Chapter 250
(Manipulator of the Sea of ​​People: People's trust in you will spread like a virus, and the public opinion you control will increase exponentially)

(Shadow of society: You are the shadow of society, you can manipulate the negative emotions of society)

(Language tyrant: You no longer pay attention to the art of language, because you are the tyrant of language! Your speech will tear apart all those who question your existence like a tyrant, release your tyrannical theory, and make them submit)

(Cultural Meat Grinder: Stealing culture? Looting culture? No, you kill culture directly! You can deconstruct, change, and crush any culture that was not created by you! Let this garbage culture no longer haunt your subjects)
When Zhou Li became the Grand Consul, everything he did was to become the manipulator of the Sea of ​​People.Under the high pressure of the plague, Zhou Li, who is rarely seen with a kind heart, quickly gained the trust of the people.And under the blessing of power, this kind of trust spreads like a virus quickly. Now, the whole Jordan does not see the king and ministers, but only knows Zhou Li.

After gaining the trust of the people, Zhou Li did not continue to stay in the seat of the Grand Consul, but chose to retreat behind the scenes.After Istar came to power, the calm public opinion began to boil. Under Zhou Li's explanation, some policies and measures changed secretly, which more or less affected the lives of these people.At this time, negative emotions spread again.

Originally, according to the plan, this time would take a little longer, and Zhou Li needed to accumulate more negative emotions.But Roja's death sounded the alarm for him. Gospel is not an idiot, and he can no longer let himself continue to rule by doing nothing.

Therefore, Zhou Li "seized" the political power and military power with an unreasonable and brutal appearance, and published the violent theory that "Yingnan is the root of the disaster" under the watchful eyes of everyone.Before the plague, the values ​​accepted by most common people would make them instinctively resist Zhou Li's statement, but now, Zhou Li, who is unconditionally trusted by the people and controls negative emotions, easily planted such cruel remarks. into everyone's mind.

What the plague omen failed to do, Zhou Li did.

"I once asked General Christine why we were vulnerable to the plague like meek lambs."

When the name of General Christine was mentioned, a look of grief flashed in Zhou Li's eyes. Everyone knew that Zhou Li had a close relationship with General Christine. The two were once close friends and even political partners.And now, General Christine was murdered for no reason, His Highness Zhou Li must be full of grief.Most of the people present were moved by Zhou Li's sadness, and listened more carefully to his words.

"He told me that it was the Gospel, and Innam who had hard-wired the Gospel into Jordan, made it all happen."

"The Gospel created jobs, but never created jobs. The reason why your competitive pressure is too great is that the British and Southern governments keep creating jobs in order to create labor. They don't care whether you will be taken by young people. Occupation, because in their eyes, you are not worth mentioning."

"But, I don't agree."

There was a pause, and an inspiring power spread from Zhou Li.People were surprised to find that the man in front of him looked at him without any arrogance or contempt. He seemed to really regard these commoners as equals.

"I think that if you get the same family, the same education, and the same wealth as those nobles and rich businessmen and bureaucrats, you will not be worse than them. On the contrary, you will do better than them."

Yeah, we're not bad either.

"So, I'll give it a try."

Stretching out his arms, Zhou Li seemed to embrace everyone, his expression was full of sincerity, and at this moment he was as dazzling as the sun.Zhou Li took a deep breath, and then shouted loudly:

"I want to create a Jordan without the Anglo-South government!"

"From today, Jordan, be independent!"

Inverted!Inverted!What a rebellion!
What about the army?What about the government?What about teammates?
The nobles stared angrily at Zhou Li's Knights Templar Medal representing military power, the Grand Consul Medal representing the government, and the medals bestowed on him by various forces, and then turned their eyes back.

"Don't worry, the military is not a fool. Such obvious reactionary words, even if he has those medals, the military will not let them go."

At this moment, a wise nobleman spoke, and he was right.The Jordanian army is not a fool. If Zhou Li said these words, even if he didn't want to rebel, he would be rebelling. The military will definitely not tolerate a rebel sitting in the seat of the consul.Therefore, even if Zhou Li has the medals of Istar and Christine, it is of no use.

"Yes, if it's an idiot like you standing on the stage now, I think so too."

Another nobleman on the voice link sneered, facing the angry wisdom, he said sarcastically, "Don't forget who he is."

"You can think of it, but he can't think of it?"

Hearing this, the wise man shrank back resentfully.Yes, he could imagine how could Zhou Li ignore it?But he still didn't understand how Zhou Li would deal with the military.

"I still don't believe you, because all the evidence points to you."

Looking at Christine who led the Knights Templar in front of him, Istar passed by with a cold voice, "But, Zhou Li told me, you are not the murderer."

"You believe him that much?"

Looking at the city defense army behind Istar, Christine was expressionless and said calmly, "If he really has that kind of thought, you and I are the culprits who helped him rebel."

"Do you know why I trust him?"

Facing Istar's question, Christine shook her head.And this person, whom Christine had always regarded as a mindless fool, gave an answer that he couldn't answer.

"Because he's arrogant about everything, including Jordan."

An answer no one expected.

"Don't worry, Zhou Li doesn't like this place."

Passing by, Istar left this sentence, and then left here with the city defense army who still didn't know what he should do, but still loyally followed behind him, and went to the goal that Zhou Li had set for him. land.

After Istar left, Christine didn't say a word, but just stood there in a daze.After a long time, he seemed to understand something, and smiled self-deprecatingly.

"He really doesn't like us."

With a soft murmur, the guilty man waved his hand and continued to walk forward.

The Templars behind them had no doubts, nor any emotions.They just wear the glory that belongs to the Templars and follow those they think are worth following.

The wind is blowing.

 Thanks to Ye Yu Wencha for the 10000 points
  Thanks to book friend 20190718181228341 for the 1500 points
(End of this chapter)

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