This brave man is a scumbag

Chapter 288 Funeral Journey

Chapter 288 Funeral Journey

The funeral was set up in the sea of ​​white irises at the foot of the mountain.In the solemn and gentle white curtain, Don Quixote and her warriors carried dozens of coffins and walked slowly and heavily towards the cemetery.

There is no sad wind, and no drizzle that makes people cry.The sun fell on everyone's shoulders, and the fragrant breeze blew across their cheeks. Zhou Li stood among the shoulder-to-shoulder crowd, silently watching the dignified and solemn team.

The people of La Mancha may not have received much education, and most of them are just farmers all their lives, but the legacy left by the old lord makes these farmers more simple than their appearance.They kept absolute silence without having learned any etiquette, and everyone fixed their eyes on the eternally sleeping warriors, standing straight.

Soon, Don Quixote's team came to the middle of the road.A few white-haired and bearded old men took a step forward, and the copper musical instruments made ethereal sounds like solitary ducks, interspersed and interspersed among the clouds.

No mourning, no crying.

The family members of the soldiers took a step forward and gently put their palms on the coffin for a few seconds, representing a final farewell.

Don Quixote was at the forefront of the team, with magical lines shining on her shoulders, but this was not a magic circle to relieve her burden.In that blue arc, countless thin threads spread over all the coffins, gathering their weight on Don Quixote's shoulders.

She didn't use the power of a professional, and at this moment Don Quixote's smooth forehead leaked a little sweat, but she didn't pay attention to it, and didn't make any changes.

Don Quixote just continued to carry dozens of lost lives and walked towards their destination.

The solitary bird's long cry stopped, and Don Quixote stood still. 64 boxy voids appeared in front of her.Don Quixote's expression seemed to fluctuate a little, but he quickly hid it.She closed her eyes, and shouted in the loudest and most resonant voice in her life:

The shout of returning home seemed to have startled the wind, and at this moment, the sea of ​​white flowers seemed to freeze together with time.But soon, La Mancha's cry is followed by Don Quixote's.

"Please go home!"

Taking a step forward, don Quixote bent her right knee and half-kneeled on the ground, but her back was straight.She was just saying goodbye to these wanderers waiting to go home, wanting to look at them, that's all.

"Humility, honor, sacrifice!"

As the soul of the Guardian Shield, Don Quixote chose to personally place each soldier's coffin into his tomb.Gritting her teeth, she lowered the heavy coffins into the ground and slowly closed the coffins.

"Courage, mercy, soul, honesty, justice!"

When the last coffin was placed in the tomb, Don Quixote stood in front of the monument and hammered his heart heavily with his right hand.She stared at the 64 names that had burned out the fire of her soul, and her chest continuously produced a scorching breath.

"You fight for justice and justice sings for you."

"The spirit of La Mancha will embrace you, and you will embrace the truth of chivalry."

"You will be with us, and we will gaze at the same sky and continue to follow the eternal spirit of chivalry."

Don Quixote plucked off the white flower on her chest, and the armor made a crisp sound with her movements.Afterwards, all the people attending the funeral stepped forward one after another, silently placed the white flowers under the stele, and then stepped aside.

"Mom, is that Daddy's name?"

A girl about seven or eight years old walked up to the stele. She raised her head, looked at the familiar name, and asked timidly, "Why did Dad write his name on it?"

The eyes of the woman in black plain clothes were red. She gently placed the bouquet on the altar of the stele, then bent down and smiled in front of her daughter.

"Dad is a hero. He went to a very distant place to protect more little pears. He may not come back for a long time."

"He carved his name on the stone, just to let Xiaoli come here to have a look and read his name when he misses him. This will let you know that no matter when..."

The sky is vast, and the sea of ​​flowers is just a white sail.The woman and the girl are like two soft strokes of ink, writing a message on the white sail.

"He will always watch over you."

Legend has it that a farmer was attacked by evil spirits and ghosts, and panicked, he began to run non-stop.He ran for a long time, and finally broke into a cemetery full of tombstones without words.When the farmer saw the tombstones without any characters, he was completely desperate, but he was exhausted and could no longer run. Facing the evil spirits that were approaching at every step, the farmer could only lie in the cemetery, quietly Waiting for death to come.

However, the farmer did not die until dawn.He was surprised to find that the evil spirit kept wandering around the cemetery, roaring crazily, but did not dare to take half a step forward.Curious farmers began to wander the cemetery, hoping to find relics that repel the evil.However, no matter how hard he searched, he couldn't find the holy object to repel the evil spirits.

Until he left, he accidentally found the only tombstone with words on it.He brushed the dust off the tombstone and read the words on it softly.

"Tomb of the Unknown Knight"

"To the exotic knight who gave his life to protect the village, salute."

The tomb of the martyr's crown is frightening to all ghosts.

The funeral is over.

These 64 soldiers who died in foreign lands will become part of the soul of this town, but they will not scar La Mancha.After the funeral, everyone returned to their homes and resumed their work.

Don Quixote, the family members of all the martyrs, gave the most lucrative pension, and the girl named "Laya Pear" and her mother would no longer have to worry about money for the rest of their lives.But Li's mother didn't hold all the pension in her hands. On the contrary, she quickly found Don Quixote, hoping to send Li to the academy and let her study.

With Lin Zi's help, the girl entered a good college in Silver City, where she studied history and arithmetic.That college is not the best noble school, but it is the most suitable college for pears.

Three days later, don Quixote settled all matters.She also recruited the previously trained backup Guardian Shield into the regiment. Because of insufficient numbers, Guardian Shield did not continue the original hundred-man regiment, but only left 50 people.

But this is not a weakening of the Guardian's Shield. On the contrary, all the Guardian's Shields that survived the war in Jordan have advanced. This army led by Don Quixote has twelve brilliant knights. There are even three demigod knights.Except for the newly promoted knights, all the rest are platinum-level guardian knights.

This is a huge boost to Guardian Shield.In this world, individual strength may play a big role in a war, but it is the final decision of each legion that can really establish the battle situation.

A legion is not a simple superposition of numbers. In the entire continent, there are very few teams that can be called "legions", and each legion is the cutting-edge force of the country.Just like the Pioneering Sword Legion that Zhou Li despises, they can contend and even defeat demigod-level enemies on the frontal battlefield.

You must know that there are many gold professionals in the Sword of Pioneering Legion, but with the terrifying blessing of the Legion, they still have the strength to fight across levels.

Therefore, now the Guardian's Shield led by Don Quixote already vaguely has the appearance of the indestructible diamond back then.For Don Quixote, if she can lead the current Guardian Shield back again, she is confident to protect more people and save more people who died in the hands of falsehood.

For Magnum, and even for the entire world, the reappearance of the Guardian Shield is a matter worthy of attention.If Zhou Li is a human-shaped self-propelled nuclear bomb, then the greatly enhanced Guardian Shield is an elite tank unit.They may not have the terrifying ability to destroy, but they have an irreplaceable role for Zhou Li.

"Mr. Zhou Li, I have something to do..."

Don Quixote plans to set up the training ground for recruits in the Twilight Forest. There are monsters suitable for training in that place, and there are also farmhouses as supply points. It is an ideal training ground.

On the way to the Twilight Forest, Don Quixote rarely came to Zhou Li's magic car.With a blushing face, he said with some embarrassment: "I want to tell you something."

Ok? ? ?
To be honest, when the blushing Don Quixote appeared in front of Zhou Li, Zhou Li, who was driving in the black fog, was lost in thought and almost jumped out of the car.

"what's the situation?!"

Zhou Li patted his chest, his expression was more shy than Don Quixote's, "You don't think about your brother, do you?"

"Don't make fun of me."

Don Quixote, who was interrupted by Zhou Liyi and laughed angrily, lost the twitching just now.Zhou Li laughed heartily, took out a can of sparkling water from the trunk of the magic car and handed it to Don Quixote, and said to her in a gentle tone:
"Just say something, your face is really not suitable for thinking."

"You... oh."

The helpless Don Quixote sighed, while Elma covered her mouth with a smile on her face.Don Quixote, who had no sense of tension at all, looked at Zhou Li and said to him, "That's right, I want to borrow some money from you."


This news almost caused Zhou Li to burst the sparkling water in front of Don Quixote. It was not because he was stingy and didn’t want to borrow money. To Zhou Li, money was just a number. It's flowers.However, he felt unprecedentedly shocked by the "borrowing" of "Don Quixote".

It's like Tang Seng came to the daughter country and resisted all kinds of temptations from the daughter king.Just when the readers were bored and ready to read "Tang Sanzang sticks to his heart and left Daughter Kingdom to continue his journey", Tang Seng suddenly lifted his cassock, threw away his Zen staff, married the queen of Daughter Kingdom directly, founded Tang religion, and developed St. Gandhi missile bombing Paradise, unifying the Three Realms and becoming the King of One Piece in the new century is like nonsense.

"Sorry, I know this is an abrupt request."

Don Quixote lowered his head slightly. For her, borrowing money was far more uncomfortable than being beaten up.After all, I have grown up so much, I don’t know how many times I have been beaten for fighting with big geese and roosters, but it is really the first time to borrow money.

"It doesn't matter if you borrow money. Now we don't need anything else, let alone money."

Zhou Li scratched his head, and asked curiously: "But what I'm curious about is, what are you borrowing money for?"


Some hesitated, but Don Quixote still answered: "Aren't you going to Tarek?"

"hold head high."

"When you go to Taric, you will bring the Guardian's Shield."


"Although Tariq has never invaded, their people are born to be warriors in the snow, you know that."


"Tariq holds a warrior tournament every three years in the winter, and I just recruited new soldiers, so..."


Zhou Li nodded, and suddenly realized: "You want to borrow money to lead Guardian Shield to participate in Tarik's annual warrior championship, and you want to train new recruits while improving cohesion and combat effectiveness, right?"

"That's right."

Zhou Li suddenly fell silent. After a long time, he asked faintly, "Then why do you have to foreshadow so much?"

Looking at Don Quixote whose cheeks were suddenly covered with crimson, Zhou Li couldn't laugh or cry.This lady knight rarely socializes, let alone borrowing money from others.It seems that she is unkind and doesn't like to socialize, but only Zhou Li knows...

When don Quixote talked to people, his thoughts would go wild.

In the previous life, Zhou Li once had a drink with Don Quixote.Don Quixote, who was exposed to alcohol for the first time in his life, lived up to expectations. After drinking the second cup, he passed out immediately and began to cry and complain to Zhou Li.She said that once she talks to others, many thoughts will involuntarily appear in her brain.

Just like if you tell her to eat bananas tonight, Don Quixote’s brain will say to her, “Bananas grow in southern cities. Last time I went to Azpiri, the capital of Nea, and saw a stone sculpture. I remember Austa. There is a blue bird on the stone sculpture in Li Square, will it eat blue rice?"

Then, Don Quixote will be stunned, but she will subconsciously keep a straight face, which will make those who want to greet Don Quixote fall into the ice cellar, and finally conclude that Don Quixote is unwilling to communicate with others, A more solitary answer.

"Okay, I agree."

Zhou Li, who quickly withdrew from his memories, nodded, and said to Don Quixote without any hesitation: "Go to Lin Zi to get it for three times the budget you have in mind."


Don Quixote was stunned for a moment, Zhou Li looked at Don Quixote with a confused face, smiled and said to her: "I don't know you yet? Your budget is definitely on the verge of death, can you Save to the extreme, save to the extreme. We are not short of that little gold coin now, don’t forget, sufficient and comfortable rest and nutritious food will greatly enhance the combat effectiveness of soldiers, so take a long-term view.”

Before Don Quixote could refuse, Zhou Li laughed and wanted to step on the accelerator and fly away.But was seriously stopped by the black mist who focused on "safe driving", and finally became angry and let Elma release the black mist to compete with herself fairly under the conditions of not applying strength and attack.

However, there was still confusion in Don Quixote's eyes.

After a long time, Don Quixote lowered his head and whispered in doubt:

"I'm not going to save money..."

(End of this chapter)

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