Necromancer cutting down trees

Chapter 82 Investigating the Cave

Chapter 82 Investigating the Cave
The ice hills were originally occupied by snowmen, but after the snowman king took away all the snowmen, a rock rolled down a small hillside on the hill.

A person wearing a black cloak came out from the mountain behind the rock, and the three of them lifted the cloak one by one, revealing their true colors.

"What a waste, there will be no good things when I meet you."

There were many scars on the woman's face, and it seemed that things going on inside were not going well.

Another companion called Hat has a bruised nose and a bruised face, and the green hat on his head is about to fall off.

"Ent, I feel that you have not used your full strength, are you guarding against me?"

The strong man was hunched over, he was so tired that he wanted to lie down, he couldn't even speak, he could only express negation with his hands.

"Miss, do we have two more trials to end all of this?"


When the woman heard what "hat" said, she frowned and walked to the side of the hat, and slapped him on the face, completely smashing the hat on his head.

"What kind of eyes do you have? Hurry up and get to the front to lead the way."

Covering his hurt face with the hat, he turned sideways and looked at the woman out of the corner of his eye, spat out a mouthful of blood into the snow, and returned silently into the snowstorm.

After the three left, a heat wave erupted from the hill behind them, melting the snow at the entrance of the cave.

Then, a few thorns crawled out on the land that lost the frost, and quickly grew and took root on the frozen soil.

After the players got their mounts, they traveled faster. They followed Wang Yue all the way to the west, and came to the small hill of the ice field.

"The team is formed, we only need one healer, let's start fighting immediately."

"Here's a handsome fighter, you'd better bring your own shield, a good tank that can resist beating and block."

"Come three remotes and one milk, I will lead the charge."

After the BOSS battle, the players realized the rationality of forming a team. A team still must have a player who can increase blood, and it is best to have a front row dedicated to resisting damage.

The task received from Wang Yuena is elite difficulty, the players are more careful, and they are more picky about the team members.

"Why did you kick me? We were not in the same team just now?"

"Your output is too low. You rank 70th out of 40 players, and you can't even reach the damage of auxiliary occupations."

At this time, involution has already occurred, and the players are worried that if another BOSS appears, the low-damage players in the team will only hold back and make them take less equipment.

【Hehe, these people are really shameless, they even want us to kick a team member away】

[Ignore them, your captain should not do this]

The number one Maple Leaf team is of course favored by everyone. Some people are already chatting with Kimchi privately, hoping to pay for his position in the team, and even approaching Maple Leaf directly, hoping to replace Persia in the name of a live broadcast fan.

"Unless someone quits voluntarily, I will not kick a player out of the team."

Maple Leaf politely rejected the excessive demands of some players, and her firm behavior was recognized by the live broadcast audience, and the audience posted positive comments one after another.

Wang Yue waited for the players to regroup and let Rogge get off his mount. They had to explore on foot and keep an eye out for enemies that appeared suddenly.

"Rogge follows me closely, this time it's just us, there is no other way."

After the players distributed the loot, the Yeti King's body didn't disappear.

In order to create a green environment for the ice field, Wang Yue asked the living dead to carry away the body of the boss and send it back to the castle through the teleportation circle.

"I hope my mother-in-law, the leather maker, can make me a new piece of equipment. This orange coat doesn't suit my temperament."

In addition to the monster's spoils, all parts of his body are treasures. Leather can be made into armor, meat pieces can be processed into food, and bones can be crushed to become Wang Yue's summoning materials.

Moreover, with a body as big as the Snowman King, the 【First-Order Bone Fragment】 that can be made will definitely last for a long time.

"I can't see what's wrong, but the necromancer map shows that the mission area is here."

There are no snowmen on the hills, only monsters like [Ice Field Boar] wandering around.

The players were scattered all over the hills, they searched everywhere, and finally found the strange cave entrance under the advantage of numbers.

"Look here, there are thorns that only grow in the jungle at the door, the problem must be here."

"Shh, don't tell other players, let's sneak in first."

A team that first discovered the entrance rushed in, and after passing through the entrance closed by thorns, they saw a vast underground cave.

The cave is full of snowmen with brown fur. The difference from the one in the internal test the next day is that the eyes of the snowman are black, and the word "violent" is added before the name.

"Soldiers go first, and we will output after three seconds."

The soldiers in the team rushed to the monster's feet one by one, and then retreated while fighting, pulling the elite snowman into the team.

After three seconds, the output started, and the healing also made up for the lost health of the soldier.

"Okay, very well."

In addition to having higher attack power than ordinary snowmen, elite snowmen are not difficult for a team of five.

It took them less than half a minute to hit the monster's blood volume to 10%, but the danger became apparent, and the monster suddenly glowed red all over, ignoring the fighters in front and going straight to the players outputting in the back row.

"Wait a minute, don't run away there."

The mage who was being targeted by the monster left to interrupt the spellcasting, and fled frantically to the side.

It was his big mistake not to choose to retreat to the entrance. After escaping to the right, he attracted more monsters.

The attack power of the snowman in the berserk state is doubled, and it can be killed remotely with two hits.

The soldiers who lost their support could only escape from the cave. Looking at the players who suddenly lost blood, others quickly noticed the snowman's cave.

Players scrambled to rush in, and started hunting monsters at the entrance of the cave.

Wang Yue took no time to become the last person to enter the cave. His job task was to explore rather than kill monsters. Under the condition that the experience penalty was 90%, he generously gave up the monsters to the players.

"I guess the mastermind behind the scenes is hiding in the depths of the cave, and it will be safest for me to reappear at that time."

When Wang Yue finally entered the cave, three rows of tombstones were neatly arranged at the door, and there were several fallen elite snowmen in the distance, which showed that the battle was very fierce.

"Isn't it? The elite snowman didn't stab to death with a few stabs. Why did the players become weaker after getting the new equipment?"

Wang Yue continued to move forward, just in time to see the Maple Leaf team concentrating on dealing with a jealous elite snowman.

Like the team that came in at the beginning, the early stage went very smoothly. Persia's blood volume hardly changed, and the monster's blood bar was rapidly decreasing.

But when the elite snowman had 10% health remaining, it became manic and directly attacked the furthest maple leaf.

Fortunately, Maple Leaf reacted in time, she immediately turned around and ran back.

Fat Cat and Kimchi also used their skills at this time, and the team wiped out the Snowman as quickly as possible, making its doubled attack power useless.

"The gap between teams is really huge, other players need to work hard."

Wang Yue just stood there and waited for the players to clear the way for him. He would draw his sword to attack unless he encountered an enemy who didn't have long eyes and took the initiative to attack.

The furious snowman could only cause 28 damage to him, and he was stabbed to death by Wang Yue before breaking through Rogge's shield.

"Play slowly, these monsters should have a higher probability of dropping equipment."

While the players are fighting, there are constant heat waves blowing from the depths of the cave.

As the time in the cave got longer and longer, the temperature of the heat wave became higher and higher, which made Wang Yue feel strange.

 On the shelf testimonials:

  What I expect for myself is to finish writing this book by October. If there are no special circumstances in the middle, I will definitely finish it well.

  The last book was written to 50 words without signing a contract, and this book must be written to 150 million words before it can be considered as the end.

(End of this chapter)

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