This fairy has some tea

Chapter 199 Winning the Antidote

Chapter 199 Winning the Antidote

Huiniang was very satisfied with the effect, and when she glanced at Yinghui, she paused, put on her clothes, and then walked over with graceful steps, her cultivation had already reached the Great Perfection of Qi Training.

Didn't Ying Shu say that the Acacia Jade Girl Sutra only absorbs vitality?

How could her cultivation also increase?
"It seems that she was injured earlier, so she urgently needs the vitality of these monks to nourish her body.

The injury recovered, and the cultivation base was naturally recovering bit by bit. "

Ying Shu explained in time.

Ying Hui guessed that the reason why they were tied up without waiting for them to get the blue flame phoenix bird was because they were worried that they would lose their hands and waste their vitality?
After all, if the other party is eager to recover, these fresh lives are much more precious than the blue flame phoenix bird.

It's just that I don't know what kind of cultivation she was before.

"Don't worry, no matter what her cultivation level is after she fully recovers, the few people present now, including a foundation-building cultivator like Cang Lan Yueheng, will be able to recover to foundation-building at most.

It is easy for us to escape in time when we are not prepared. "

Ying Hui is slightly determined.

"You are calm, but you think you are a woman, can't I do anything to you?"

Hui Niang narrowed her eyes slightly, and looked Ying Hui up and down several times. Finally, she removed the barrier with a wave of her hand, stretched out her hand, and stroked down from the corner of her eye little by little.

Yinghui remained calm, as if the one being touched was not her, and said: "If you have Longyang Duanxiu, you can have Mojing Lily. Hui Niang dare not guess in vain, but fate should be like this, Hui Niang accepts fate." that is."

"Your name is Hui Niang? This name has some fate with me.

It's a pity that you have such icy muscles and bones, if I am really that mirror-grinding lily, I will be the first to swallow you, giggling. "

As Huiniang spoke, she burst out laughing directly, rubbing her fingers back and forth on Yinghui's face.

"You girl, you are more pleasing to the eye than those stinky men. With your looks, I originally wanted to take you back to that old man, but now I feel a little bit reluctant.

You are such a bold girl, and you are not like those famous and handsome, looking at us like looking at some dirty things, which is disgusting.

It's really difficult. "

Ying Hui is silent, she has been waiting here just to see Cang Lan Yueheng's tragic end with her own eyes, if something happens again, she has to hesitate for a while, whether to run away directly, or directly stab Cang Lan Yueheng and die again. Run away.

As long as she thought of not being able to watch Cang Lan Yueheng die tragically with her own eyes, she would feel bad.

"Huiniang is here, and she can't escape, so there's no need to rush to deal with Huiniang.

Maybe sleep in and think about it the next day. "

"Hehehe, you girl is really bold. This is related to your own life and future. Are you really not worried at all?"

"Worrying is naturally worrying. It's better to live than to die. Isn't Hui Niang just trying to curry favor with Hui Niang, make Hui Niang happy, maybe she will spare Hui Niang's life."

"You're really a clever girl, that's all, I really need a younger sister who is as discerning as you, so just follow me first."


Ying Huixi agreed with a smile, causing both Canglan Yueheng and the young man to look jealously.

Why should everyone be arrested together, Yinghui can survive with a few words, but they can only wait to die like lambs waiting to be slaughtered.

They didn't dare to do anything to Huiniang, they just stared at Yinghui with hatred.

Ying Hui stared back unceremoniously, and when he saw Cang Lan Yueheng, he even snorted triumphantly at him, with the face of a villain, Cang Lan Yueheng was so angry that he almost cursed.

Yinghui took out the end of the twelve points and worked hard to serve Huiniang. Huiniang was even more lenient to her. Seeing that it was inconvenient for her to work and clean the cave, she even gave her some antidote for Lingzi , Let her recover a little bit of cultivation.

Anyway, the storage bag has been confiscated, and all the things on her body have been looted, and she has only recovered to the second level of Qi training, which is completely unable to pose any threat to Huiniang.

Yinghui really doesn't make mistakes, and even puts all his energy into serving her.

Cleaned the cave, filled a bucket of water, and thoughtfully threw a small fireball to heat it up, preparing comfortable bath water for Huiniang.

He also thoughtfully arranged the bed, and found a new set of bedding to replace the bed.

Huiniang has been away from the sect for a long time, and she hasn't enjoyed such meticulous care for a long time, and she is really moved. She wants to keep Ying Hui by her side.

In the dead of night, Hui Niang had already started to meditate. Ying Hui was under Hui Niang's nose, unable to practice and expose herself, so she found a corner, made a floor bed for herself, and fell asleep.

Since her rebirth, she has been working very hard, never slacking off for a single day, and today, taking this opportunity, she also steals half a day of leisure in Fusheng, so she naturally refuses to miss it.

How sweetly she slept, the others were speechless.

The young man and Cang Lanyueheng thought about the upcoming bedtime, looking forward to someone coming to rescue them, so naturally they had no sleep all night. Huiniang meditated all night by herself, and occasionally woke up, and saw Ying Hui who was asleep, who didn't know what day or night, and unexpectedly There was a weird trace of envy, and even a little dumbfounding.

Does this girl know what the current situation means?

She even had the urge to shake her awake and let her practice with her.

She is a vigorous and resolute person, she thought so, and did so immediately.

With a flick of spiritual power in his hand, Ying Hui rushed to his face with pain, and woke up from a sound sleep with a trace of haze in his eyes.

She even wiped the corners of her crystal-clear mouth with her hands, and asked, "Hui Niang, is it dawn?"

The tone is delicate and naive, as if they are sisters and best friends, the tone is so casual and natural.

Huiniang said angrily, "You can't get up before dawn? You're so lazy, how did you manage to reach the Great Consummation?"

Yinghui: I'm a little speechless.

"I can't practice now."

Ying Hui muttered, but got up despite being aggrieved.

Huiniang raised the corners of her mouth in satisfaction, which made sense.

However, he still raised his eyebrows, raised his voice and asked, "What are you mumbling about?"

Yinghui quickly replied: "Nothing, nothing, Huiniang, are you hungry, do you want to eat? Shall I cook something for you?"

"You still cook?"

Huiniang was a little surprised. Seeing Yinghui's appearance, the thin skin and tender flesh, even casual cultivators, are not the kind of people who can endure hardships, but not only can clean up, but also have good eyesight, which is really rare.

"I know some simple spiritual food, but it's better than Bigu Pill. I don't know if Huiniang is used to eating it."

Hui Niang threw her a storage bag directly, "There are ingredients for cooking in it, you can watch and cook, and you will be rewarded if you do it well."

"Hey, thank you Huiniang, I'll go right away!"

Ying Hui Xi Zi Zi replied.

(End of this chapter)

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