This brave man is a scumbag

Chapter 278 Yingnan, the end

Chapter 278 Yingnan, the end

"It seems that we have to pay attention to the previous Gaia."

Stopped writing, Zhou Li took a sip of the milk that Elma handed him, then heaved a long sigh and sighed: "It is said that there is a war between falsehood and Thomas, but no matter when and where we can see Gai Ya's shadow, she left behind much more than I expected."


Also feeling emotional was Elma who was on the side.The biggest gain for Zhou Li from this trip to Yingnan is that he figured out Elma's true life experience - the child of the world.

Not a demigod, nor a so-called Daughter of Time.Elma's true identity is a new life created by the planet's will "Gaia", or in other words, the darling of the world.

"The Land Abandoned by the Gods is actually the cemetery where the ancient gods and the golden law are buried. The gods feared that the remains of the ancient gods and the golden law would infect their kingdom of God, so they abandoned this land. Because of this, Gaia Only the remnants of the soul can be preserved, and we can make arrangements on the land of Yingnan."

Putting the Book of Gaia aside, at this time the Book of Gaia is plated with a layer of silver and gold interlaced seals.After killing False completely, Zhou Li found the Gospel hidden in False's remains and integrated it into the Book of Gaia.The Book of Gaia has changed dramatically after incorporating the Gospels.

"Actually, the hero I wanted to find at the beginning was Mr. Muqi, but because I went to Muqi, Mr. Muqi carried out the god-killing plan in advance, so there was no soul who could come to Yingnan to continue studying the Gospel. Coincidentally, , although Mr. Muqi did not come here, but he attracted me, this is a change beyond false expectations."

Swiping his finger across the cover page of the Gospel, Zhou Li looked at the text with a halo on it, and continued: "But his plan has infinitely approached perfection, and falsehood will make mistakes and want to change it to let me become this hero, help He reaps the souls of the Jordanians."

"And at this time, Gaia exhausted her last remnant soul and sent you and me warnings and items."

The Book of Gaia, the Silver Dagger, and the Ouroboros Bracelet.Zhou Li put these three items on the table, stared at the patterns on them, and said slowly: "She reminded us that all the coincidences that happened in Jordan were planned by others, you and I have been involved in the conspiracy, It cannot be separated. In order for us to get the truth and get rid of the conspiracy, Gaia gave us these three crucial items.”

"By the way, isn't Gerost also related to Gaia?"

Faced with Elma's question, Zhou Li nodded and explained: "The false experiment at the beginning was probably successful, that is, Gerost really has all the weird abilities. But Gaia tampered with the contents of this experiment. As a result, it was she who transformed Gerost's original power, from the power of the grotesque into a butcher knife against the grotesque. This also delayed the false time."

The Book of Gaia that accommodates Gaia's consciousness and can control the grotesque, the silver dagger that can preserve the grotesque soul, and the seemingly useless but most important item-the Ouroboros bracelet that represents the cycle.

It can be said that these three items laid the foundation for Zhou Li to defeat falsehood.Perhaps Gaia had expected this day long ago, so what Zhou Li concluded was that the grotesque origin that even the gods had no way of knowing was probably related to Gaia.

"Gaia's layout seems intricate, but it is actually complicated. After the golden law collapsed, Gaia hibernated in the land abandoned by the gods to repair her soul. When the twelve quarters were established, Gaia used a trick to steal the sky The god of literature who loves mankind has joined the twelve quarters."

"Later, she noticed the false plan, and began to prepare to unite the god of literature to fight the false. Gaia first disturbed Gerald's soul, making Gerald a witcher instead of the strongest grotesque, delaying the false The research process. Then she gave these three items and warnings to you and me to deal with the false Jedi counterattack."

Opening the book called The Book of Gaia, Zhou Li looked at the line "This is the reward for the winner" on the title page, and said solemnly: "She has calculated everyone, whether it is you, me, the god of literature or not." Or it was false, and even the twelve quarters were calculated by her."

"Is she our companion?"

Elma's question made Zhou Li fall into deep thought. After a while, he slowly opened his mouth and said to Elma: "At present, it seems that her purpose is the same as ours, she wants to resist the gods. But it is different. What's more, she doesn't seem to care much about human life or death, or rather, she doesn't care much about the life or death of any individual."

"So, she might be our current partner, but don't pin all your hopes on her."

Elma nodded ignorantly, she seemed to understand, but she felt that her half-knowledge was not good, so she was going to turn on the energy-saving state, that is, after listening to Zhou Li, it was over.

"Gaia wants us to go to the Three Eastern Courts. She said that there are the answers and power we want. At the same time, the God of Literature also suggested that I go to the Eastern Three Courts. Their automatic beliefs may give us a different path choice. "

After thinking for a moment, Zhou Li squeezed his palms, and a gleam of light flashed in his eyes, "But, I'm not going to go directly to the Three Courts of the East."


Elma was taken aback for a moment, then asked curiously, "Why?"

"The gods are still in a state of being shrouded in fog, and we still know too little about them. Unprepared battles can only be fought once and lost once, so we need to strengthen our strength. The intention of the sun and the gods."

"Where are we going then?"

Zhou Li opened the Brave Exclusive, and a world map appeared in front of the two of them.Zhou Li points to a continent, a western country belonging to this world.


When Zhou Li said the name of this country, a trace of nostalgia flashed in Zhou Li's eyes.After he came to this world, because the time was too early, many comrades who fought side by side with him in the previous life have not yet grown up.In the last life, what left Zhou Li the deepest impression was this country named Tarek.

If Magnum and Yingnan are the free America of this world, then Tariq is like a dreamy paradise.Infinite clean energy, a highly developed cultural and political system, high national quality, and a very small gap between rich and poor.The most incomprehensible thing is that this country has real freedom and democracy while having a king. Note, real freedom and democracy.

However, such a country, which can be called a paradise, became the first country to be invaded by the Demon King Army in the previous life.In order to protect the hope of mankind, all the people in this country fought, and exchanged their lives and blood for Zhou Li's escape.As for the royal line of the Tariq country, all of them were killed in the breakout war, and none of them survived.


Although the "Black Queen" did not leave Elma with the memory of her previous life, the instinct of the soul made Elma feel a little warm after hearing the name of this country.

"By the way, where did you just say?"

After patting his head, Zhou Li picked up his pen and continued to record.

"Gaia is done."

Reminded by Elma, Zhou Li thought for a while and continued to write: "After Gaia, there is the god of literature."

The stupidest thing False has done in his life is to regard the god of literature as a fool.

All that is planned by falsehood is planned by the god of literature.

It's like a weird tongue twister, but if you take it apart, it's very clear.

False "plans" are all the results of the guidance of the God of Literature.

From the very beginning, that is, the scene where the god of falsehood and literature first met.

False perspective: The god of literature came to this land abandoned by the gods by boat. His gentle and elegant appearance is not like a god, but more like a scholar.After seeing the God of Literature, False immediately determined his identity as the new God, and began to make contact.

The perspective of the God of Literature: Pretending to sail to the land abandoned by the gods, a monster with no eyes and a strange aura is hiding in the dark to spy on him.

Yes, False thinks that he discovered the God of Literature first, but in fact, it was the God of Literature who discovered False first.He has never thought about why a weak ancient god with observation skills is stronger than a new god who has collected beliefs.

Therefore, the God of Literature noticed this remaining ancient god long before the falsehood began to plan, and also discovered the greed revealed by the ancient god.It was at this point in time that the God of Literature began his scheme.

All the authority in this world is firmly held by the gods, so human beings can't win the observation of the gods, nor can they escape the control of the gods.In fact, the idea of ​​the God of Literature from the very beginning was to destroy himself and return the authority of literature to mankind. This is the hope he is looking for.

The hope that the god of literature speaks is not to imprison human beings in grotesque bodies and let them live in a virtual world.What he wants is for human beings to have a chance to resist, to gain the hope of being able to fight against the gods.

However, a righteous god is very difficult to kill.Except for the God of Nether Death, a ghost that shames the gods, the gods of the twelve quarters can hardly do it even if they want to die.And the most difficult part is to "hand over" the authority to human beings.Simple death will be like the God of Death and Netherness. Although he is dead, his authority has become a law and operates automatically.

To avoid this situation, humans need to "overcome" the existence of authority in the true sense.But in order not to expose his intention to commit suicide, the God of Literature can't pretend to fight humans, and then release the water to be killed. This is easy to be seen by Twelve Quarters.

Therefore, seeing the falsity of being an ancient god, the god of literature constructed a perfect plan to kill himself.Under his astonishing performance, False quickly believed that the God of Literature wanted to find a way to integrate the human and the grotesque, so he came to this continent.

At the same time, the God of Literature began expressing emotions such as "ah, I'm good food", "ah, I'm so weak", "ah, twelve quarters are sb and I'm no exception" all the time, making the pure false true Believe his words.Thinking that Twelve Quarters and the God of Literature are a bunch of mentally retarded, as long as you work hard, you can replace Twelve Quarters, wouldn't it be beautiful.

Under the guidance of the God of Literature, the ignorant falsehood began to plan, and soon, a plan full of loopholes emerged——

Let the god of literature become curious about his own soul, and like a mentally handicapped, hand over the life-saving equipment to the grotesque who has not known it for a few months, and kill this mentally handicapped god with the memory in his soul.

In fact, the god of literature who learned of this plan fell silent for a while.The reason for his silence is because he doesn't know how to act to convince the false that his plan is flawless.In other words, he was afraid that he would laugh when he cooperated with the false plan, and everything would be in vain.

Fortunately, after watching too many detective and acting literary works, the God of Literature used his flawless acting skills to create a mentally handicapped image of a stupid person with many artifacts, allowing falsehood to swallow himself into his soul.

In the end, as expected by the God of Literature, the plan went smoothly.What he will do afterwards is to let mankind overcome falsehood in the future and gain the authority of literature.

At this point, the god of literature is no longer so easy to handle.Although falsehood is like a harmless white lotus in the God of Literature, for human beings, an existence that controls the power of literature and possesses the body of an ancient god is an existence that is difficult to defeat.His headache is how to let human beings overcome falsehood.

In order to give mankind a chance to overcome falsehood, the god of literature planted a seed in the soul of falsehood.This seed will change the nature of the false soul, making him a being who "cannot lie or deceive others".

This seems to just make False become a question-and-answer robot, but in fact, the god of literature has greatly weakened False’s power as an ancient god, forcing False to only use the “literary authority” that he has not fully grasped.It is precisely because of this that in that war, if False wants to use the power of the ancient gods, he must give up Xiesheng.If you want to control Xie Sheng, you have to give up the power of the ancient gods, which is a great weakening.

And the last backhand left by the god of literature to mankind is the true pen of reality.In fact, False thinks he has acquired the real pen that falsifies reality, but the real pen is the soul of the god of literature.At the right time, he will hand over this pen to human beings to deal the most fatal blow to falsehood.

"Falsehood is in the hands of the god of literature."

After writing the last character, Zhou Li said softly to Elma: "From now on, all of this looks like a farce of the three gods, but it was this farce that destroyed a human civilization."


Elma, whose mouth was full of biscuits, whimpered twice, then she reacted, nodded, and agreed with Zhou Li's words.

"The god of literature, the ancient god of falsehood, and Gaia, the will of the world."

Seeing the three who changed Jordan's name, Zhou Li sighed and closed Brave Exclusive.

Zhou Li looked out the window, the weather in Jordan was no longer clear, dust and smog still shrouded the city that had just experienced a devastating war.

However, Zhou Li heard people's cries to rebuild their homes, he heard the voice of people chanting beside the martyr's tombstone, he also heard the raindrops falling on the sea, and the heavy breathing of the witcher standing on the sailboard.

The nib rubbed against the paper, and the traces of ink smeared on the blank paper.Congregants of the Church of Literature came and went, their heads held higher than before, their eyes brighter, their backs straight.

In the war, six evil Toreya squatted on the bell tower, Magnum III's serious face in the communicator was full of rare worries.Lia Ke on the side tidied up the surrounding vines and carefully cleaned up the debris.

Don Quixote holds flowers and stands in front of the Guardian Shield Legion. She rides a white horse and wears silver armor, preparing to escort her fallen comrades back home.

The Lin family sisters and the Al brothers and sisters counted the losses after the war. Linghai was responsible for quickly passing the information, and she was also responsible for taking care of Kaya and taking her to relieve boredom.

In the darkroom of the Hunter's Guild, Alpha stared blankly at the silver crossbow in front of him.He restored the treasure that belonged to the demon hunter, but he couldn't restore the soul that was stripped by him.

Noxxa was topless, constantly exercising his body.In this battle, he understood that after all the deployments were destroyed, the only one he could rely on was himself.

Ackerman, who had already installed a mechanical prosthesis, smiled and patted Istar on the shoulder. She arched her silver mechanical arm, wanting to prove that she was more flexible than before.Ishtar didn't speak, he was just smoking a lit cigar, the smoke blocked his drooping eyes.

Standing up, he gently hugged Elma into his arms, feeling the tenderness that made his heart feel at ease.Zhou Li is very grateful to this city at this time, thanks to this city for letting him and Elma's soul be closely linked, even if this city once became his own purgatory, he still thanks Jordan.

Goodbye, Jordan.

(End of this chapter)

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