This fairy has some tea

Chapter 125 Dowry

Chapter 125 Dowry
When the golden wu sank, Gu Ruixiang seemed to have finally remembered that she still had a sick case, and came in shyly.

That little daughter-in-law is even worse than Tian Nuannuan back then.

"Have we talked about it?"

"Well, Cousin Si Nian said that after he returns to He's house, he will formally send someone over to negotiate marriage, let me wait with peace of mind.

I went to see Aunt Shanyin just now, and Aunt Shanyin was quite satisfied with me and gave me a meeting gift. "

"A meeting ceremony? What is it?"

"A magic jade hairpin, Aunt Shanyin said, this is a dowry gift she got when she married into the He family."

"Hey, the ugly daughter-in-law met her mother-in-law, no wonder her face is full of love.

But, is there anything else you haven't said?Why do I feel that your spring heart is a bit too much? "

Previously, although Gu Ruixiang wanted to date He Sinian, he was actually anxious about getting married and having children in the future.

I don't even know if I can attack Foundation Establishment like her future mother-in-law Gu Shanyin.

But at this moment, the vague worry before has long since disappeared.

With a happy face, if there is nothing else, it will be a ghost.

"Yes, it's my cousin Si Nian who said that it is very difficult for Aunt Shanyin to cultivate after giving birth, but if she doesn't build a foundation and only have a hundred years of life, her family, especially his father, can't accept it. The mother builds the foundation.

But he didn't want me to suffer like this in the future. He promised me that after we got married, he wouldn't consummate the house with me, and he would wait until I established the foundation.

As for heirs, if you really want them, you can go to find the pregnancy fruit, or the childbirth pill, there will always be one. "

It turned out that she had even planned her future. Although taking Shengzi Pill to conceive and give birth would affect her cultivation, it was much less harmful than giving birth during the Qi training period.

When the clouds and mists are cleared, the light is seen, and the willows are dark and the flowers are bright, another village. No wonder Gu Ruixiang is so beaming.

"They want Aunt Shanyin to practice. If you marry into the He family, will you..."

"Don't worry, I understand what you mean. Although the situation of cousin Si Nian's family has not been very good in recent years, they still have some savings. Besides, if I marry into the He family, I will become the He family. They all receive the monthly regulations of the He family.

Enough for my daily training expenses.

The He family is a first-class aristocratic family, and this month's spiritual stone alone is already several times what the Gu family gave.

Even if Cousin Si Nian isn't that kind to me, even if he changes his mind in the future, it won't be a loss if I marry him. "

There is indeed some truth. Anyway, in the Gu family, there is only monthly income, and there is no other income. If it is the He family, how can it be a loss.

Maybe it was He Si Nian, or maybe it was Gu Shanyin who greeted the Gu family in advance. From this day on, Gu Ruixiang's treatment changed drastically.

Before the He family proposer came to the door, the Gu family had already started tailoring Gu Ruixiang's clothes, including three sets of cassocks.

And Ying Hui, as an accompanying cultivator who will definitely follow, also got a bargain, and then got a set of cassock.

The monthly cases of being detained for damaging the purple fire cloak are also issued as usual, and so on, too numerous to mention.

Xiaoxiang Pavilion is even more crowded, Ziyuan's head is raised high, and she is always elated.

Gu Ruixiang is unwilling to offend anyone at the last minute. Although she is tired of people coming to her door every day to flatter her, there are many casual practitioners who are well educated and educated. go home.

Flattering was fine, but Gu Ruixiang was impatient and patiently listened to those nonsense that said Yinghui was not good, her aptitude was too good, and might push her down in the future, so she just let Ziyuan drive her away.

Ying Hui was much more relaxed. He hid in the room and cleaned up all the red meat balls he got in Zhijindong with the detoxification pills dissolved in liquid, and then checked everything.

Not to mention commonly used things such as pills, talismans, etc., what Yinghui cares most about is a faceless puppet.

It's a bit like the puppet of the He family in Xisha in the legend.

The material of the doll is milky white, but the material is neither gold nor jade, and you can smell a faint lotus fragrance when you get close.

Could it be made of lotus root?
However, no matter how Yinghui fiddled with it, recognized the master with a drop of blood, or used the imperial envoy formula he had learned, he couldn't make this little puppet move.

Ying Hui had no choice but to put it away temporarily, and when he got back, he would ask Ying Rong and the others if they recognized him.

When Yinghui's traumatic scab gradually fell off, leaving only a darker tender red scar, the Gu He family had already discussed the wedding date.

And gave two places to enter the secret realm as a dowry.

The Gu family originally planned to reserve these two places for the geniuses of the Gu family to practice. After all, it is the He family's secret realm quota, so how bad is it?
And Gu Ruixiang is about to marry into the He family, so what is missing is the secret realm?

Gu Ruixiang didn't want to tear himself apart with his family, but he just thought that it was okay for him. Yinghui helped him so much, but he couldn't give her anything to thank her, so he argued hard, wanting to leave a spot for Yinghui to enter go around.

He Sinian secretly sent her a map of the secret realm, saying that as long as they were not greedy and walked around the periphery, it would be safe and they could get something.

Moreover, in the secret place, the scenery is beautiful, which is very different from their Xisha scenery, and it is an excellent place for vacation and relaxation.

The Gu family disagreed at first, but after inquiring from many sources, they confirmed that there were not many special treasures in it except for some monsters. If he could be casually offered as a dowry by the He family, it wouldn't be too expensive after all.

After a few days of ink blots, I still agreed.

Gu Ruixiang took the map of the secret realm, the talisman elixir recently given by the Gu family to Yinghui, and even the meeting gift from Gu Shanyin that day, and the bracelet that dreamed of enduring three blows from a monk in the late stage of Qi training, all for her to wear. up.

"Although Cousin Si Nian said that there is no danger in the outer area, one must be careful, after all, there are many monsters in the secret realm, and no one knows if there will be any monsters that do not stay on their own territory and come to the outer area.

After you go in, you must be careful, and don't be competitive. I let you go this time to let you relax. The scenery there is good. You are free. Come with me to the Gu family, and you have been nesting in this small world. Lian Qing Sha Ying Chong outside the city said that they would go to see it together after my cultivation base has improved, but they didn't go.

She's about to marry into the He family, so she probably won't be able to see it.

You should have fun this time, and if you encounter treasure, don’t fight with others, safety is the most important thing. "

Gu Ruixiang kept tidying up, Ying Hui felt that he was becoming more and more like an old lady, and followed the person sent by the He family to pick him up as if fleeing.

With her was Gu Ruinan, the fourth son of Gu who had just entered Gu's house.

(End of this chapter)

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