This fairy has some tea

Chapter 161 The golden light on the ground, success

Chapter 161 The golden light on the ground, success
Ying Hui suppressed the agitation in his heart, and dropped a piece on the chessboard. After the chess piece's cultivation had grown to the sixth level of Qi training, which was consistent with his current cultivation level, he would use the body of the chess piece to experience the golden light technique.

As long as she wants to use her spiritual sense to control the chess pieces, and then send out her spiritual sense to fly against the light, this understanding is not as clear as she came directly. What's more, she has no smoke and wind, so she can't use the chessboard to copy and protect the chess pieces. god.

Therefore, the scorching stinging pain haunted her over and over again, disturbing her mind.

If it wasn't for the stone beads protecting her consciousness, perhaps she would have given up long ago.

The chess pieces have failed again and again, but Yinghui has no intention of giving up at all. One after another, the chess pieces fall one after another, reappearing next to Yujian again and again.

When No. 20, when the transfigured jade slip dissipated, Yinghui's toes finally moved for a moment following the golden light.

Ying Hui was overjoyed, his face turned pale and he fell down again.

The second time on No.20, golden lights burned one after another, and Ying Hui was able to move with the light.

No.20 three times, Ying Hui was able to fly away with the golden light in the void of the jade slip.

No. 20 four times, Ying Hui was finally able to control Jin Guang, and turned a corner according to her idea.

No.20 five times, 26 times, 27 times...

Ying Hui no longer knew that this was the first time she had dropped a piece on the chessboard. Her fingertips kept shaking, and the dropped piece was even crooked and far away from the jade slip.

But when her consciousness entered the jade slip, she was able to command the golden light to fly as she wished, just like the monk she had seen before.

Ying Hui put away the chessboard, pressed the swollen eyebrows, took another jade bottle in front of him, and poured out a calming pill.

This is when Ying Mo saw that her primordial spirit was in turmoil, and after taking one for her, she gave her the whole bottle.

Only that one Anshen Pill was enough for her to fully recover, and she put away the remaining four.

Practicing the secret technique is not necessary to the point where the Anshen Pill is used, Ying Hui put a bottle just in case, who knows that she is so weird, and her supernatural powers are twisted and twisted, which makes the Yuanshen follow the turmoil.Really encountered such a situation.

After taking the Anshen Pill, Ying Hui quickly meditated and practiced. It took five days to recover.

After Yuanshen stabilized, Ying Hui took out the chessboard again, familiarized himself with how to control the golden light again, and then took out the real jade slip.

The effect of Yanfenglu has long been ineffective, but as Ying Huiyu made the golden light more and more handy, the burning of the golden light on her became weaker and weaker, and Ying Hui could almost ignore it.

When the consciousness entered the jade slips, and the body transformed by the consciousness stepped on the golden light and moved unimpeded in the void, just like a chessboard, Ying Hui finally felt completely relieved.

With a sound of "click", the translucent jade slip was completely shattered, and Ying Hui's consciousness also escaped from the jade slip and retracted into his body.

This technique of vertical golden light has finally achieved more than half of it.

All that is left is to use the real body to control the fire and fly.

In the final analysis, this vertical golden light is a kind of fire-element escapism, it does not have to be sunlight, as long as there is fire light, there is no difference in speed, and at most there are some differences in color.

Like Yinghui, she has a clear fire in her body, and the alternative for the fire is ready-made.

The rest is to introduce part of the clear fire from the yin and yang seals into the body. In this process, many spirits prepared by Yinghui will be used to protect and protect.

Just in case, Ying Hui first copied everything with a chessboard, and then borrowed the power of the chessboard to simulate and test many times to ensure that nothing went wrong before officially introducing the Qinghuo into the body.

With many times of simulation experience, coupled with the fact that Qing Huo has long been subdued and refined by Yin Yang Seal, the process of introducing it into the body was very smooth.

Time passed little by little, and when a faint blue light appeared under Yinghui's feet, his body followed the blue light and went to another corner of the training room in an instant.

Zongdi Jinguang, no, to be precise, Zongdi Qingguang has completely succeeded in her cultivation.

It's a pity that her current cultivation base is still low, she can only walk close to the ground, and her speed is far from the speed of the body of divine consciousness in the jade slip.

But this supernatural power does not require additional training. When her cultivation level improves, she will be able to do whatever she wants, and the speed will become faster and faster.

Although there were twists and turns in this retreat, she successfully completed her goal, and she also discovered the magical effect of the chessboard. In the future, before practicing the secret arts and supernatural powers, she can copy all the things again, and there is no need to suffer this time again. Yinghui felt better because of the pain she had suffered and had countless more opportunities than others.

Counting that there are still two days left before the grand event of spiritual cleansing, Ying Hui pinched a few dedusting spells on himself, changed into a set of clean clothes, and officially left the customs.

As soon as he left the retreat room, he saw two people standing at the door, walking back and forth anxiously, it was Fuxu Menglan.

And in front of her retreat room, there are several sound transmission symbols floating.

Hearing the sound of the door of the retreat room opening, Fuxu rushed over first, "Miss, you are finally out of the retreat."

Meng Lan followed closely behind and added: "Miss, if you don't leave the customs, Xi Ling will miss it!"

"Isn't there still two days left? What are you in a hurry for? I'm counting the days."

The two of them were at a loss for words, this family participated in the spiritual baptism, which one did not prepare early, the major branches have already sent the children who meet the requirements early, those who worship the mountain, and the party, these days should be Home can be said to be full of music every night.

It was just their master who entered the practice room and stayed behind closed doors, wasting this great opportunity.

They have made good friends with their lineage, and the descendants of the branch family who are closer in blood have long been anxious like ants on a hot pot.
Knowing that Ying Hui has been in seclusion, they all went to Zifeng to meet Ying Duo.

All the flowing gifts were sent to Zifeng.

But Fuxu and the others have nothing to do, they can't go out and tell everyone that Yinghui is not very close to his parents, especially his mother, and they probably won't get the things when they send them there, right?
Ying Hui didn't care much about these things, the moment she left the customs, Ying Shu told her all these things through the soul connection between the two.

These days, she and Bai Lian'er had a heated fight, and they almost wore the same pair of pants.

He even told her what gifts he received and what branch families gave them.

These gifts were all collected by Ying Duo one by one. From Bai Lian'er's point of view, if this thing went into Ying Duo's pocket, wouldn't that mean that Su Mengwan had half of it?
If there is Su Mengwan, how can we lose her?
These few days, Bai Lian'er was in a good mood, and besides the big gifts that were directly accepted by Ying Duo, she was also stuffed with a lot of good things in private by several people from different families.

Just to ask her to help me connect with Yinghui.

Bai Lian'er agreed with all her mouth, and she was merciless in accepting the gifts.

(End of this chapter)

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