This brave man is a scumbag

Chapter 241 The Madman

Chapter 241 Madman (Two in One)

Since ancient times, rebellion has been a major event, because it involves the high-ranking role of the emperor's old son.If the conspiracy succeeds, this man will not only be deprived of the world, but his whole family will also be killed, which is really a tragic word.

Therefore, the emperors have a relentless attitude towards rebellion. Regardless of anyone or anything, as long as it has something to do with the word rebellion, high-ranking and powerful people will completely solve people or things in order to get rid of their suspicions. Of course, the means of solution Maybe a little not so good, usually accompanied by bloody scenes.

So the question is, what is the attitude of the emperor of Yingnan towards rebellion?

The answer is no attitude.

Because the emperor is dead.

This hellish joke is happening in Jordan right now.In the towering Jordanian government building, dozens of high-ranking nobles gathered together, they sang, danced, laughed and laughed, creating a happy scene.

Of course, this is not possible.

"Mr. Zhou Li, I don't quite understand."

Istar suppressed the fear and panic in his heart, now he was afraid that Zhou Li would drop the cup suddenly, and five hundred knives and axes would come to them, and he smiled and invited them to drink two kinds of wine.

One is called Yiyi wine. After drinking this bowl of wine, they will become good brothers with Zhou Li. As good brothers, they will naturally support their elder brother to occupy Jordan and make himself king.And if you don't want to drink Jieyi wine, you can only choose another one.

Beheading wine.

In order to avoid the end of himself drinking beheading wine, Istar walked up to Zhou Li and asked softly: "You must have summoned us here today for charity. We all want to serve the common people in Jordan." Pay. Just ask what you want, and we will try our best to meet it.”

Facing Istar who lowered his posture in front of him, Zhou Li laughed, and said kindly: "Don't tell me, I really have a charity event."

"You say, if we directly root out the root of corruption, will Jordan get better? Isn't this the greatest charity?"

Upon hearing this, everyone's faces turned pale.As capitalist aristocrats in the new era, they naturally know that the "root of corruption" that Zhou Li said is the colleagues around him.Just when they started to think about their chances of breaking out, Zhou Li spoke.

"Of course, I am definitely not referring to some people who traffic people, employ child labor, abuse workers, withhold taxes, bribe officials, and eat black and white. Please rest assured."

As soon as Zhou Li said that he almost reported their ID numbers once, everyone broke into a cold sweat.Of course, Zhou Li did not continue to embarrass them, but started talking about the business:

"Don't worry, what I want to do is not a big deal."

"I just want to change the regime."

Isn't this still a rebellion?

Seeing the speechlessness and the anger of being played with in everyone's eyes, Zhou Li smiled and said calmly, "Of course, I don't want to rebel."

"The regime I mean is myself."

A huge question mark appeared on everyone's face.

Why did His Highness rebel?

"I think I'm not very competent as a grand consul."

Zhou Li changed the subject, looked at the Jordan City behind him, and said with emotion: "I was originally a commoner, and I worked hard in the Twilight Forest. Ge Nan III entertained and entertained, never thought of such a beautiful thing as an official promotion."

When the nobles heard this, constipated expressions appeared on their faces.But when they thought about it carefully, their expressions became even more constipated.

What this kid said seems to be true. He did reject the duke granted by Magnum III.

"The first emperor... oh, I really haven't seen him before."

Not paying attention to everyone's constipated expressions, Zhou Li continued melancholy: "Our Yingnan government didn't care about my lowly status. I was humiliated and self-appointed, and personally appointed me as the Grand Consul. But tell me, I'm just a little Farmers, at most, the place is a little bigger, and there are a little more unique skills, how can I understand these things."

Zhou Li closed his eyes and said in a mournful voice, "It's really hard for me to be a consul every day. My hair is black. I eat well and sleep well every day. I still make money, and the money I earn is from the Jordanian government. ..."

The more he said, the sadness on Zhou Li's face turned into joy.After coughing twice and interrupting his beautiful imagination, Zhou Li looked at the crowd and concluded:
"All in all, I don't want to be the chief consul anymore. I want to step down and make way."

"what do you mean…"

As if sensing something, Istar tentatively asked, "Do you want to pass on the position of Grand Consul?"

"You kid is smart."

Laughing, Zhou Li patted Istar on the shoulder, and then said approvingly, "You are now the Grand Consul."


Subconsciously, Istar replied with a military salute.Then, he was dumbfounded.Of course, others were also dumbfounded.

Wait a minute, is that too firm?

"Wait a minute, this is against the rules!"

Facing Zhou Li who was about to insert the Grand Consul Medal into his chest, Istar stepped back again and again, waved his hands and said, "I can't bear it, I can't bear it!"

"You see what you said."

Zhou Li kindly manipulated the black mist to keep Ishtar in place, and with a casual slap, the Consul Medal was firmly nailed to his chest.Facing the terrified and bewildered Istar, Zhou Li smiled gently and said, "Mr. Istar I forgot my surname, from now on, you are the Grand Consul."


At this time, Ishtar's mind exploded frequently. He couldn't think about the situation in front of him at all, and he couldn't even make his words form a fluent sentence.

"It's okay, I know what you're afraid of."

Like a good brother he hasn't seen for many years, Zhou Li hooked his shoulders to Istar and said skillfully: "Aren't you afraid that it's your first time as a high-ranking official, you're not used to work, and you're afraid of messing up? Don't worry, I'm already prepared."

"No, I don't want to..."

Zhou Li exerted a little force on his right hand, Ista's expression changed, and he swallowed back his words.At this time, the group of nobles also reacted. In this situation, they only had one thought in their minds.

When Ishtar comes, there will be blue sky.

Yes, they didn't think about whether this was a trap at all, nor did they think about the meaning behind Zhou Li's move.They only felt that their brains were congested, and their hearts were bursts of unexpected ecstasy.

These nobles who have been tossed and tossed by Zhou Li for several days and targeted in various ways have had enough of this kind of life.They must be called up by soldiers at five o'clock every morning in the name of "testing whether they are connected with grotesques" and tested individually.Then test again at noon and again at night.

You don't expect it, and they don't force it, that is, if a series of creatures suddenly appear around your house, such as howling wolves, women's screams, bats, etc., don't blame Zhou Li for labeling you as "grotesque of adultery" and treat you well Check it out.Generally speaking, these nobles don't have the guts to contact grotesques, and those who have the guts have already been hanged up by Zhou Li's fishing law enforcement.

However, they were even more afraid of looking up these three words.

At the beginning, some nobles had confidence, they thought their hands and feet were clean enough, even if Zhou Li checked, he couldn't find anything.But soon, they realized their mistake.

When it comes to investigating corruption, Zhou Li is like a fish in water or a sheep in a herd of tigers, more sensitive than a hungry dog.In front of Zhou Li, those disguised accounts are as ridiculous as elementary school students' arithmetic.The dark threads and white gloves they had disconnected a long time ago were all pulled out for some reason, while Zhou Li held the heads of these nobles and asked them to identify them one by one.

Bribed officials were hung on street lamps, and traces of corruption were dug out.In the end, Zhou Li even found out that the nobleman stole a brick from the government building when he was 11 years old. After calculating the interest for 50 years, the brick was sold to the nobleman for [-] gold coins.

When the bricks were built, I didn't even dare to think about it.

On that day, Zhou Li became famous in the first battle.A count-level figure was wiped out by Zhou Li, and all the drug industry and child labor industry in his hands were dug out.In the end, all property was directly confiscated, and Zhou Li sentenced me to 690 four years, twelve months and seven days in prison, without any bail.

Although I don't know if the earl's relatives will use their power to commute the old Yingnan's sentence after Zhou Li resigns as the Grand Consul.But what they knew was that this earl's life was over, and even if he came out, his ending would not be much better.

But if it's just like this, Zhou Li can only harvest a group of nobles who share the same hatred, because no noble dares to say that he has not engaged in some gray industries.

However, Zhou Li's subsequent actions silenced all the nobles.

The earl's position is not high, but the two gray industries behind it are quite large, and there are countless nobles behind it.At this time, Zhou Li's subsequent actions directly suppressed those nobles who were ready to resist.

First of all, Zhou Li was very precise in digging out the earl's gray property. Except for the earl's property, Zhou Li ignored other properties as if he was selectively blind, and was not prepared to pursue it at all.

At the same time, when the gray industry was exposed, Zhou Li personally brought gifts to several noble houses that were connected with the earl, had friendly exchanges, and brought the matter up with laughter.Although these aristocrats suffered a lot, it was better than being pulled out by Zhou Li and hung on the street lamps. At the same time, Zhou Li also gave them enough face and confidence, so these people also accepted the loss.

Only then did the nobles realize that Zhou Li seemed to be better at "treating guests, beheading, and accepting pawns" than they were.

After the earl was investigated, the nobles began to restrain themselves.Zhou Li was like a man with a gun. After he shot and killed the first person, he kept holding the gun and didn't pull the trigger.And at this time, even if the nobles were so numerous that they could kill Zhou Li with a gun, they would not attack Zhou Li again.

Because no one wants to be the second person to be shot.

They have seen Zhou Li's methods, and they also understand that Zhou Li can easily subvert a family in a short period of time.Therefore, this group of nobles did not want to be the second earl, even if they were locked in a cell now, no one cared about it.Although they still established the "Anti-Zhouli Alliance", if it is a resistance organization, it is better to say it is the "Tucao Zhouli Alliance".

But now, this group of nobles oppressed by Zhou Li have noticed the dawn.

Unaware of the black mist appearing in their eyes, their brains gradually became solid.They think that the current situation is that Zhou Li doesn't want to do it anymore, as to why he doesn't want to do it, who the hell cares.The current nobles only know that if Istar comes to power and becomes the Grand Consul, then we, the toiling people oppressed by Zhou Li, will be liberated!

"Dear Mr. Istar, I need to speak a fair word."

At this time, the red-haired man, who was not very smart, stood up and persuaded Ista earnestly: "Mr. Zhou Li is really tired. Yingnan has too many things to do. He must be alone. Too used to it. Don't refuse, this is also a kind gesture from Mr. Zhou Li."

Istar's expression darkened immediately. He knew that this person was stupid, but he didn't expect him to be so stupid.Now, any normal person can see that Zhou Li's move must have been bad. Even if he becomes the Grand Consul, he is just a pawn controlled by Zhou Li.

However, what Ista didn't expect was that the red-haired man was not the only one who had no brains in the current venue.

"Yes, Mr. Istar, this is a good thing."

After the first voice came out, other voices followed one after another.

"Mr. Zhou Li is also kind, you just accept it."

"Yeah yeah."

"It's good for everyone, everyone is happy!"

"Mr. Istar, what are you hesitating for?"

What about your brains?Kicked by the Oster Dinosaur?

At this time, Ishtar's eyes were wide open, looking at these gradually fanatical nobles.Just as he was about to say something, his eyes suddenly caught the red-haired man who spoke first.At this time, the red-haired man's face was full of eagerness, his eyes were full of fanaticism, and that touch of deep black deeply hurt Istar's eyes.

His heart instantly cooled down.

Istar turned his head slowly, at this time Zhou Li was looking at the boiling crowd with a harmless smile.Zhou Li's handsome profile appeared in his eyes, but Ista's heart was only gloomy and cold.

No, it's not right.

No matter how stupid they are, they won't fail to see that this is a trap.

They knew that Zhou Li would never be able to stand with the nobles.Zhou Li's every move will not bring any benefits to the nobles.

However, at this time, they were like lunatics, supporting Zhou Li unconditionally and supporting Zhou Li's "favor" to them.

It's impossible, unless...

"If everyone is crazy and I'm awake..."

Looking at the crowd and feeling the eager atmosphere, Ishtar felt like falling into an ice cave, with only one sentence left in his mind.

I am the madman.

(End of this chapter)

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