Chapter 116
That is to say, it either has wood, fire, water, and spirit roots, or it has magic tools of these three systems.

It just so happens that there are relatively few water spirit roots in the Gu family, or even in the entire Xisha.

Even wood-type spiritual roots are relatively scarce.

And Yinghui has all five elements. Although the fire spirit root mutates into thunder spirit root, and the water spirit root mutates into ice spirit root, after the mutation, the ice spirit energy shield propped up is more effective for ordinary Dinghuo pressure production. Be stronger.

And the spiritual power of the thunder element also has a great suppressing effect on the Gengjin Qi.

What's more, Yinghui's cultivation level is slightly higher than Gu Ruixiang's.

Therefore, the key to this trip still falls on her head.

As for the difficulty of catching, Ying Hui has some methods, and her Zen Bing of Yin Yang seal can seal it, but it is inconvenient to expose such treasures.

Therefore, it was still up to Gu Ruixiang to find a way by himself.

Moreover, although Yinghui took advantage of the spiritual root, his cultivation base was still low, especially since his cultivation base was only at the peak of the third level of Qi training, and the difficulty was still at the regional level.

"You don't need to worry about these things, I will prepare things to go into the Zhijin Cave, you can just practice in the past two days.

I know that you have been pressing on the third level of Qi training for a long time, and it should not be difficult to break through. If we can advance to the fourth level of Qi training in Zhijin Cave, our chances of winning will be greater. "

After Gu Ruixiang finished speaking, he left in a hurry.

Ying Hui didn't know what she could do, so she let the blue-eared rabbit eavesdrop for a while, only then did she realize that she had shot a treasure inherited from her family.

Gu Ruixiang moved very quickly, she had to get Yuyaohuo before He Sinian in order to take the initiative.

Ying Hui also naturally increased his cultivation level that was exposed to the outside world, advanced to the fourth level of Qi training, and gave Gu Ruixiang a shot in the arm.

This time, Gu Ruixiang blocked all his wealth, and it can be said that he was desperate.

For his own plan to go home, Yinghui also made up his mind to take this Yuyaohuo and marry Gu Ruixiang to her.

The Zhijin Cave is located five miles outside of Qingcheng, and it is a huge underground cave. The entrance is guarded by the Gu Family Foundation Builder monks all the year round.

I saw that the other party was wearing a casual khaki robe and a beard. He didn't look like a monk, but more like a green forest hero.

The two of them handed over the entrance token they got from Gu's family to the guard hero for inspection.

After passing the inspection, the other party took out two purple cloaks.

"This is the purple fire cloak. If you are injured in the cave and cannot mobilize your spiritual power, this cloak can protect your body without damaging your foundation.

Remember, do what you can and don't go too deep.

In the depths of the Zhijin Cave, not only the Gengjin Qi is strong, but also the Gengjin Beast appears. This beast is formed from the Gengjin Qi. Its teeth and claws are extremely sharp, and it can easily bite through the metalized cave. Cultivators are all targets they like to attack, so pay attention to yourself.

When the purple fire cloak comes out of the cave, it must be returned to me. If it is damaged or lost, you must pay for it.

have you understood? "

The two agreed in unison, and the hero handed over the cloak to the two, and led them to the Zhijin Cave.

It is said to be the entrance of the cave, but in fact it is still a piece of yellow sand. If the Venerable Master did not point it out, there is no difference in this piece of yellow sand.

The two took out the token, and after inputting spiritual power, the token flew into the air, and the yellow sand suddenly flowed, forming a vortex as wide and narrow as one person.


While the hero shouted loudly, he grabbed one with one hand and threw the two of them into the whirlpool one after another.

After that, he clapped his hands, looked at the sky, burrowed into the sand beside him, returned to the cave he created, and fell asleep.

Muttering to himself, he said: "Don't beep if you can do it, look, this one hand, saves trouble, and wastes a lot of lips and tongues."

The two Ying Hui who were thrown into Zhijin Cave, Ying Hui reacted quickly, put up a thin defensive cover on his body, passed through the quicksand safely, and fell into the golden cave.

Gu Ruixiang was not so lucky. She had practiced in the family since she was a child, and she had never really encountered any danger. She was always pointing to the end in spell classes. Therefore, the sudden appearance of the hero immediately made her brain go blank. I don't know how to deal with it.

After eating a mouthful of sand and falling into the hole, fortunately there was a golden cloak protecting him, otherwise he would have been injured as soon as he entered.

"He, he, the senior of his dignified family, didn't he deliberately kill someone, how could he throw us in so hastily!"

Gu Ruixiang, who was in a mess, couldn't help complaining, but also worried that they could be heard outside the cave and dared not really shout loudly.

"Senior knows it well, don't we all be fine!"

Ying Hui pulled Gu Ruixiang up from the ground and performed a dedusting technique on her, finally she was not so embarrassed.

Gu Ruixiang also understood in his heart, but he couldn't help complaining because he was too embarrassed just now.

Hearing this, he stopped making noise and began to look at the surrounding environment.

In the cave, there is a piece of golden, dazzling.

The time to open the eyes is a little longer, and the eyes are a little sore.

Gu Ruixiang took out two small porcelain bottles, one for each of them, and dripped the liquid into their eyes.

A dark gray film was quickly formed on the eyes of the two, and the heavy golden light in the eyes dimmed, and finally they were able to see normally.

The raging Gengjin Qi didn't stop at all.

On the wall of Zhijin Cave that has been metallized, you can still see the scratches left by Gengjin Qi.

Both of them didn't dare to be careless, they continued to go deeper under the support of the purple fire cloak, and didn't stop until the Huangjin cloak was almost useless.

At this moment, Ying Hui keenly felt a weak air flow in the Gengjin Qi flowing through the Zhijin Cave.

Immediately, the alarm bell rang, and Gu Ruixiang was pulled away in a hurry. At the same time, a golden light shone brighter in the original position of the two of them. On the wall behind the two of them, on the golden wall, left a deep scratches.

At this moment, Gu Ruixiang really realized the danger of Zhijin Cave, his feet were soft, and his body was so stiff that he couldn't move for a moment.

Afraid that Ying Hui would read the joke, he pulled out a smile with difficulty, "It's just thanks to you, how did you discover the Gengjin Beast? I didn't notice it at all."

"It's the airflow. Although the Gengjin beast has the same color as the objects in the cave and has the aura of Gengjin, it is difficult to find it, but when it moves, it will still drive the surrounding airflow to change, so we can spot it.

Ah Xiang, you have never experienced this. It is normal for you to not be able to detect it in time when you encounter a crisis for the first time. Adapt to it, and experience the changes in the air flow carefully, and you will soon find the law. "

Gu Ruixiang calmed down a bit, finally it wasn't so embarrassing, Ying Hui was born as a casual cultivator, and had experienced many dangers outside, so it's normal to be more vigilant and have better observation skills.

(End of this chapter)

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