This brave man is a scumbag

Chapter 232 Traces of Most

Chapter 232 Traces of Most

Watching Harm's soul gradually dissipate, Gerost narrowed his eyes thoughtfully.

"What did he say?"

Roja on the side was a little dazed, and was puzzled by what Hamm had just said.But Gerald didn't answer him, just picked up the dust on the ground with his fingers, and sniffed it under his nose.

"Pure soul, not polluted?"

Gerald put down his hand, astonished expression appeared in his eyes.Roja on the side was stunned, and then he understood the meaning of Gerost's words.

Ham's soul was not infected by any external force, and he was not controlled by the Gospel during his lifetime.

"how is this possible?"

Roja frowned, and asked puzzledly: "He can't tell lies in the soul state, but the hysteria he showed and his firm belief in such remarks are too abnormal, how could he not be controlled?"

Roja's meaning is very clear. A person's soul after death cannot tell lies against the heart, and even brainwashing cannot make the soul lie.But the words that Hamm said just now were full of madness, and they were not words that an ordinary boss could say at all.Apart from the Gospel controlling him, it was hard for Roja to imagine any other way for Ham to believe those words so firmly.

"There is a possibility."

Looking at the ashes in his hand, Gerost narrowed his eyes and said softly, "It's what Hamm said, and it's true."

"You live in the reality woven by the mad god, trying to pry into the truth?"

"You are fuel, you are just fuel! You don't know anything, you don't understand anything! The messenger is dead, we can't get into the book! We will all be thrown into this furnace as firewood and ignite it!! "

"We are just fuel!"


Recalling Hamm's last words, Roja frowned even tighter. Those words were fragmented, and it was difficult to connect the context.But each of these words is full of absurdity that subverts reality, which makes people shudder.

"Let's record it first, there are a few other places I haven't visited."

After asking Roja to record what happened just now, Gerost went upstairs to communicate with several recovered employees for a long time.He learned that Hamm had never believed in any religion since he was a child, and his attitude towards the gods was ambiguous, but he had never acted strangely.On a day-to-day basis, Hamm comes across as a complete unbeliever, without any oddities.

"In a while, you will send people to settle the six people in the rescue center, and then I will notify the nearest team to immediately reinforce and completely block this place, and no one is allowed to enter or leave."

After Roja gave the order to the captain, he came to the side of Gerost who was thinking deeply.He looked at his teacher and said, "Teacher, the order has been issued."

"it is good."

Gerost nodded, still immersed in the information he had just obtained.Intuition told him that the clues revealed by Hamm's soul were crucial, and would even directly affect the entire battle situation.

"By the way, teacher, should we investigate the matter of Most?"

At this moment, Roja suddenly remembered something, and said to Gerost: "Mr. Zhou Li, let me tell you before we leave, if you find any clues about Most, you can put everything else aside for now. .”


Gerost was stunned for a moment, as if Zhou Li's reminder caught him off guard.But soon he reacted, nodded and answered Roja, "Well, I will."

Roja and Gerost's next destination was the farm that had erupted in flames.According to the person who provided the information, the farm had always belonged to a farmer named Tero. On the day the Jordan Tower exploded, the entire farm was ablaze, and the fire was raging, and a large area of ​​land was burned to barrenness.But the most frightening thing is that when the fire dissipated, the entire farm was unscathed, not even a piece of straw was burned, as if the terrifying flames at that time were just a dream.

If it weren't for the thirteen charred corpses of the Troo family in the farm that appeared at the gate, everyone would think it was a dream.

"Did a fire really break out here?"

Looking at the green grass and beautiful farm in front of him, Roja who pushed open the door of the military vehicle was a little dazed.Soon, two soldiers ran from a temporary outpost to the front of the military vehicle, saluted and said to the two:
"We are the second unit of the Jordanian Third Army. Do you need my help?"

After noticing the medal on Roja's chest, the soldier's originally tall and straight figure became even more upright, and his meticulous face was full of solemnity.

"Tell me in detail what happened at the farm."

There was no pleasantries or politeness, and Roja made a request straight to the point.The soldier saluted directly, and then narrated the case based on several witnesses to the two.After telling the case, he looked at the two nervously, waiting for an answer.

"Go in and take a look."

Geralst took a step forward, and before the soldier asked about his identity, Gerald waved the consul's badge in front of his eyes, and then said: "From now on, all irrelevant personnel are prohibited from approaching the vicinity for 500 meters. Need to see the body and the inside of the manor."


After seeing the medal, the soldier's face became more solemn.He quickly recruited his men and passed the blockade order to all the soldiers.Then he walked up to the two of them and said:
"Next, I will lead the way for you two."

"it is good."

Roja nodded, the soldier took the key and inserted it into the gate of the farm, and then the three of them entered the picturesque farm together, heading deep.

"what's your name?"

On the way, Gerost asked curiously.

"Harry Quinn, you can just call me Harry."

Nodding, Gerost memorized the name.Roja on the side looked at the surrounding scenery, a puzzled look flashed across his face.

"It's so neat, isn't it?"

Gerost had discovered this problem as early as he stepped into the farm.This farm is too tidy, it doesn't look like a farm at all, but more like a leisure villa.He looked at Harry and asked him, "After you took over the farm, did you clean it?"

"Report, in order to protect the site, we have not made any changes."

After getting the answer, Gerost and Roja looked at each other.Both know that being too tidy is also a clue.After a while, the three of them arrived at the location of the corpse.Because the morgue was full at this time, and the farm itself had a large freezer, anyway, there were no living people in this family, so the military decided to freeze them in the freezer on the spot.

"This is where the dead are."

Seeing Gerost walking towards the freezer, a trace of hesitation flashed across Harry's face, and he reminded, "Sirs, I want to remind you that the corpses inside... are not acceptable."

"We are soldiers, why haven't we seen any corpses?"

Roja responded lightly, then he stretched out his hand and pushed open the door of the freezer.

Then he was stunned.

This corpse has never been seen before.

"Are you sure it was burnt to death?"

Pointing to a large pile of "corpses" piled up in the freezer, Roja asked with a livid face, "Is this a problem for the coroner?"

"We really don't know this. It's the first time we saw these corpses."

In this regard, Harry expressed aggrieved.He also knew that these sliced ​​pieces of fresh meat were too impactful. When Harry saw these things for the first time, as a veteran soldier, Harry almost fainted directly. It was not because of anything else, mainly because The taste is too strong before freezing.

"Wait a moment."

At this time, Gerost, who had been observing many corpses before, noticed something was wrong.He called Roja over, pointed to the edge of the flaky corpse and said to Roja, "Look here."

Roja leaned forward after casting a layer of isolation on his face. When he saw the faint scorched marks on the edge of the corpse, his pupils shrank suddenly, and he understood what Gerald meant.

"The edges are burnt, the cut surface is neat but blackened, and there are irregular cut marks in the flesh and blood tissue."

Gerost stood up, his expression was very calm, but his tone was heavy, "This is the wound after being cut by a high-temperature object."

"Cutting of high-temperature objects..."

Since Roja came here, his brows have not been loosened, "Do these flames have eyes? Even if it is artificial, this kind of control ability must at least have the ability to control elements at the demigod level."

"Professionals at the demigod level have ranks in Jordan, and those who play with fire do not have the ability to smuggle."

After Gerald added something, he took out the spirit-calling bell and the sawdust of the soul wood.He picked out a piece of the body, sprinkled sawdust on it, and rang the bell lightly.

Jingle bell~~
Accompanied by the clear and melodious ringtone, a scarlet figure gradually gathered from the corpse, and after a while, a thin middle-aged man's figure appeared in front of everyone.

Harry on the side saw this scene and almost pulled out his long sword in fright, but the psychological quality of a soldier made him suppress his instincts, and just stared at the terrifying soul in front of him.

"what's your name?"

After taking a breath, Gerost began to ask.After looking around in confusion, the middle-aged man replied slowly with a demented expression: "My name is...Tro Tar."

"How did you die?"

"How did you die?"

A confused look appeared on Tro's face, and slowly, the confusion turned into madness, and finally into the deepest hatred.

"He...killed me."

"Who is he?"

After Gerost continued to ask, Troo's face suddenly turned into a painful expression. He tore his own soul, but he couldn't achieve self-mutilation under Gerost's power.

"I...he is a monster, a demon. We took him in, but he wants to turn us into monsters."

After hearing these words, Gerost and Roja immediately lifted their spirits.They realized that this was the right trip.While they likely won't find a clue to the vampires and bandaged geeks, a clue to Mostert may be on the way.

"Is he very young?"

After hearing Gerost's inquiry, Troo's soul suddenly emitted a black halo, but with a heavy punch from Gerost, the black halo dissipated without a trace.

"Yes, he is very young, like a student."

"He controlled me, he controlled my family. He said he was going to preach the Gospel to us, he was singing, the fire was burning, we were boiling... He said he was going to witness the birth of the king... We were the fuel."

After uttering this endless sentence, accompanied by a tremor, Tro's soul suddenly dissipated, and even Gerost could not prevent the dissipation from happening.

"Okay, I'm sure it's Most."

After reconfirming that Tro's soul had been controlled, Gerost stood up and said to Roja: "Let the legion and soldiers move. Now is the time for us to act."


Roja nodded, and then he activated the medal on his chest, and began to give orders in an orderly manner.

"The first team immediately sealed off the area around the Jordan Tower, and searched all the residential buildings in a blanket manner, looking for it."

"The second team supports the first team, and the third team is on standby around the Jordan Tower at any time."

"Squad [-], Squad [-], and Squad [-] immediately searched for life in all abandoned buildings."

"Squad Seven and Team Eight conduct visits and investigations, and don't let anyone who has the same characteristics as Most."

According to common sense, Roja, who is only a captain of the Templar Knights, has no right to directly command the army, even Zhou Li does not have this right.However, before setting off, in addition to Zhou Li giving Gerost the Consul's medal, Christine also gave Roja his general's medal to mobilize the army.

Now, the medal works.

"Teacher, what are we going to do next?"

Roja didn't care much, and asked Gerost directly for his opinion.At this time, Gerost was a little distracted, and faced with Roja's question, he didn't react for a while.

"Huh? We..."

As if thinking of something, Gerost glanced at the direction of the city, and then said slowly, "Let's go somewhere."


"Jordan Woods Hotel."

Jordan Woods Hotel is the largest hotel in Jordan, and it is also the official hotel for foreign guests in Jordan.If Zhou Li had visited Jordan as a brave man, he might have slept in the Forest Hotel.

As one of Jordan's cards, the Forest Hotel does not have resplendent decorations, it is more like a back-to-basics building, built on the basis of nature.Located in a national park, it may seem low-key and ordinary, but in fact, the price is outrageously high.

"This is the Forest Hotel."

After the precise tail drift drifted into the ditch, Roja got out of the car and pulled out the car with his bare hands, and then said to Gerost: "But now the Forest Hotel doesn't accept anyone, teacher, what are we doing here?"

"Come find someone."

After hearing this answer, Roja was a little puzzled, "Who are we looking for?"

Looking at the building full of natural scenery in front of him, holding the note Zhou Li gave him in his hand, Gerost suppressed the restlessness in his heart, and replied slowly:
"Let's find Most."

(End of this chapter)

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