This fairy has some tea

Chapter 121 Goodbye He Sinian

Chapter 121 Goodbye He Sinian
On the only way for Ying Hui to go out, he deliberately chose a very narrow tunnel where only one person could pass through, and set up a spirit-binding net.

The two even went one in front of the other, forming a pincer attack, ready to catch a turtle in an urn.

When Ying Hui's figure gradually approached, both of them clenched their fists excitedly.

While collecting strands of Gengjin Qi and introducing them into his body, he paid attention to Ying Hui's figure, appearing a little careless.

Gu Ruixiang was in front, seeing that Yinghui was less than two feet away from the two of them, he hurriedly sent a voice transmission to Gu Shanan to get him ready.

It's not the first time Ying Hui has met the Gu family. There are quite a few people like them who don't do their own business and pay attention to observe her. At first, they didn't take it seriously.

It's just that as the distance between the two sides got closer, she saw that the young man in front of her had almost completely stopped what she was doing, and the expression on her face didn't seem like she was simply surprised that she could return safely, but rather nervous and excited.

She had seen such an expression before.

In the wilderness, there are always a few novice Xiaobai who have just entered the country, their cultivation base is not very high, and their ambitions are not small.

I can't restrain my greed.

Every time I set a trap, when I want to kill people and seize treasures, I can’t control my nervousness, and I can’t control my excitement when I have already succeeded. I imagine how I can spend it after I get the other party’s storage bag. Use splurge.

These thoughts drifted through Ying Hui's mind, but his steps didn't stop for a moment.

The Yin-Yang seal has landed on his hand at some point.

After Yinghui ran past Gu Ruixiang, Gu Ruixiang's gaze was firmly glued to her body, with an uncontrollable smug expression on his face.

Ying Hui snorted coldly in his heart, this time it was confirmed that the other party had something wrong in his heart.

After the two staggered, Ying Hui had already entered the narrow corridor.

Gu Ruixiang saw that Yinghui had entered the game, so he hurriedly followed her, and stuck closely behind her, telling Gu Shanan to pay attention to the movement.

After Ying Hui entered the tunnel, his speed slowed down immediately. He heard the sound of rubbing clothes in front and back, and the sound was getting closer, so he already had a rough estimate of the current situation.

She stopped and walked, and saw that the person in front suddenly stopped moving, but the person following behind was still pressing on, so she guessed the approximate location of the trap ahead.

She sneered in her heart, as if she had been a companion cultivator in Gu's family for a few years, could she just let them rub her?
This is indeed a good place to kill people and seize treasures.

The two carefully selected a good place, today, let it be your burial place!
The yin-yang seal was turned over, and at the same time as the white halo was emitted, a Gengjin beast suddenly appeared.

Rampage rushed forward.

As soon as the Gengjin Beast rushed over, a spiritual net suddenly emerged from the cave wall, as if it had eyes, and instantly engulfed the Gengjin Beast.

Moreover, the spirit-binding net was tightened even more quickly, and within a few breaths, the Golden Beast was strangled and exploded.

Ying Hui's eyes flashed a cold light. These two people were really cruel and ruthless, and they didn't leave any leeway when they made a move.

Gu Shanan was overturned by the Gengjin Qi blasted by the Gengjin Beast, and roared angrily: "How can there be a Gengjin Beast here? Gu Ruixiang, you idiot, you actually let the Gengjin Beast in!"

At this point, the plan of the two was completely exposed, Gu Ruixiang only felt wronged, whether there was a Gengjin beast passing by his side, and he was not blind, so how could he not know.

This Gu Shan'an really would be the first to sue the villain. It was obviously his mistake, but he let himself bear the blame. Could it be that he wants to monopolize Ying Hui's treasure?
Hmph, don't think about it!

The two had their own ghosts in their hearts, but Yinghui had already shot again.

White light rippled, and the overwhelming Gengjin beasts galloped out.

But after meeting each other, the two who were still complaining to each other just now were left with a dead body and rotten flesh, and they couldn't even utter a scream.

The magic weapon storage bags that he carried with him were scattered all over the place.

Ying Hui didn't take a look at it, and just took back some of the Gengjin beasts that hadn't had time to run far.

These Ruijin beasts have just been sealed by the Yin-Yang seal not long ago, and they have not yet been refined. If they run away, they will not be taken back. Ying Hui is very sorry.

The belongings of the two people on the ground are absolutely untouchable, no matter how well they are hidden, as long as one thing is missing, the death of these two people will change from "accident" to man-made.

After all, the Gengjin Beast doesn't know how to hide things cultivated by people.

Ying Hui thought for a while, activated the Yin-Yang seal, condensed a Gengjin beast into a liquid, and then picked a depression on the cave wall and poured the Gengjin liquid into it.

After cleaning up the traces of his stay here, he left this place immediately.

And not long after she left, the group of scattered Gengjin beasts gathered again, scrambling to lick the little Gengjin liquid.

Every time you lick a little bit, the golden light on your body will deepen.

When the Gu family sensed that there was something wrong here and rushed over, they only saw the mess all over the floor, and the Gengjin beasts that hadn't completely dispersed yet.

Whoever had never seen anything bloody, couldn't help but feel his chest throbbing and vomited wildly.

But at this time, Yinghui's spiritual power of even the fire bracelet on his body was completely exhausted.

Liu Xianqun and other treasures were put away by her long ago, and one after another of the cultivation pills was stuffed into her mouth, but the protective barrier that was propped up was still intermittent and could not be maintained all the time.

No part of the body or face is intact?
The purple fire cloak has long since been torn apart by the powerful Gengjin Qi.

She just walked step by step like this, as if returning from a bath of blood.

Fortunately, there is no Gengjin beast at this time, otherwise, for the sake of his own life, Ying Hui would have to take out his treasures to resist even if there was a risk of exposure.

As time passed, Gu Ruixiang paced back and forth in the cave anxiously.

Standing on tiptoe, he kept looking inside.

It's been too long, too long.

It's already a full quarter of an hour overtime.

She no longer expected Yinghui to appear in front of her beaming with Yuyao.

All she wants now is for her to come back alive.

But as time passed, she became more and more desperate.

Without the fire bracelet, the purple fire cloak wouldn't last long in the depths of Gengjin Cave, and it would definitely be damaged.

With Yinghui's cultivation base, how can he withstand this strong Gengjin Qi?

"Gu Ruixiang? Why are you here?"

The sudden voice of questioning suddenly sounded, startling Gu Ruixiang, and turning around quickly, he saw many people coming behind him at unknown time.

And the one who just spoke was Gu Ruishuang, the granddaughter of the former patriarch with a rich dowry according to legend.

Gu Ruishuang was only sixteen years old, and she was the age of Huajiao. When she stood still, she had a special style, which made people feel regretful every time they thought of her long or short legs.

And half a step ahead of her was He Sinian who had met Gu Ruixiang once.

He Sinian was a little pleasantly surprised, when he met Gu Ruixiang at this moment, thinking that maybe Gu Ruixiang might have come for himself, his heart became a little sweeter.

(End of this chapter)

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