This fairy has some tea

Chapter 110 The Toad

Chapter 110 The Toad

Unlike the remoteness of Ruyi Building, Xiaoxiang Garden is very close to the ethnology, and the two of them don't have to rush to and from school every day.

There is only one thing, for Gu Ruixiang, it can be called a fly in the ointment.

It was this Xiaoxiang Garden that was next to Gu Ruiyue's residence, Guanyue Pavilion, and she became neighbors with the person she hated the most.

Every day when the two of them commute to and from school, Gu Ruiyue will come to him, either forcefully or pretending to be stupid.

Gu Ruixiang was very annoyed.

Ying Hui spent a day at Gu's house, and soon saved enough contributions to exchange for a new secret technique called Luobao Lingshi in the library pavilion of Taiwei Xianzong.

This secret technique is very interesting. After successful cultivation, a jade-colored spirit stone can be bred in the sea of ​​Qi in the dantian.

This spirit stone is not a real spirit stone, but a falling treasure spirit stone. During a battle, if you hit it on the opponent's magic weapon, it can instantly knock down the opponent's magic weapon, making it ineffective.

It's a pity that although this secret technique is good, it has many limitations. For example, only one piece can be condensed at a time in the dantian qi sea. Once used, it will take a day to condense again.

But this secret technique is really special and unexpected, so Ying Hui exchanged it without hesitation.

And although the spiritual objects that practice this secret technique have disappeared in the Langhuan world, most of them are there in Yinghui's several receipts in the Yaoze world.

For those who don't have it, with the help of the Gu family's influence, they can get it together after spending some spirit stones.

On the contrary, it was the three mysterious magic powers that she exchanged first, because of the lack of spiritual objects, she has not been able to practice until now.

The life in Gu's family is fairly peaceful, Ying Hui's status as an accompanist, not only has she not been underestimated, but because Gu Ruiyue and Gu Ruixiang competed for her, it made her look like a rare commodity.

Although she has always stood firm and has no plans to vote for another owner, the more she is like this, the more Gu Ruiyue cares about her.

She also threatened that as long as the two of them didn't sign the companionship contract for a day, she still had the right to fair competition.

The only disharmonious Ziyuan, who thinks that her own lady status is more valuable, wants to overwhelm Luyi in everything, but was beaten by Gu Ruixiang a few times, and she knows how powerful she is, and she quickly learns to be good.

I can't wait to match the Luyi sisters. In Xiaoxiang Garden, a peaceful and harmonious life is passed.

Ying Hui has finally grown from a little bean to a little green girl.

After coming to the Gu family for three years, only his height has grown a bit, but his appearance is still the same as before. If he wears a little dark clothes, he can be mistaken for a young master.

In the past three years, although he was distracted and learned a lot of miscellaneous knowledge, his cultivation level has not dropped. Now he has reached the peak of the fifth level of Qi training, and he may break through at any time.

Of course, her outwardly exposed cultivation was only at the peak of the third level of Qi training, only a little stronger than Gu Ruixiang who had just broken through to the third level of Qi training.

The aptitude she revealed was better than Gu Ruixiang's aptitude. When the two met, they had already practiced Qi at the second level. This speed can be said to be a little slower.

Ying Hui naturally wanted to take care of Gu Ruixiang's face, Gu Ruixiang was also very grateful, only Gu Ruiyue always advised Yinghui not to put too much energy on entertainment, cultivation is the root.

Then, say a few words to Gu Ruixiang sourly, don't always care about your own face, and delay Yinghui's excellent qualifications.

Gu Ruiyue has entered the fourth level of Qi training for a while, and seeing Ying Hui suppressing her cultivation, she felt a little bit of hatred for the lack of iron.

Although Gu Ruixiang was dissatisfied with Gu Ruiyue's people staring at him, he also knew that this would delay Yinghui, and persuaded him a few times. Yinghui agreed and worked hard in private, but he still didn't speed up his appearance.

Now that Gu Ruixiang has grown up, his figure has become more and more slender, his appearance is also handsome, and he is well-known in the Gu family.

Even the aunt who was in charge of the Gu family asked her to meet with her twice.

One time was the sixth son of the Zhang family in Hancheng not far from Qingcheng, and the other time was the nephew of the aunt, also from the Gu family, but the qualifications were slightly inferior, only juniors.

The heirs of the direct branch of the Gu family can continue to stay in the direct branch only as long as their aptitude reaches the middle and lower levels, that is, their spiritual roots are above four inches.

Therefore, the aunt's nephew unfortunately fell into the side branch.

He is a little older, he is already seventeen or eighteen years old, and he looks pretty good, but he looks a bit lukewarm, and anyone who sees him will praise him as a good boy.

It's a pity that I was limited by my qualifications, I started to practice at the age of five, and now I have only practiced Qi at the fourth level.

He knew in his heart that with his aptitude, it would be too difficult to build a foundation even with the help of his aunt, so he simply gave up on this thought, wanting to start a family, start a business, marry a wife and have children, and enjoy the glory for the rest of his life.

But I also hope that my child can return to the direct branch and feel proud of myself. The child's mother should be better qualified.

The descendants of the branch of the family have reproduced for several generations in the secular world, and they have been married to him for five times, and they are under the pressure of their aunt, so he thinks that he is allowed to choose.

After choosing and choosing, Gu Ruixiang was chosen.

One is that Gu Ruixiang's aptitude is fair, and if he enters the direct branch, the aptitude of the child he will give birth to will certainly not be too bad, and his status is no worse than him, so he is considered a good family.

The second is that Gu Ruixiang also has an accompanying practitioner who is more qualified than her. If she marries Gu Ruixiang, then her accompanying practitioner will sooner or later be her roommate?
One's own descendants are more likely to have good aptitude.

The third is that Gu Ruixiang's looks are really good. He was very happy when he met him once. Although Yinghui is still a childish boy now, he has a good foundation, and no matter how long he is, he might be a beauty.

The two have very different styles, and he can be regarded as enjoying the blessing of being equal.

The more he thought about it, the more he felt that Gu Ruixiang was a good match for him.

Afraid that Gu Ruixiang would agree to it if he took one step at night, he immediately went to find his aunt to talk to him.

Although my aunt sees how good her own child looks, she still has reason and knows that there is still a gap between the two sides.

It's just that he couldn't stand his nephew's begging, so he gave him a chance and called Gu Ruixiang to let the two meet.

Gu Ruixiang immediately had the illusion of being bitten by a toad, barely suppressed his nausea, and refused the marriage with a bit of a smile.

Originally, my aunt also felt that the two were really not a good match, but it didn't matter if her own child disliked it, and it would be very distressing for others to say the last word.

Therefore, the scorn that Gu Ruixiang leaked made my aunt take it to heart, and since then, she has been indifferent to her.

My aunt is not the head of the Gu family, but only responsible for the daily chores of the juniors like them.

Although status is not the most valuable, it is also an existence that these little monks without backing dare not offend.

For example, since then, Gu Ruixiang and Yinghui's spiritual food has always been short of weight for no reason. Gu Ruixiang went to ask his aunt to ask for an explanation, but the other party only said that he would investigate, and then sent the two mortals to settle the matter. Then, the spiritual food is still the same, and sometimes it is even simply said that it is all distributed, and it will not be given at all.

(End of this chapter)

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