house witch

Chapter 53

Chapter 53


Witches have always had a sense of time. Therefore, the candidates' waiting did not last long. When the scheduled enrollment time came, all the staff at the admissions office were already in place and began to receive the candidates.

Dorothy lined up among the crowd, moving forward little by little, and soon it was her turn.

The admissions officer who received her was a round-faced lady with glasses, who looked very quiet and lovely. The young lady first took a look at Dorothy's overly unrestrained black-skinned hot girl makeup, and the teacher saw it slightly in her eyes. The repulsion of bad students wearing fancy clothes, but in the end they still have professional ethics and didn't say much, just started the process according to the procedure.


Dorothy announced her name.



"Are you applying for a major?"

"Automated Mechanized Civil Engineering Specialization."


The young lady raised her head in astonishment, and glanced at Dorothy, her expression became strange.

"you sure?"

she confirmed again.

"Well, I'm pretty sure."

Dorothy nodded affirmatively.

So the young lady didn't say much, and the self-discipline recording quill beside her quickly filled out a document. Finally, the young lady stamped the document and handed the application document to Dorothy.

"Follow this guide map. Your test location has been marked. It's a bit off. Can you find it?"

The young lady pointed to a map on the back of the document and asked.

"Well, yes, thank you."

Dorothy nodded, thanked her, took the papers, and left.

As one of the top ten famous schools, Brewster Academy still covers a huge area. It is one of the largest empty islands in the Witch Academy. It covers an area of ​​almost 1000 hectares, or 15000 acres. The external area does not include the extension of various spaces inside the campus.

"It's so big. It's the size of Qingbei in the previous life. It really deserves to be a school in the magical world."

Dorothy felt so emotional in her heart.

In her previous life, she was a scumbag, and the university she attended was only a small school. The campus was only a little bit, and it was over after just two steps. Therefore, she was quite envious of the huge campus of other famous schools, and she really wanted to try that kind of campus. From the dormitory building to the teaching building, you need to take the bus.

But in this life, she has a chance to make up for the regrets of her previous life. Although there is still no bus in this magic school, she can fly there by "self-driving".

Well, in fact, there is also that kind of convenient and fast small portal in the school, which can go directly to all parts of the campus, but Dorothy is not grateful for this, she would rather fly there slowly, anyway, it is only a few minutes slower, time Totally in time.

Dorothy took out the newly bought broom from her magic bag, and now that she has obtained the flight certificate, she can fly freely inside the academy.

Still sitting in the good boy's posture, Dorothy rode on the broomstick, clamped her two round and slender legs together, and took off on the spot with a sound of Wuhu.

After the take-off was completed, she relaxed and let go of the broomstick with both hands, looking at the map behind the file.

This is a magic map, using the craftsmanship of live spots, it can be precisely positioned, and it looks very convenient, just like the navigation in the previous life.

All road buildings are clearly marked on the map, and there are two marked points, the fixed point in the distance is the destination, and the fast-moving point is Dorothy's own position.

From the map, the automatic mechanized civil engineering major that Dorothy applied for is indeed a little unpopular, and the location is extremely remote. In a small corner to the southeast of the school, it looks like grandma doesn't care and uncle doesn't love her.

But this is also what she likes. Dorothy, an Internet addicted home girl, doesn't like crowds, she prefers a quieter place. I heard that this profession has always only looked like two or three big cats and kittens. This is really great Oh, maybe she is the only student who applied for the exam this year, wouldn't it be so cool?

When I think that no one will disturb my study, there will be no such troublesome interpersonal communication between classmates, and the teachers of the entire major will have to revolve around her, and a bunch of big bosses will answer any questions I ask. Dorothy was in a good mood when she realized that the problem of her self-study was too inefficient and too slow for a long time was finally solved.

This is the kind of school life she wants. The duty of a student is to study. She must study hard, make progress every day, and strive to squeeze all the stuff out of the stomachs of the teachers of the entire major before graduation. .

The little witch is flying while imagining
After 10 minutes, when Dorothy finally followed the guidance of the map and finally found the inconspicuous small house that was blocked in the middle of tall buildings, she looked at the crowds of people in the yard in front of the house. People, began to wonder if they came to the wrong place.

She took a few steps back silently, and saw the words "automatic mechanized civil engineering major" were indeed written on the door plate at the door of this small courtyard.

But this is not right. No one chose the unpopular major that was agreed upon?This popularity doesn't look unpopular at all.

Dorothy was a little confused, but when she stepped into the yard, she suddenly realized.

"Damn, why did I meet this annoying little fairy again?"

Looking at the vixen, succubus and witch in the middle of the yard, whose every move is full of charm, and her words and deeds are naturally flattering, Dorothy is extremely tired.

No way, little sister, you don’t go to the psychiatry department to study illusion with your talent, so you come here to fight ashes?

Didn’t even learn the good civil engineering dog?
And looking at the other people around here who were all looking at the application documents in their hands on the bright side, but in fact they were all secretly peeking at the beautiful young lady from the corner of their eyes, Dorothy couldn't help shaking coldly.

What's the matter with you guys, choosing a major is a major event in life, can you be a little more assertive, how can you just run away with the lady just because she is beautiful, this is too casual, you guys What is the school for?

However, with a sweep of perception, Dorothy was speechless seeing the crooked melons and cracked dates all over the place.

Come on, the magic power of most people is about the same as hers, which is just enough for the threshold of 1w mana. Generally, this kind of level cannot be admitted to a prestigious school. These guys just came here for a day trip to a prestigious school and try their luck by the way You bastard, it's no wonder that the majors were chosen so casually. They knew they couldn't pass the exam, so they simply came here to have a look at the beauties.

On the contrary, the beautiful half-breed lady who looked like a fairy had a very strong aura, and even Dorothy felt that she was not much inferior to Sophilia.

Come on, not only is the person good-looking, but this talent is also so perverted, it is definitely a real monster, but big brother, why can't you think of your talent to be ashamed?Are you not Qu Cai?

At this moment, Dorothy suddenly understood her mother Euphylia's feelings when facing her unfilial daughter.

This is really hating iron but not steel.

If you have this talent, if you don’t go to the battlefield to expand the territory of the witch world, then you can become a high-ranking official in the government department, even a concubine in troubled times with cholera. You came here to learn to fight ashes?

Tsk, come on, with such a monstrous classmate, the days ahead for me will be miserable.

(End of this chapter)

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