Chapter 103
This is also because once a certain aura is too strong, it will change the climate and landforms in the long run.

For example, there is a lot of water in Lingnan, because the water aura is stronger than other auras, and in extremely cold places, it is mostly because of the ice aura.

In the desert, it was just the opposite. It was caused by the fact that other auras were normal, but the water aura was too thin.

In the middle land of Yaoze Realm, although the four seasons are distinct, it is very livable, but the aura is weak, and it is occupied by a large number of mortals, forming countries or forces, which are separated and combined under the influence of several great cultivating families.

Langhuan Realm is more complicated.

The aura is overflowing, and it is getting thinner and thinner. Except for a few great fairy mountains and a few righteous sects, the existing immortal cultivating families are getting rarer and rarer.

The righteous way is weak, evil spirits are rampant, and the wasteland continues to expand, eroding the few spiritual veins, and ordinary mortals are struggling to survive.

Most of the group came to Qingcheng for the first time, looking around curiously.

I saw a big pit on the side of the street filled with water. Many men took off their upper bodies to take a bath in it, or simply swam a few laps. By the pit, there were many women, washing basin after basin of clothes. .

Everyone's faces were filled with joy, as if they were celebrating a major festival.

"I thought water was precious here."

Gu Xiang said with emotion, this is what she has been most worried about. After all, although Qingcheng is on the edge of the desert, it is also a large oasis, but the water spirit is scarce, and the water resources are scarce. Will it affect ordinary life? She really very worried.

"Water is very precious!

In addition to being able to call the wind and call the rain without worrying about water usage, most ordinary people here can only take a bath once a year.

Missy, this is just in time for Qingcheng's annual Washing Festival. This is the only day in a year when the spring water here can be used freely, whether it's washing clothes, taking a bath, or even taking it home. "

It's not the first time that the big bell has come, and he knows Qingcheng quite well, so he gave his young lady a general knowledge of Qingcheng's customs and customs.

Gu Xiang was stunned, and asked in a daze: "What about normal times?"

The big clock chuckled and said: "Usually there is a fee for the water here, and those who have money can naturally take more and use it more, even if you soak in the water every day, as long as you have money, it doesn't matter.

But most people can barely maintain the food and drink of the family, and only on the day of the Dixin Festival can they open up and use water once.

Wash it clean. "

Gu Xiang felt uncomfortable, and asked curiously: "Isn't there a Gu family? They are monks, so it's easy to get some water, right? Why..."

Da Zhong couldn't answer, he was just an ordinary mortal after all, he only knew that only when there was a natural disaster, the immortal master of the Gu family would lead water to save people, and on weekdays, he would never have any contact with ordinary mortals like them.

Master Gu's branch had been separated long ago, so he naturally didn't know the reason for it. Looking at his daughter's questioning eyes, he was embarrassed and wanted to say perfunctorily that he would know when he grew up.

Yinghui suddenly said: "Xisha's water aura is extremely thin. The monks in Xisha probably have less water spirit roots than other places, so they are not good at using water. Besides, although monks can call wind and rain and attract some water Although it is easy, it cannot create things out of thin air. Instead, it will consume the small amount of water aura. After the rain, it is tantamount to drinking poison to quench thirst, but it will increase the degree of drought.

Therefore, on weekdays, the Gu family would not use the technique of precipitation at will to destroy the balance here. "

Gu Xiang was fascinated by what he heard, and asked, "Then why is it possible to make a move again in the year of severe drought?"

Ying Hui said with a smile: "Ordinary people are the foundation of monks. Gu's family is kind-hearted, so they went to Lingnan to find treasures such as water spirit stones, or to refine some magical treasures for storage, and went to places with rich water resources. Sheng Wei brought some water over to relieve the drought, but it would not consume the original water aura here.

It’s just that if you really want to change the climate and landform of a place by moving mountains and filling the sea, the cost is too great for ordinary human beings to do. Therefore, you either choose to move to a place with rich soil and water, or you can only work hard to adapt.

The Gu family was able to run and spend manpower and financial resources for these mortals in times of calamity. It is really a rare kind and benevolent family. "

Although there are elements of deliberate flattery, there is also a bit of sincerity in these words.

After all, in the Langhuan world, even the righteous sect can barely clear the snow in front of their own house.

How could it be possible for a small sect to waste spirit stone resources for some mortals?
Being able to send two people to help when encountering evil monsters is already the limit.

When Ying Hui spoke, he didn't lower his volume. What's the point of praising others if they don't let others hear them.

Therefore, the mortals who were not far away were even more attracted by her words, and talked about the Gu family one by one.

Although they have hardly had any contact with the immortal masters of the Gu family, at most they just glanced at them from a distance, but at this moment, they are all honored.

Gu Xiang looked at Ying Hui who was talking eloquently, and was envious again. She still doesn't know what kind of qualification she is.

She bit her lip and began to worry about her future.

Ying Hui looked at Gu Xiang who seemed to be letting go, and said with a smile: "Miss, do you want to watch the fun, or go back home now?"

Ying Hui's question was clever, and the mortals at the side immediately mistook the innocent girl in front of him for Miss Gu's family, a fairy figure, and immediately focused their attention from Ying Hui to Gu Xiang, and the fairy screamed non-stop.

Gu Xiang blushed from being shouted, and gave Yinghui a coquettish look, and urged the camel to flee.

Ying Hui urged the camel to follow with a hippie smile.

The Gu family is in the westernmost part of Qingcheng, backed by the yellow sand, but in front of the door is lush greenery and fragrant flowers and trees.

The tall courtyard, the eaves are flying up.

On the left and right under the eaves in front of the door, there stood two Si Yan in brown robes, looking straight ahead, majestic.

On the couplet at the door, there is a book that reads "There are guests in the hall who can live in phoenixes, and fish hidden in the swamp can transform dragons". It has long been no surprise that these immortal cultivating families used deterrent methods.

The other mortals didn't even see clearly what was written in the couplets, and they felt dazzled at a glance, as if they had fallen into a sea of ​​clouds and fog, and they quickly looked away, not daring to look more.

Before the two Si Yan came to drive them away, the crowd hurried away.

Bypassing the main entrance and finding the corner gate, without the deterrent couplets, everyone finally returned to normal without the feeling of dizziness.

At the corner door, the door is closed.

Everyone jumped off the camel, Master Gu straightened his clothes, cleared his throat, and straightened his clothes for Gu Xiang who was following closely behind him. After confirming that there was no problem, he began to knock on the door.

(End of this chapter)

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