Chapter 297
"I expected this meeting to be a cordial meeting of old friends."

Victoria unhurriedly walked across from Zhou Li and took a seat. She pushed the coffee in front of Zhou Li, followed by a glass of milk and a can of sugar.She looked at Zhou Li and said with a smile, "Polycandy, a glass of milk, isn't it?"

Hearing this, Zhou Li narrowed his eyes and took the coffee and milk calmly.He exerted a little force, and the coffee evaporated in an instant. Zhou Li poured the milk into the cup, put in a few pieces of sugar, and took a sip.

"You didn't like this kind of sweets."

Victoria's white jade-like fingers tangle the long golden hair, slowly rolling it and letting go.She looked at Zhou Li and said softly, "In order to keep awake, you really like this bitter but refreshing drink. Sweets will make you slack, so you never eat them."

"You've said it all, it's true."

Zhou Li bit the original two syllables, spread his hands and said to her: "Now I need to make up for the days of drinking bitter coffee every day, and..."

Seeing the blond girl with a half-smile in front of her, Zhou Li raised his hand, casually rubbed Elma's blue hair, and then said slowly under the girl's coquettish anger:
"She also likes sweets."

Victoria didn't speak, she looked at Elma, a thoughtful expression appeared on her delicate and lovely cheek.After a while, she slowly said, "Then how did you find out?"

Looking at the curious blond girl in front of him, Zhou Li didn't answer immediately, but picked up the sweetened milk in front of him and took a sip slowly.He put down the cup and said slowly, "You can't see what happened to Yingnan, can you?"


Facing Zhou Li's guess, the creation fragment that "knows everything" shrugged noncommittally, and did not answer Zhou Li directly, but he had already indicated the answer—a fragment of a half-knowledgeable book, unable to see through the ancient gods and new masters. The Great End Realm co-created by God.

"I met an ancient god in Yingnan, and I also met a new god."

Zhou Li thought of the crazy ancient god, and also of the gentle and jade-like man, and continued after lowering his tone a little: "That new god is a god worthy of my respect, not only because of his sacrifice, but also because of his sacrifice." Because he taught me one thing that is so crucial and even determines my future."

"No creature is omniscient and omnipotent."

Zhou Li's answer obviously exceeded the expectations of the blonde girl. Victoria was taken aback for a moment. She looked at Zhou Li with complicated eyes. After a long time, she slowly said, "You have grown faster than we expected."

"That's right, I lied to you. I really don't know you, or rather, I don't have any memory of getting along with you."

The palm of the blond girl gently stroked the gothic dress, and there was a little relief in her red eyes, "At first, after I felt the exclusive atmosphere of the brave, I just thought it was an ordinary brave who came to visit. But when I saw When I got to you, I knew that you were fundamentally different from any brave man."

Victoria paused for a moment, then concealedly and deftly made a gesture to Zhou Li, indicating that Elma who was beside her was also here.Zhou Li shook his head, and said bluntly: "Let's talk, she is more worthy of my trust than anyone else."

After hearing Zhou Li's words, Victoria took a deep look at Zhou Li. She seemed to want to smile in relief, but she couldn't make that expression.Soon, she gave Zhou Li the answer.

"At that time, you obviously had the appearance and soul of a 20-year-old, but with every gesture, I saw the appearance of a soldier who had experienced countless battles and was killed alive from the sea of ​​corpses and blood. This is not in line with common sense, and it does not conform to a half-knowledge. "

Looking at Zhou Li, Victoria said lightly: "When you walk, you swing your arms extremely precisely, with a terrifyingly precise pattern. No matter where the enemy sneaks up on you, you can immediately fight back with your hands free."

"When talking with someone, your eyes will sweep to the other person's throat, lower abdomen, and joints every three seconds. At the same time, your body muscles are always in a state of relaxation and tension, which will make you feel at ease at any time. Adjust the body while keeping the nerves from numbness."

"The moment I opened the door, you subconsciously bent over, returned your hand, and lowered your legs within two seconds. As long as I have any abnormal movements after the door is opened, you can use the most precise and deadly The attack restricts my actions."

"While walking side by side with me, the shoulders close to me are always in a slightly drooping state, and you can attack my throat with a backhand at any time. At the same time, your right hand has never been three feet and two minutes away from your waist. You can draw your weapon at any point and counter me."

When the words came out of Victoria's mouth, Zhou Li and Elma seemed to have seen a machine that was so precise that it was suffocating. Words poured out.

"After analyzing this, I quickly observed your habits. Your eyes stayed on my coffee can for 12 seconds, on the snack stand for three seconds, and other objects such as sugar bowls did not stop at all. At the same time The involuntary gulp in your throat as you look at the can of coffee, and your blinking four times a second in a row, shows that you have quoted the beverages a lot, but have no fondness for them."

Looking at Zhou Li, Victoria's cold expression gradually melted away, and the extremely quiet state just now began to gradually break away, and her voice became a little more vivid:
"Although you are highly alert to me, when I use vague words and a friendly attitude, your actions and expressions prove that you are relaxed and happy. It is easy to draw the conclusion that you know me, and you and I There has also been a cooperative relationship between them. But as a fragment of a half-understood book, I have never seen you, which made me extremely curious."

Victoria's words lost the mechanical sense before, she tilted her head, her eyebrows curved into a crescent moon, her lovely smile formed a strong contrast with the indifference just now, "So, I want to play the role of [Victoria] in your mouth first. , to satisfy my curiosity."

"It's more than that."

A cold chill flashed across Zhou Li's face. He looked at Victoria and asked in a deep voice, "You played my old friend not just for your own curiosity, right?"

"You meddled in what I did, didn't you?"

This is not an interrogative sentence, but a declarative sentence.

Victoria stared at Zhou Li and remained silent for a long time.After a long time, she smiled, as if she had decided on something, and said to Zhou Li:
"Actually, I've already gone crazy."

(End of this chapter)

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