Chapter 255 Visit

Putting the top hat aside, Roja sat on the sofa beside him with ease.Even though it was raining cats and dogs outside, his body was as clean as new, with no signs of getting wet at all.

"It's okay, I guess it's you."

With a calm expression, Zhou Li took the black tea that had been brewed and sat opposite Roya.He put down the teacups, pushed one of them forward, and asked calmly, "Tell me."

"What do you want to hear?"

Thomas Roja smiled, picked up the teacup in front of him, took a sip, and sighed: "I admire Miss Elma's level of tea making, but unfortunately, I didn't expect the last cup of black tea to be in such a situation down to drink."

"Tell me about the Gospels."

There was no tension, no anger or disappointment, Zhou Li said to Roja in a friendly tone just like in the past: "Why do you want to do this?"

"I like what you said to me at the time."

Roja smiled, put down his teacup, and said to Zhou Li: "Any villain who can answer all questions is a mentally retarded imbecile. Do you think I look like this?"


Zhou Li suddenly laughed too. He looked at Roja with gloating eyes: "You've been with me for so long, haven't you noticed?"


Roja froze for a moment, then frowned: "What did you notice?"

"I have no bottom line than you."

As soon as these words came out, Roja suddenly figured out something, his expression changed drastically, he stood up, and then sat down slowly.

"There is poison in the tea..."

Spreading his hands, like Roja just now, Zhou Li smiled sarcastically: "Any brave man who chats and asks the villain who suddenly appeared is a mentally retarded imbecile, do you think I look like it?"

Raising Erlang's legs, facing the horrified Roja in front of him, Zhou Li said, "Don't worry, it's not a strong poison. It's a mixture of blue snake root and Caliston snake venom. It will simply destroy your body functions. On my side, it’s called paraquat.”

"It's a pity, such a delicious black tea."

Roja withdrew the horrified expression on his face, and regretfully said to Zhou Li: "If it was Roja three months ago, he would have been fooled by you. Anyway, I have to thank you. With you, I learned a lot."

Stretching out his hand, a red drop of water appeared on his fingertips. Roja waved his hand, and the colorless poison in the drop of water was slowly separated and dissipated in the air.

Zhou Li was not annoyed when facing Roja who was cooperating with his performance, he raised his eyebrows and asked with great interest: "That's all you've learned?"

As soon as the words fell, there was a creaking sound from the inside of the sofa, and one after another silver runes drilled out from the inside of the sofa and spread all over the surface of the sofa.Without giving Roja any time to react, the armrest of the sofa suddenly cracked, and two black mist wrapped in thunder light quickly entangled Roja's arms. With the sound of machinery, one after another iron chains drilled out from the floor beside him. Clamp every joint of Roja tightly.


It can be seen that Roja was really surprised this time.

"It's been so long with me, but I still haven't made progress."

Standing up, under the surprised expressions of Tolea and Lin Zi, Zhou Li stepped on Roja's chest, sneered and sarcastically said: "Do you think your brain is more flexible than my bottom line? I don't know?"

"I... really underestimated you."

Gritting his teeth, Roja found that the chains on his body were the military's energy-suppressing chains. After he couldn't use any strength at all, he directly paralyzed his body, sighed and said helplessly: "However, it can be regarded as what I wished. .”

"In that case, can you listen to me honestly and answer your question?"

Seeing Zhou Li with a bad expression in front of him, Roja shook his head with difficulty, and explained: "I know you are very suspicious and have many skills. If I just asked you directly at the beginning, you would definitely not let me complete the question. Tell me everything. Now, I am completely under your control, are you relieved?"


Zhou Li stretched out his hand and said in a cold voice, "Give me the Gospel."

"Sorry, I really can't hand this over."

With regret on his face, Roja's eyelids drooped slightly, "The Gospel has been completely silent. This flood was created at the cost of the two Apocalypse Knights of war and famine. Now, there is no Gospel."

"The flooding still hasn't stopped."

Zhou Li leaned down expressionlessly, his voice didn't fluctuate, like a pool of stagnant water: "You didn't come here just to disgust me, right?"

"I want you to give me a chance."

Roja grinned brightly, "I feel like I can persuade you to let me continue this disaster."

Holding a sword, stabbing.

Two simple actions made Roja's expression freeze at this moment forever.Pulling out the sword of power, Zhou Li looked at the dead body in front of him with a blank expression.

(I knew it)
On Roja's body, a line of text emerged.Although it was written in words, Zhou Li, Elma and the others saw the helplessness in the written words.

(Mr. Zhou Li, give up, now I am close to immortality)
(But if you can really kill me in the book, I will admit it too)

Zhou Li seemed to have expected everything that happened in front of him. After dissipating the long sword, Zhou Li looked at the text in front of him and asked, "Have you entered the Book of Fortune?"

(You can understand this way, of course, I hope you think I am a ghost wandering in the gap between reality and books, which is more in line with the definition of my current state)

(Now, can you listen to me patiently?)
Before Zhou Li could answer or take any action, the exact same words appeared on the wall beside him (Mr. Zhou Li, although I can’t interfere with you now, you can’t attack me either, I beg you, don’t do it. Useless work)

With a long sigh, Zhou Li sat back on the sofa. He motioned for Tolea and Ah Zi to sit aside, and then pulled Elma and put her beside him.

(Thank you for your generosity. To be honest, I still miss the days when you worked with me. You are really the most talented and wise man I have ever met. I respect you very much)
"There's no need to say polite words, and don't make a fool of yourself in front of me with things like flattery."

Faced with Zhou Li's cold words, the text seemed to pause for a moment, and then continued to write:

(OK, then allow me to get straight to the point)

(First let me tell you that until now, everything I have done has only one purpose)
(Let the human beings in Yingnan go back to the book of Fuyue)

"It's because the treaty Yingnan signed with the government betrayed your teacher."

Torea on the side spoke with a cold voice, "You are disappointed with the current human beings, so you want to end them, right?"

(no, quite the opposite)
(What I want to do, is save)

(End of this chapter)

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