Her lips trembled slightly, even though she was used to seeing life and death in her hometown, she couldn't accept it for a while.The kind old man who was still talking to me this morning, when we meet again, it will be a farewell.

She walked forward slowly, and there was a moonbell on the old man's chest, which was a Jordanian custom and the old man's favorite flower.And an envelope was quietly lying beside the old man's pillow, as if waiting for Torreya.

For a long time, Toreya let out a breath trembling.She reached out and picked up the envelope.On the pale pink envelope, the recipient of the letter was written in a line of typeface.

"To—little Torea."

Opening the envelope, Torea pursed her lips and read the contents of the letter.
Sorry, Torea, to surprise you.My family has a very special ability, which is to sense the approach of death.So rest assured, I didn't commit suicide, I just died of a common heart attack.

Two days before your arrival, I received word from the Templars that my daughter Millie had died heroically fighting the plague, with this ring attached.

At first, I was devastated, because I was the only one left in this world, and I was forced to choose loneliness.That feeling sucks because I'm terrified of living alone.But luckily, I ran into you.

Really, Millie has silver hair as beautiful as yours, and she's just as lovely.In fact, I lied to you, I know you are not a so-called refugee.But the first time I saw you, I felt that lovely Millie was back in this world, it was a kindness from above.I let you stay in this small hotel out of selfishness.

But then I couldn't lie to myself that Miri was Miri, Torea was Torea, and neither could replace the other.I began to accept the fact that Mi Li left me. She also practiced her beliefs and protected her people in the end. I think she will not regret it.

Thank you, it was your company these two days that made me come out of grief, and also made Mi Li's mother choose to leave with a smile before she left.Without you, I would just die helplessly in the gloom, which is not what Mi Li wants to see.Child, you are kind, even if you are aware of my thoughts, you still choose to accompany me.

This ring was carved by Miri before the expedition, and I don't want to take it to the grave because there are no stars to be seen there.I carved a small formation on it, which can make your soul more adaptable to this world.I have purchased the cemetery long ago, and my funeral will be handled by a special person. This ring should be regarded as your reward for staying with me.

Finally, I hope you can find the belonging to break the loneliness in this world.Hope you can love too.

—Winja Neal
Carefully folded the letter and put it in his arms.Toreya looked at the smiling old man who would sleep forever, stretched out her hand, and gently helped her tidy up the wrinkled collar.Her movements were light and gentle, as if she was afraid of waking the old man.

The crescent moon outside the window was slowly covered by dark clouds, and the stars shone faintly.In the Neil Chamber of Commerce not far away, Lin Ling, who took off her cloak, finished correcting a document. Suddenly, she seemed to sense something, and the movements in her hands stopped.

On the slender index finger, the gorgeously carved rose ring shimmered slightly, and then returned to its original luster.Lin Zi stood up and looked at the drowsy sky outside the window, her palms covering the cold glass.

Closing your eyes, a speck of crystal dripped on the ground.Lin Ling still couldn't forget the warm feeling when the gentle woman in the mysterious robe held her hand and wiped away the tears from the corners of her eyes when she was in a desperate situation.

"Goodbye, Ms. Wen Ya."

(End of this chapter)

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