This brave man is a scumbag

Chapter 264 Gerald and Christine

Chapter 264 Gerald and Christine
"Mink Street has fallen."

On the street, stepping on corpses that could no longer be distinguished, Istar said to Gerost beside him, "The third unit of the city defense army is fighting guerrillas on the edge and needs support."

"I can't get in."

Shaking his head, Gerost replied decisively: "Let them join the surrounding Templar defense lines and trap those grotesques to death in Minke Street. Only in this way can the pressure on other defense lines be relieved."

"That's giving up Mink Street."


Facing Istar's questioning, Gerost nodded without hesitation, and replied bluntly: "If you want to get news of the destruction of Lear Street in 10 minutes, you can go to support Minke Street now."

"I see."

No quarreling, no shouting out the glory of the soldier is not abandoning anyone.After weighing the pros and cons, in less than a few seconds, Eastan made a decision: "All personnel around Minke Street retreat immediately, enter the defense line of Lear Street to assist the Templars, repeat, retreat immediately, support Knights Templar!"

After getting a definite answer, Gerost crouched and stretched out his hand as if groping for something.After a while, his arm rested on a piece of red flesh.


Frowning, Gerost took out a blue medicine bottle from the special pocket on his chest, opened the lid and poured it on the flesh and blood.Looking at the pale silver color of flesh and blood gradually rising, Gerost shook his head and said solemnly: "There is something wrong with these grotesques."

"what is the problem?"

Glancing at the city defense army who was undergoing brief repairs behind him, Istar twisted his astringent neck, "They're all monsters, if you kill them, you'll kill them, can there be future troubles?"

"That's what I'm afraid of."

Standing up and patting the dust off his knees, Gerost frowned, "I feel that these grotesques don't just kill people blindly."

"They're not destroying all the time either."

Looking around at the relatively well-preserved cities around, Ishtar also discovered this.He had just discovered the grotesque. After breaking through the blockade of a residential building, two civilians were evacuating on his path.With the speed and strength of that grotesque, it is possible to kill two civilians, but the problem is that the grotesque completely ignores them.

"They seem to be finding a delicate balance."

Squinting his eyes, silver stigmata appeared in Gerost's eyes. He wanted to find clues from these traces, but the God of Falsehood was also an ancient god after all, and he was also Gerost's creator. After a while, Jie Lost rubbed his dry eyes and gave up the idea.

"Let's go."

Heaving a long sigh, he carried the giant crossbow on his back. Gerost's arrows were almost exhausted at this time, so he had to make some improvised for emergency.He figured out the direction and was about to head for another street.

An ethereal, noisy humming sounded.

Time froze.

First there is the black sphere, which contains an abyss that swallows light. It is only the size of a fist and floats in mid-air, making everything around it lose its color.Then, he stretched out his "hand".

It was a black treacherous tentacles that seemed to be solidified in liquid.Gerost could not describe in words the madness and magic of the spiral pattern on the black tentacles, he could only watch it gently touch the unaware soldier in front of him.

In the next second, like a distorted picture in a phantom drama, the soldier was polluted by a halo that could not be seen directly. In an instant, the soldier disappeared into the air without leaving any traces.

This is just the first.

Then, the black tentacles tore apart, and they appeared directly behind all the city defense forces like ghosts that did not exist in this world.He raised his hand slowly, and the black sphere grew countless crying or laughing, ferocious or painful, or crazy cheeks, and soon he appeared.

Standing up slowly, the hypocrisy has swelled into a sun-covering monster, the body is covered with crazy lines, and his head turned into a bloody and mutilated sheep's head.He stood behind hundreds of city defense troops, and the different faces on his body all showed holy rays of light.

Tearing off the two horns on his head, ignoring the corrosive blood flowing from the top of his head, he pretended to speak slowly:
"Gerost, my most perfect creation."

Hanging the goat's horns upside down, the false body filled with bones and flesh slowly pressed down. At this time, Gerost had completely lost the ability to control his body. He watched the monster like an ancient god leaning over and The goat horn filled with false blood hung down and was placed in front of him.

"Drink, my blood."

"I will make you the sole representative of the Supreme False God."

Ah...wait for me here.

Of course I know, of course I know I'm not a normal human being.

Although he lost control of his body, in just one minute, countless thoughts emerged in Gerost's mind.He never thought of himself as an ordinary lucky person who suddenly obtained professional power at the level of a god bestowed.Because he knows that in this world, everything has its price.

But he never expected that his job as a demon hunter was bestowed by the monster in front of him.

Gerost, who figured out his identity in an instant, smiled wryly in his heart. He never thought that he, known as the grotesque hunter, was actually a product of the grotesque source.

Absurd indeed.

He was right, I was created by him.

How could he lie?
Looking at the horns half as tall as a man in front of him, Gerost felt a burst of absurdity in his heart. At this moment, he seemed to be tearing himself apart.

Weird, so weird.

But he was right.

What he said must be right.

The jellyfish dissipated from midair and left slowly.

"Are you ready?"

In the void, Zhou Li stood among the crowd, without encouragement or passionate speech.He just scanned everyone's faces, finally fixed on Elma beside him, and said in a deep voice: "Remember, live on."

"No matter what, we must live."

"how about you?"

Lin Zi looked at Zhou Li, her golden eyes were full of worries and expectations, Zhou Li didn't tell them what the plan was, but only told everyone what they should do.

No one would be dissatisfied with Zhou Li's behavior of the Riddler. On the contrary, they knew that this was a sign that Zhou Li was ready to put everything on his shoulders.


Zhou Li closed his eyes and let out a long breath.Subconsciously, he gently held the warm and small palm with the hand hanging beside him.Feeling the temperature of Elma, Zhou Li opened his eyes, and a familiar and reassuring smile appeared on his face.

"look forward."

They didn't look into each other's eyes, but Zhou Li knew that Elma had never been separated from him, and the next stage was their stage.

"Looking forward to the battle between Elma and me."

What will happen if you drink the blood of the ancient god?
"My favorite thing to do is say no to you people."

Raising his head with difficulty and opening his mouth, Gerost forced a forced smile and said, "I'll drink it if you ask me to? I'm very embarrassing."

"You want to be my representative, drink it, and you will gain my favor."

The false voice is ethereal, yet painfully viscous.This contradictory feeling seems to be mixed with ice and fire, which is unbearable, but also unrecognizable.

"I reject."

The brain was trembling constantly, as if the brain was also shaking. Gerost knew that he was on the verge of collapse. It took all his energy to look directly at the false body, and every word he uttered would experience needles. A stabbing pain.

"You won't say no."

It seemed a little anxious, but very convincing, and the false voice sounded again: "You have been betrayed by human beings, and this has nothing to do with me."

"It was their decision to betray you. This time, I did not deceive humans."

He was right.

Gerost's face twitched, and he knew that what he said was not wrong.Back then, he and Christine killed the Plague Knight and Death Knight, and contained the attack of summoning the grotesque "One Thousand and One Nights". This should have been a feat recorded in history.

But at a meeting just before Yingnan launches his final campaign against the Arabian Nights, the book appears.

He didn't deceive anyone, he just showed his power to create professionals in front of everyone.Then, the Yingnan government made a rare decision.

The last battle that was originally used to kill the Gospel was changed to make "Arabian Nights" become the battle of the Gospel after the fake death.At this time, Gerost, who had come to the cave where the Gospel itself was hidden, received an attack from humans.Gerost, who had always only fought grotesques, was caught off guard and was stabbed in the chest, and then buried in the cave under the combined efforts of dozens of mages, becoming a victim of this shameful meeting.

This is a complete betrayal, a shameless and heinous betrayal, which even Magnum III would not bother to do.Therefore, the Anglo-South government and Jordan banned the meeting, forcing all those who attended the meeting to sign the highest-level contract. Once the secret is leaked, they will receive an unprecedented blow.

But what they didn't expect was that Gerost didn't die.

The government's order was too hasty, and the mages who were notified at the last minute were not prepared. They couldn't bear the hero who had saved Jordan to die from the betrayal of his companions.So they quietly changed the flow of power when they buried Gerald, and then used the natives to create a fake corpse of Gerald, which allowed Gerald to survive.

After surviving, Gerost, who has always been arrogant and reckless, naturally couldn't swallow this breath. He wanted to take revenge on Yingnan countless times, and wanted to take revenge on those Yingnan officials.

Normally, the following should be a vulgar positive energy story of "the avengers gradually find themselves in the process of revenge, give up revenge and embrace the light".Unfortunately, Gerost may choose to give up revenge, but there is one person who will not.


"Sure enough, you are here."

Gerost, whose body was frozen by the terrifying pressure, heard the voice behind him. He was shocked and wanted to say something, but he was suppressed in place.

Behind him, Christine, who was dressed in red army pattern armor and held a sharp sword and a tower shield, slowly walked out of the shadows.He took off the helmet that was solidified by blood, revealing a scarlet color.Christine lifted her eyes slightly covered by the thick cloth, and said in an unhurried voice, "What? Are you scared?"

"you try?"

To his old friend, Gerald replied angrily and amusedly: "You accompany me to die, don't you?"


Feeling the terrifying phantom in front of him, Christine sighed, and said with a little helplessness: "Just think that Roja and I owe you the last time."

Gerost naturally knew what Christine was referring to.In that meeting, several people reacted extremely strongly. Except for the president of the Berserkers Guild, who angrily scolded everyone and left, the one who reacted most strongly was Roja, a disciple of Gerost.Roja pulled out his long sword in that meeting. If Christine hadn't stopped it in time, the meeting might not be able to go on.

However, there is no such possibility.

Christine, who was well aware of the aristocratic system, stopped the furious Roja. As Gerald's best friend, he only lightly mentioned Gerald's contribution from the beginning to the end.Everyone thinks that Christine has become a qualified general, a qualified and sufficiently cold-blooded politician, and they are also grateful for it when they are happy.Even Roja had always had a prejudice against Christine. It wasn't until later that the two communicated more, and Christine accepted Roja as an apprentice, and the two eased up a lot.

"You owe me a fart."

Gerost twitched the corners of his mouth, obviously there was a terrifying monster not far away, but he had the leisure to complain to his friend: "Do you really think I don't watch anything after I fake my death? Six British soldiers died in the [-]th coup. Every senior official in South China has something to do with that meeting, do you think I'm stupid?"

Just after the meeting, on November [-]st, a coup d'etat suddenly took place. A member of the inconspicuous Radical Party seized Christine's military power, led soldiers into the government conference room, and killed six High-ranking official.This coup caused an uproar in the whole of southern England, and the nobles related to that meeting were all in danger, afraid that they would be the next to die.

However, Gerost, who has been paying attention to the city, knows that all this is done by his best friend Christine.He knew that compared to his frivolity, Christine was a silent active volcano.Once ignited, it is an explosion of destruction.

Before Gerost could make a move, the six senior officials were hung on the city gate.Of course, no one is a fool, and everyone treats Christine with sincere suspicion.But before the nobles initiated the liquidation, Christine became his adopted son in almost a day, becoming his adopted son and avoiding all the liquidation.

But only Gerost knew that Christine was not trying to avoid this reckoning.His real purpose was never to escape.

He thought that he had not killed enough.

"The Grand Finale was indeed put down by myself."

(End of this chapter)

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