Chapter 128
For example, in the one she chose, when she is about to reach the finish line, there will be the Red Flame Tiger who is extremely vigilant and also extremely aggressive. Even if she is in the late stage of Qi training, she may not be able to gain benefits from the opponent's hands .

She originally wanted to avoid it, but this route leads to cliffs to the left, and the more ferocious and sharp frost sculptures to the right.

It can be said that it is inevitable.

But with Pei Lan around, it's not a big problem to escape.

So she had no choice but to bite the bullet, maybe she was lucky, and she happened to meet the He family on this route, and hunted away all the monsters in advance?
Thinking of Yinghui, he felt even more regretful that he hadn't been able to establish a relationship in advance, and asked how the He family got away.

Brother Baicai and Brother Jinzhu, who left last, fell into the woods after flying for a while, and disappeared. Who knows which direction they are going?

Ying Hui couldn't keep up even if he wanted to pick up the bargain.

Ying Hui sighed, set the route, gathered his treasures, talismans, pills and other things on his body, and put the Liuxian skirt under his clothes, and then started on the road.

If this route goes down smoothly, it can be reached in about ten days.

If there is a delay of a few days, half a month is enough. The secret realm will be open for a month, and Yinghui thinks it should not be a big problem for her to arrive at the White Tower early.

It was indeed smooth at the beginning, relying on the Qianyuan Invisibility Technique and the Five Elements Hiding Breath Technique that she exchanged at Taiwei Xianzong, she went very smoothly.

But in three days, one-third of the distance was gone.

The cultivation level of the monsters in front is slightly lower, and most of them are only at the beginning of the first level, so it is easy to hide, and it is normal to walk faster.

The next journey is not certain, for example, she has encountered two mid-qi training monsters one after another.

Originally, Ying Hui was prepared because of the map, although he spared a little way, he still avoided it smoothly.

But before she had time to catch her breath, she was caught off guard by the sudden turn of events.

Seeing a Yuntu pig suddenly appearing in the territory that should be Shexianglu, with blood stains on the corner of its mouth, it suddenly rushed towards her.

Yinghui's six senses are much farther away than the perception of the divine sense, but she preconceived that the movement here is the movement of the Shexiang deer, and the Shexiang deer has a gentle temper and rarely initiates attacks on people, so she didn't care. By the time she realized that the smell was wrong, Yuntu Pig had already spotted her.

I saw that Yuntu pig pushed its nose towards the ground while running, and a row of soil thorns came out from the ground. If Ying Hui hadn't been able to hide quickly, his heart would have been terribly cold at this moment.

Seeing that Yinghui was dodging, the Yuntu pig turned around with great agility with its clumsy body. Long soil thorns emerged from its head, and rushed towards Yinghui.

Good guy, if you don't give Yinghui a pair, this Yuntu pig seems to be unwilling to give up.

Ying Hui shook his hand, and the ice silk threads scattered into a web, covering the Yuntu pig's head, and the Yuntu pig looked like a small bug stuck in a spider's web.

No matter how hard you struggle, you can't escape.

The Yuntu pig let out an angry "humming" sound, and then saw the pig hairs all over its body stand up suddenly, shooting out from its body like silver needles.

Ying Hui is very familiar with the monster Yuntu pig. When it was bristling all over its body and was about to die, it had already summoned a defensive shield.

When the small shield was infused with spiritual power, it quickly enlarged and firmly protected Yinghui's body behind him.

"Dong dong dong", pig hairs hit the defensive shield like fine hailstones, and after being intercepted, they fell to the ground one after another with "patta pata".

It's just that although the pig hair was blocked, after the pig hair shot out, the powerful impact forced Ying Hui to retreat again and again.

Hao Xuan couldn't even use the defensive shield normally.

Amid the ear-piercing wailing of the Yuntu pig, Ying Hui finally waited until the sound of "dong dong" completely disappeared, and poked his head out, only to see that the outer skin of the Yuntu pig had been marked by the tightened ice silk net.

Ying Hui felt the spiritual power in his body was constantly passing away. The defense of the Yuntu pig was indeed extraordinary, and it was impossible to expect Bingsi Suo to kill it directly.

The butterfly dart flew out suddenly, as if dancing lightly, passed through the gap in the ice silk net, and landed on Yuntu pig's neck.

Seeing the blood spraying out, the Yuntu pig struggled and rolled frantically, and after several times almost broke through the ice silk net, it gradually died out.

After checking to make sure it was completely dead, Ying Hui dragged his tired body to take back the ice silk rope and butterfly dart.

The Yuntu pig's corpse, Ying Hui was not polite, and put it away directly, the hair was all off, if you don't roast it and eat it, you will be sorry for Yuntu pig's painstaking efforts.

I also quietly set a small goal in my heart, and I must find a good physical exercise method, preferably one that can increase strength.

If this person is very talented and powerful, take a powerful magic weapon like moving the mountain seal, and with a "snap", the bones of the earthy pig can be smashed directly, so how can you be so embarrassed like yourself? Almost exhausted.

After cleaning up the blood, he chose a fairly hidden place, swallowed the elixir, and quickly recovered his spiritual power.

In the secret realm, dangers are everywhere, and she must try her best to keep herself in the peak state.

And this Yuntu pig seems to be the beginning of Yinghui's bad luck.

The next road is getting more and more difficult, either the species of monsters has changed, or the number has changed.

Especially after meeting two majestic white tigers in a mountain, Ying Hui's mentality collapsed.

It is said that one mountain cannot accommodate two tigers, unless there is one male and one female.

These two huge white tigers are like this.

The tigress was particularly irritable, and Yinghui's ears were numb from the roar.

These two huge white tigers are the peak existences in the middle of the first order. If there is one, Yinghui can handle it. If they fight together, Yinghui will directly shoot several magic amulets on his body, and go all the way.

The two huge white tigers flew away when they saw the fresh rations in their mouths. Where can they be Kenyi, they caught up after a few jumps.

While Ying Hui was running hard, she kept an eye on the movement behind her. Just listening to the sound, she could find that the distance between the two was shortening rapidly. As long as there were a few more jumps, she could be crushed under her feet.

Yinghui had already touched the spirit beast bag, but at this moment, he heard a sound of piercing through the air, and shot towards her, but the target was not facing her, so Yinghui's hand touching the spirit beast bag shrank again. back.

At the same time she withdrew her hand, the tigress following her fell down, and the other male tiger also fell to the ground with the second sound of breaking through the air.

Ying Hui didn't stop immediately, but ran a little farther away, lest the two huge white tigers were dying and hurt her poor little girl by mistake.

After she stood still, a person flew out from the source of the sound of breaking through the sky. He was also wearing Mosong cassock, but he looked like a man and a woman, and was extraordinarily beautiful. younger brother.

 Thank you for your reward

(End of this chapter)

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