This fairy has some tea

Chapter 194 Listen to Everything

Chapter 194 Listen to Everything

Chapter 194
Huiniang put on her dress slowly, and when the last coat was put on properly, Ying Hui was also suddenly awakened by Ying Shu.

But it's not that Huiniang's abnormality was discovered.

It was Ying Shu who discovered the Fulingzi.

The spirit-covering seed is a kind of poison. Wherever it goes, it can emit a colorless and odorless gas, and it can even penetrate the skin directly. Even if you keep your breath closed, it can shackle the monk's spiritual power without knowing it. .

It's just that this thing must be soaked in a closed space for a long time before it can really control the monks.

Otherwise, once the monk leaves its range of action, the effect it had soaked in before will dissipate completely. Even if the monk returns soon, it will have to corrode the monk again to achieve the effect.

Therefore, those who use poison such as Lingzi can basically be judged to have an inner ghost.

"What do you want to do now?"

They came here for revenge, and they didn't really come here to follow Cang Lan Yueheng to find opportunities. When encountering such a situation, the first choice is naturally to take advantage of the water.

The key is how to touch the fish, what kind of method the opponent is, whether they are praying mantises or squirrels, these are all things to think about.

"Fortunately, the spirit-covering seed hasn't taken effect yet. I'll first take out the blue sky stone bath barrel and the formation method used in the blood exchange, and quietly drain the poison of the spirit-covering seed before talking about other things."

She often takes medicinal baths in this blue sky stone tub to regulate her body. After using the formation method to isolate it, it forms a space of its own, and it can also prevent the medicinal power from overflowing. It is very useful, so it has been kept.

I didn't expect that it could be used for detoxification at this moment, which is also miraculous.

While waiting for the poisonous gas to clear away, Ying Hui and Ying Shu guessed who did it.

Cang Lan Yueheng was the first to be eliminated.

It is impossible for the shopkeeper to lie to her. Canglan Yueheng recruited people here for the sake of Lan Yanfenghuang, and he would not do it at this time if he wanted to harm this group of people.

Normally speaking, if you want to kill people and seize treasures, you will usually wait until the end, and it will be easier to strike after the mantis catching cicadas has exhausted its strength.

Moreover, they can squeeze out the last labor value of these people, and take their newly acquired treasures as their own, so why not do it.

Of course, there are also disadvantages in waiting until after the treasure is obtained. At that time, everyone will gain a lot and be more vigilant, but it is not as good as doing it now to surprise.

Just who is it that has the guts to dare to attack Master Zhuji of their family under the eyes of the Canglan family?

What kind of cultivation is the one who did it?
Did someone hide their cultivation?
"I don't think so."

Ying Shu said: "Because of your elder sister's appearance, I have paid attention to these people, it doesn't look like there are foundation-building monks pretending.

That simple and honest middle-aged man has a simple and honest appearance, but he is actually treacherous. He seems to be pretending well, but once he starts to harm someone, he is the easiest to expose. His casting speed, behavior style, magic weapon, and even his appearance all have a The traces of casual cultivation did not seem to be disguised.From the fact that he tricked the little old man, it can be seen that this person is used to playing tricks. If it were him, he shouldn't have done harm so early, because it was too easy to expose himself.

The little old man looked very pitiful at his age, but he was greedy and greedy. Such a person would only dare to act as a monster when he was protected by someone, and let him leapfrog to murder the Foundation Establishment cultivator, but he did not dare.

As for the combination of the young man and the young man, if the young man was alone, it might be doubtful whether Fu Lingzi was made by him.

But the young man brought a bottle of oil with him, and he became the most unlikely one.

As for Ying Xi, the possibility is also very small. As you said, she is from a great sect, so even if she wants to kill people and seize treasures, the targets will not be these penniless casual cultivators.

Even Cang Lan Yueheng is not worth her shot. "

"It can't be Huiniang, can it?"

Ying Hui said, suddenly his heart moved, making the blue-eared rabbit listen to the movement around him again.

However, Huiniang's tent was quiet at the moment, except for the sound of breathing.

This is not right!
How long has it been since the fierce battle just now, why did it suddenly stop?
Could it be that the little old man found out with conscience, or was caught by someone, and he gave up halfway and went out to watch the night?
After all, it is a monk, there will never be a problem in that place, and the battle will end in such a short while.

Ying Hui ordered the blue-eared rabbit to look for the little old man's voice, but everyone's voices were found, except for the little old man's movement.

There is one person missing in the camp!
The little old man must have been killed.

Thinking of the intense activity between the beautiful woman and the little old man just now, and then the little old man suddenly disappeared, who did this matter is ready to be revealed.

"Ashu, can you see where that Huiniang came from?"

Ying Shu shook his head, "The spells and instruments used by Huiniang from the beginning to the end are the most common, and there are no flaws..."

As Ying Shu was talking, he suddenly stopped.

"No, I remembered, when she was using the wind control technique to avoid the black bat, the breeze under her feet carried a hint of pink, and I could vaguely smell a scent of tea flowers.

At that time, I didn't think much about it. The effect of this spell varies greatly from person to person, and some changes in color are really normal.

As for the scent of flowers, I even thought it came from the woods.

Now that I think about it, the scent of tea and flowers is clearly the effect of that pink color.

This person intentionally concealed her identity, but still inadvertently revealed that her spells were different, which only showed that it was quite difficult for her to cast spells normally.

It shows that the exercises she practiced have long been integrated with her.

It even affects every ordinary spell.

And this kind of exercise, with the effect of pink and teay flowers, is only the Jade Girl Sutra of Acacia. "

"Acacia Jade Girl Sutra?"

Ying Hui frowned, she had never heard of the name of this exercise, but just hearing the name was not very serious.

"This is a pure magic cultivation method. No matter which world you are in, you are from a serious orthodox path. It is normal that you have not heard of it.

This exercise is well-known among the 32 sects of the Demon Sect, and it is the Dao exercise that directly points to ascension.

Being able to practice this technique, the woman's status in the 32 sects of the Demon Sect is probably not low.

This exercise is obviously the lowest level of nourishing exercises among the magic cultivation techniques, but it is not a low-end exercise that absorbs the opponent's spiritual power and turns it into one's own use.

That kind of nourishing technique, once the number of supplements is harvested, one's own spiritual power will become more complicated, and the longer the practice time, the less hope of advancement.

However, the Acacia Jade Maiden Sutra harvests and supplements the life energy of monks. The more supplements are harvested, although it cannot improve the spiritual root qualifications, it can continuously improve the physical body. Every supplement is equivalent to a cleansing and cutting. "

 Chapter 193 was blocked. After re-editing and posting the article, the order was messed up. Looking back, I adjusted it. The content is coherent and does not affect reading, but the title cannot be changed.

(End of this chapter)

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