This brave man is a scumbag

Chapter 300 I suddenly let go of the smile

Chapter 300 I suddenly let go of the smile
On the second day after the arrival of the Second Legion, Torea also came to Duskwood.

In fact, she was ignorant at the time, and she was suddenly thrown into Zhou Li's camp by Magnum III out of nowhere. This was something that should be angry, but Toreya noticed that Magnum III and Zhou Li Li's dirty deal made her have mixed feelings and emotions for a while.

Torreya also knew that Magnum III would not harm her. On the contrary, he must have had his intentions in throwing himself to Zhou Li's side, and it was probably beneficial to him.But the problem is that all this happened too suddenly, and I, who had been eating melons, suddenly became a fresh and sweet melon, and no one could handle it.

But Torreia still accepted this fact. Of course, Magnum III, like Zhou Li, hated the Riddler the most in his life. , Magnum III summoned her.

"I know you're uncomfortable."

Magnum III lowered his eyes slightly, and his shoulders drooped a little.In fact, Toreya had never seen Magnum III like this before. In her impression, Magnum III had to look straight into each other's eyes when talking with anyone, and his body was as straight as a tight bowstring. Let him be full of majesty on weekdays.But today, he seems to be avoiding himself on purpose.

"The decision this time is indeed a bit sudden."

Looking at Torea who was frowning and wondering what she was thinking, Magnum III said slowly: "The time is too short, I don't have time to inform you."

"You wanted to send me to Zhouli before, didn't you?"

Torreya raised her head, a trace of doubt flashed in her crimson eyes, "Why? Aren't you hostile to him?"

"No, we are no longer hostile."

Magnum III shook his head, and said lightly: "He, like me, is a person who pays attention to interests. When there is no conflict of interest between us, we are friends."

"Is this considered a friend?"

Thinking of the exact harassing phone calls in the past few days, and the portrait of Magnum III hanging behind Zhou Li in the video, a look of astonishment flashed across Torea's face, "You and Zhou Li are also friends?"

The pure-hearted Torea attaches great importance to the word friend. In her eyes, Lia Ke's company like spring breeze is the real friend.

Zhou Li?Magnum III?

What kind of tornado must be able to blow this kind of friendship.

"No, the friend I'm talking about is different from the friend in your heart."

Magnum III shook his head and explained: "The emperor's friends only have the concept of interests. Those who are beneficial to me are my friends, and those who have no interest in me are strangers, and they have conflicts of interest with me." Yes, that is my enemy."

Hearing this, Torea was stunned.

Wow, his concept of friends is so pure.

The collision of two extreme and pure concepts of friends shocked Torea greatly. She thought of something, and a trace of hesitation flashed in her eyes. Then she raised her head and asked hesitantly, "Then am I your friend?"

"No, it's not."

What Toreya didn't expect was that after a moment of silence, Magnum III, who couldn't see clearly, shook his head and said slowly: "You are not my friend."


Tolia was stunned, she was not disappointed, just puzzled.Obviously, I have an interest in Magnum III, and it is also beneficial to Magnum, but why am I not his friend?

An indescribable expression flashed across Magnum III's old face, and he looked at Torea, with some hope in his cloudy eyes.

"I don't want to use benefits to describe you."

After a long time, Magnum III spoke, and an old and hoarse voice sounded, "You are my only sustenance."

Hearing this, Torea was a little dazed, and she could hear the exhaustion in Magnum III's voice, which was an expression she had never seen on a man made of iron.

Seemingly realizing that he was wrong, Magnum III lightly hammered his chest, returning to his former indifference.

"The key to becoming a brave man has never been how much merit you have, nor how much prestige you have gained, nor how great your strength is."

Magnum III tapped the handrail with his knuckles, and made a slightly dull voice, "A brave man can perform miracles, relying on approval, twelve quarters, 24 professional unions, and the recognition of the four major countries. Only they recognize you, You can become the second hero."

"You're not like Zhou Li. He has the reputation accumulated by his predecessors, and the twelve quarters under the command of the gods are naturally close to him. He won the respect of Yingnan during his trip to Yingnan, and the 24 professional unions have already regarded him as the savior. Other countries like him because of it. But you are different."

"You are the duchess of Magnum III, and you are political. No matter what, other countries and Twelve Quarters will not recognize you. Even if Zhou Li guarantees you, it will not be able to erase the politics in you." color."

Staring into Torreia's eyes, Magnum III sighed: "Torreia, the gods asked me to train you into a righteous warrior. I admit that I have my own selfishness in it. I want you to go further , becoming the second hero, this will be an extremely difficult road, this is also a manifestation of my selfishness."

Torea blinked her eyes, she wanted to say something, but when she saw Magnum III wearing a tiredness she had never seen before, she suddenly fell silent.

"I said before that emperors don't have real friends, but Zhou Li is different."

Zhou Li, who was full of obscene words, was well-mannered but always carried a hateful eccentricity, appeared in his mind, Magnan III smiled complicatedly, "Even if he wears the crown of the emperor, he is not a Qualified emperor."

"He has feelings, has his own emotions, and has real friends. So, he doesn't care about the crown."

"I don't know what will happen when you are by his side, but you will definitely learn a lot. I have reached an agreement with him. He will do his best to protect you and let you be recognized by other countries and twelve quarters , to become a true brave. All you have to do is to learn."

It seemed that he had talked too much, Magnum III stopped talking, and took a few breaths.He raised his eyes and said slowly: "The dispute between me and Zhou Li at the gate of the city a few days ago was the only chance to hand over you and the Second Legion to Zhou Li under the circumstances of concealing the truth. I didn't have time Sorry to inform you."

When she heard the three words sorry, Torea was shocked.She seldom said that she had been with Magnum III for several months, but she had never seen Magnum III say sorry.In Torreya's impression, Magnum III's mouth was harder than Zhou Li's, and this sentence of sorry was like Zhou Li's change of heart, which made her feel incredible.

"Actually... I have no opinion on your decision."

At this time, Toreya tilted her head slightly, and said, "The order I got was to follow your order. In fact, you don't need to explain it to me."

"Ok, I know."

Magnum III nodded, he was about to say something, but Toreya spoke again:

"But that's not why I listen to you."

Zhou Li's change of heart, Magnum III's apology, if there is one in this world that can rival the former two in rarity, it is Torea's smile.

She exhausted what she had learned all her life and pulled the corner of her mouth.A somewhat weird but cute smile appeared on her face because of Torea's beautiful appearance.

"I think you're my friend."

"How have you been, old friend?"

Zhou Li, who was far away in the Twilight Forest, also met an old friend today.

This old friend can be said to be outrageously old. It can be said that even Lin Zi and Ling Hai are not as old as this brother.In front of Zhou Li, a blue solidified body was sitting on the solid wood sofa, holding a dust bag in his left hand, and a straw inserted into his brain with his right hand, constantly sucking up the flash dust.

"Gululu! Very good!"

It seems that taking this kind of thing that makes slimes very addictive is a little crazy. Dululu, the king of slimes who is proficient in four languages ​​and has super intelligence, collapsed on the sofa, and praised Zhou Li with a Tang-like appearance. : "We, Slime, eat *, * finish eating, this is a great day!"

Looking at the slime king in front of him, Zhou Li couldn't help thinking of the heroic appearance of the slime king who resisted the atrocities of the gods in the Twilight Forest in his previous life, raising his long sword and facing the gods.He looked at the paralyzed King Slime in front of him, who was nothing but smoking, and fell silent.

Does this mean that I made him a plaything and lost his mind?


Zhou Li was at a loss for words. In fact, this kind of slime is the best slime for him. After all, for the boss, an employee who can do things but has no brains is the perfect employee.They don't question themselves, and they can continuously generate surplus value for themselves. Such employees are ashamed of the street lights outside their door if they don't exploit them.

"Forget it, as long as you are happy."

Zhou Li let out a long sigh, and he didn't really want to dissuade him. After all, he knew that this group of slimes dreamed of living like this. For a creature that relies on self-division to reproduce, it is unavoidable. Some are too far away.

"By the way, I came here to consult with you about something."

At this time, Zhou Li realized that he was not a capitalist who came to observe the surplus value. He looked at Dululu, the slime king, and asked seriously, "Dululu, do you know soul glue?"

"hold head high?"

Feeling a little dazed, Dululu put down the bag full of glitter dust, scratched his head as well as his body, and asked hesitantly after thinking for a while: "Is it the kind of miserable green you are talking about, you can put that A kind of glue that holds white wood together?"

"That's right, that's it."

In the Gospel, Zhou Li found a way to separate Kaya from the holy crown tree in her body, and the most important prop was the soul glue produced in the Twilight Forest.But no matter in the previous life or in this life, Zhou Li didn't remember that he had heard this name before, so he had to ask the encyclopedia of Twilight Forest for help.

"Um, why do you want this thing?"

Dululu used the slime's body to vividly express the emotions of "shyness, curiosity, and embarrassment to speak", which made Zhou Li vaguely have a bad premonition.

"I need it to separate an artifact within a soul."

Working hard to organize the language, Zhou Li described Dululu in an easy-to-understand way: "I have a friend whose body is condensed by an artifact for special reasons, and the artifact is also integrated into her body. Now I want to separate her from that artifact, and I need this soul glue."

After listening to Zhou Li's narration, Dululu fell into silence for a while.After a long time, he raised his head (?), and said solemnly to Zhou Li: "The soul glue you mentioned..."

"Actually, I can make it."


A look of surprise appeared on Zhou Li's face, "That's great, how do you make it? What do you need? I'll buy it for you right away."

"Do you remember the White Spirit Tiger at the western entrance of the Twilight Forest?"

"Ang, of course I remember the Bai Linghu that can generate soul fluctuations."

After hearing Zhou Li's answer, Dululu fell into silence for a while.After a long time, he sighed, and said with a broken jar: "Actually, soul glue is the substance obtained after the fusion of the king of slime and the king of white spirit tiger in the past."


I fucking got it, I was blown away.

Zhou Li suddenly felt an unprecedented absurdity. At this moment, he was like Mr. Tree walking in the sunset with a cigarette in his right hand on the field ridge.He felt that the self who asked this question was like the hero who exploded four boxes after death in the League of Legends, the existence of controlling heaven and earth on the playing cards, and the old enemy who wrestled with the tight-fitting black man with the chin in Gotham City.

"No, this..."

Now, it was Zhou Li's turn to lose his language function. He opened his mouth wide with disbelief on his face, "You, this, isn't it, reproductive isolation??? Don't you follow biology?"


Dululu was stunned. He scratched his head and asked puzzledly, "Is this rare in your human eyes?"

"Doesn't this kind of thing have to be done between two different races?"

After listening, Zhou Li fell silent.

Indeed, reproductive segregation can only occur between different races.

But you didn't abide by it either? ?

"No way, we are old friends after all, I will definitely help you with your affairs."

Dululu pulled himself together, patted Zhou Li on the shoulder, and said proudly: "Isn't it just a bite from it? It will take a few days to recover, Zhou Li doesn't have to worry about me, don't worry!"

"Ah good."

Zhou Li, who hadn't recovered from the shock, nodded, then he suddenly realized and asked in surprise: What?Take a bite? "


Dululu nodded, and said with a matter of course: "Let the king of Bailinghu swallow me, and then I drill into the [spirit gland] in his body to alienate the ordinary gel, and the last thing that comes out is the evolved soul glue .”



Suddenly relieved smile.

(End of this chapter)

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