This brave man is a scumbag

Chapter 238 Of course, the moonlight is so beautiful

Chapter 238 Of course, the moonlight is so beautiful

"Elma has been infected."

In the dimly lit room, the Gospel unfolded itself and slowly wrote characters.

(The desire to magnify infinitely... Heh, you are smart enough to think of this)

"It's not unusual."

A hoarse man's voice sounded, "Saints also have desires. Only in this way can this woman who cannot be controlled by you have problems."

After a pause, the Gospel reads slowly: (Are you sure this will work?)
"It works, I checked."

The man seemed very tired, and his voice was a little erratic, "Zhou Li once performed the coronation ceremony of the Black Emperor in Magnum's palace. Someone said that he connected himself with Elma during the coronation ceremony, in order to protect she."

(You want to use the two-way link to infect Zhouli while infecting Elma, right?)


With a sneer, the man said sarcastically, "Do you really think that Zhou Li can be infected so easily?"

(if not?)
"What I want is anger."

Leaning on the back of the sofa, the man said slowly: "The calmer he is, the harder it will be for us to act in the future. Only a tyrannical black emperor can allow us to successfully complete the salvation of the world."

(You still think you're saving the world...)
"if not?"

To repeat the original words, the man snorted coldly and said, "Stepping into the furnace of death under the flowers of reality, do you think this is the fate that human beings deserve?"

(But this is the established destiny)

"So I showed up."

Tapping the table with his index finger, a coldness flashed in the man's eyes, "I never thought I was a good person."

"But I'm definitely a good human being."

(hope you can)

The words fell, and the Gospel continued to be written: (Let’s still look at Elma)
"She whose desire has been magnified will be infected with more humanity. You should be able to see her now, right?"

Facing the man's question, Gospel seemed to be searching for something, and did not answer for a while.After a long time, it slowly wrote: (Congratulations)
(I still can't feel her now)
(The only moment I could feel her being humanized was in a food store)

(She took five silver coins of food, of course, it was a thank you gift from the store owner for saving her)

Looking at the contents of the book, there was only a look of astonishment left on the man's face. He looked at the characters on the book in disbelief, and confusion appeared in his eyes.

"That's it?"

After a long time, the man expressed his deepest feelings: "Is this what she pursues?"

"Looking" at the man with a broken face, the Gospel slowly wrote: (she even secretly put two silver coins to the boss before she left)

(what a good boy)

Take a deep breath, take a step back, bend over, fold your hands together, and speak loudly.

"I was wrong!!!!!!!!!"

After regaining consciousness, the cute-faced Elma spent a full minute recalling what happened to her before.Almost instinctively, Elma went through a series of apologies directly and smoothly.The sincerity of his tone and his pitiful appearance made those who heard it sad and those who saw it cry.

It is invalid for Zhou Li.


Zhou Li sneered, he walked in front of Elma, pinched Elma's cheek with both hands, and kept ravaging Elma's tender face.

"never mind."

There was no expected scolding or worry at all, as if just to confirm whether he was really himself, Zhou Li let go of his hand and said calmly: "You did a good job this time, but there will be no next time."

"Hey hey~~"

Elma touched her hair, stuck out her tongue in embarrassment, and said shyly: "I just feel that she is very gentle in my body, and there is no hostility. The most important thing is that she is very familiar with you~"

Hearing this sentence, Zhou Li couldn't get angry at all.He rubbed Elma's hair helplessly, then sighed, and said helplessly: "Be careful next time, at least contact me."

"I contacted you."

Upon hearing this, Elma got excited on the spot, and said confidently: "When I was controlled by that weird book, I will contact you."

Blood pressure is full.

"You him? Listen to the voice you sent me."

Zhou Li gritted his teeth, took out the black mist used to contact Elma, and started playing the voice she left for himself.In an instant, Elma's muddled voice came from the black mist.

"Zhou Li... I... I'm hungry, hungry, hungry, hungry..."

Blushing with embarrassment, after grabbing the black mist to disperse, Elma covered her face, speechless for a moment.In her impression, when she was controlled, she said to Zhou Li in a very cold and handsome tone, "No problem, just observe for now".

Sure enough, Impression Stream is unreliable!
"I will pay attention next time, I must pay attention."

Facing Elma who sincerely swore in front of him, Zhou Li flicked her on the head angrily and amusingly.Elma covered her head and smiled, she knew that this was Zhou Li's signal to let her go, proving that he would not pursue this matter any more.

"I'm done here, let's go back together."

Walking to the hanger, after taking off the coat and putting it on, Zhou Li looked at Elma and said to her, "You take the snacks on the table, go back and eat slowly."


After seeing the snacks on the table, Elma responded energetically, and then went to tidy up the messy table.Looking at Elma who was meticulously arranging the food, Zhou Li suddenly froze.

He remembered that in the first time and space, he and Elma died of famine.

Shaking his head, he broke out of the trance.Seeing Elma happily walking towards him with the food in her arms, Zhou Li raised his eyebrows, and reached out to take the bag.


Elma, who didn't know why, obediently handed the bag to Zhou Li.The food bag was so big that Elma had to hold it in her arms.But for an adult man like Zhou Li, this bag can be hugged with one hand.

Zhou Li held the bag in his left hand, he thought for a while, and stretched out his right hand to Alma.

Looking at the palm in front of her, Elma was stunned.After a while, she seemed to understand something, and she gently covered Zhou Li's palm with her hand very naturally.

"Let's go."

Zhou Li's face was calm, he held Elma's hand and walked towards home.

Stepping on the moonlight grid, feeling the warmth of Zhou Li's palm, Elma hid a silly smile under her collar.After crossing a road, Elma looked at the moon in the sky, she seemed to think of something, and asked:
"By the way, Zhou Li, what did she tell you?"

After hearing this question, Zhou Li's footsteps paused.He looked at the same moon as in Elma's eyes, thought for a moment, and replied slowly:
"She said, the moon is so beautiful."

(End of this chapter)

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