This fairy has some tea

Chapter 168 Ying Luan's Good Idea

Chapter 168 Ying Luan's Good Idea

Ying Huaicheng replied categorically, his tone full of admiration for Yinghui, even though they were just guessing now.

Just as everyone was expecting, the sound of fighting became weaker and weaker, only bursts of scorched fragrance and the buzzing of purple bamboo insects vibrating their wings could be heard continuously.

Then, I heard these voices getting farther and farther away, and slowly disappeared.

Everyone began to feel anxious again, worried that Yinghui would leave forever, and deliberately left their team of oil bottles, or worried that Yinghui would run too far and get lost in the dense fog and could not find it.

As time passed, this anxiety lingered in everyone's mind.

Everyone was leaning together, everyone felt like a huge rock was in their hearts, and no one could speak out.

"Good performance, all very well-behaved."

The gentle teasing appeared in everyone's ears, and everyone was overjoyed. They swept away the previous depression and jumped out of the formation excitedly.

Seeing Ying Hui standing in front of the battle in a leisurely manner, if they hadn't heard it with their own ears, it would be impossible to tell that Ying Hui, whose clothes are neatly dressed and whose hair is not messy, has just experienced a battle.

"Clean up and come with me."

Yinghui's second picking of bamboo fruit was much smoother than the first time, and it was getting smoother and smoother.

Even at the back, Yinghui went to pick the bamboo, and stopped these people away. She picked her bamboo, and they chopped their purple bamboo.

Although without Yinghui's support, cutting down the purple bamboo may attract the purple bamboo insects, which is a bit dangerous, but under the temptation of the purple bamboo, everyone is still gearing up.

Moreover, every time Ying Hui picked the bamboo, the time was not long, and the distance was not very far. Even if they were really lost, they still had time to turn back and rescue.

Although Yinghui and the others had lost the red-tailed hornets, their journey went smoothly.

Ying Luan was a little unhappy.

Although, just in case, she brought two red-tailed hornets in, and the speed at which they searched for bamboo seeds was as fast as one on top of the other.

The ones beside her are also different from Yinghui. The youngest is 13 years old. All of them are above the third level of Qi training, and their cultivation is solid. Their strength is even stronger than Ying Luan's. Except for the one who is looking for bamboo. Sometimes, she needs to use her red-tailed hornet to lead the way, and she almost wins all the way.

It's just that the family members are poor, so it's still a bit difficult to harvest the bamboo under the double pressure of the purple bamboo insect and the bamboo snake.

Especially for the first bamboo fruit, it took two full hours just to pick it up.

After three days, omitting the rest time and the recovery time for meditation, there are only six hours in one day. Even if you squeeze and compress the rest time, you can free up seven hours at most.

It takes time to find and pick bamboo, and travel.

According to their current speed, they can pick at most three bamboo fruits a day.

Including her total of seven people in her team, that is to say, she can only have three extra bamboos at most.

For her, this is not enough.

The effect of the bamboo fruit is much better than that of the elixir, and it has no side effects, no erysipelas, and if you save a little more bamboo fruit, she doesn't have to waste time to practice, and she can live happily for a long time.

You can't count on such things as bamboo, and you can't count on it if you can get one into the spirit washing pool. People from the direct branch don't lack spirit stones, so there must not be many who are willing to exchange them for her, and the price is too high. Gao, she is not willing to part with it, so she still has to find a way to get a few more coins.

In this piece of purple bamboo forest, how many bamboos are there, if you don't take them for free, wouldn't you be a fool?

She racked her brains, and she really came up with a way to divide the other six people into two teams. She first ordered the red-tailed hornet to find a bamboo stump, and then left a pair of people to pick the bamboo stump , she took another pair of people to look for another bamboo fruit, and when she found the other bamboo fruit, she turned back by herself and led the team in front to continue searching for the new bamboo fruit.

In this way, she ran back and forth between the two teams. Although she was a little tired, she would not be separated, and the efficiency of picking bamboo fruits would be higher.

She had a good idea, but she forgot one thing, her team did not have such a strong strength for her to drive it non-stop.

When she finished her idea, everyone looked at each other in blank dismay, and they all opened their mouths for a while, but they didn't know what to say, so that Ying Luan could dispel this idea and not bear hatred for herself.

Some lowered their heads, applied medicine to their wounds, and simply closed their eyes and meditated, recovering their exhausted spiritual power, resigned to fate, and followed this young lady.

However, Ying Luan was still complacent about his idea, so he immediately divided up the team and led everyone to act separately. Soon, he found a new fruit.

She had a look of surprise on her face, and after leaving the divided team behind, she led the other team to move on.

When the second team also had a target, she hurried back.

It took a quarter of an hour for the two teams to find the target, and she returned at the same speed. It took half an hour to go back and forth. If the first team was lucky, they might have already got the bamboo.

She had to hurry back so that she could lead them to continue searching for the next bamboo fruit.

In her opinion, it was only natural that these people were blessed by her grandfather and driven by her.

It's a pity that the sky failed as people wished, when she arrived, the group of people were still standing under the purple bamboo, and it seemed that they hadn't moved.

Ying Luan's face was gloomy, and he secretly hated these people for daring to obey others.

"Have you got the bamboo fruit?"

In case she misunderstood them, she asked with a sullen face and suppressed anger.

Several people quickly stood up from the ground, a little embarrassed and a little embarrassed.

"Miss Luan, it's like this. We went up to have a look just now, and there were actually two bamboo snakes guarding that bamboo, and there were twice as many purple bamboo insects. We finally went up, and we were beaten to shame. We were no match at all. , barely escaped back, I want to wait until you come back to reunite, and then think of a way.

You see, do you want to call them back, let's take this bamboo fruit together, or just give up this one and forget it.

There was only one bamboo snake, all of us went up together, and we were all injured, now there are only three people, but there is one more bamboo snake, we are really powerless. "

The oldest boy among the three explained bravely.


Crisp slaps sounded on the young man's face. The young man raised his head in disbelief, widened his eyes, and glared at her, but he didn't dare to fight back after all.

"What are you staring at, you still want to call back!
How I do things is up to you! "

Ying Luan sneered contemptuously, raised his chin condescendingly, and swept everyone with threatening eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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