This fairy has some tea

Chapter 203 Blue Silk

Chapter 203 Blue Silk
Naturally, Huiniang didn't know about the lawsuit between Yinghui and Yingshu. After unlocking Yinghui's sealed spiritual power, she even returned Yinghui's own storage bag to her.

After ordering her to clean up the things in the cave, she went to meditate and practice.

That defenseless appearance, if someone else saw it, they might think how close the relationship between the two was.

Although Yinghui doesn't know how to do anything now, he has been secretly paying attention to Huiniang's various situations, and is preparing for his future betrayal.

Seeing Huiniang's appearance at this moment, he naturally knew that the other party would never really trust her without reservation.

The opponent must be hiding some means to ensure that even if he suddenly attacks, he can repel him in time.

It's just that it's a passive defensive magic weapon, or some kind of arcane spell, or simply some kind of spirit beast hidden on his body, it's all possible.

She can't test it casually, otherwise, the previous forbearance will be in vain.

However, Cang Lan Yueheng who was trapped in the barrier obviously didn't think so.

Seeing that Huiniang seemed to be completely immersed in her cultivation, she kept winking at Ying Hui.

Ying Hui didn't want to talk to him at first, but he changed his mind after pulling out a black hair hidden under the white hair from the loose hair.

Looking at Huiniang who was still practicing, she walked over softly, squatted down, and looked at Cang Lan Yueheng, who was leaning against the barrier, weak and seemingly about to die at any time, the hatred in her heart was finally relieved. There was a little calm.


Cang Lan Yueheng opened his mouth, begging silently.

Then, he stretched out the black silk to Yinghui's face.

Ying Hui looked at the blue silk, and heard Ying Shu's words telling her Huiniang to open her eyes, seeing the maddened hatred in Canglan Yueheng's eyes when Huiniang opened her eyes, the plot succeeded Ruyi, Ying Hui still reached out to take the blue silk.

Seeing the satisfaction of Canglan Yueheng's success, Ying Hui said lightly, and asked, "You hid such a good treasure, why don't you keep hiding it?"

Cang Lan Yueheng froze, and quickly gave her a wink, indicating that she should not make a sound.

"You're not afraid of disturbing Huiniang, are you?"

Ying Hui seemed to be the most blind person, not only did not keep silent, but even louder.

She really likes to see Cang Lan Yueheng's distraught look.

This kind of person, it doesn't matter if he is dead, but he still has to pull an innocent person as a backing, how vicious and hateful.

"Don't worry, Huiniang has a good temper, she won't get angry because of what I say, you want me to help you, how can I help you?
Give this treasure to Huiniang, and ask her for a favor for you?

In fact, if you have such thoughts, you might as well tell Huiniang yourself.

Huiniang treats you differently. You see, all the other men are dead, but you are the only one who survived. Huiniang takes care of you like this. You should also open up your heart, and don't keep remembering the unpleasant idea before. "

If Cang Lan Yueheng didn't know that Ying Hui was playing tricks on him by now, he would be really careless.

His eyes seemed to be breathing fire, and he wished he could win Hui Lingchi with his eyes.

Unfortunately, the more he hates, the happier Ying Hui is.


A charming laugh came, Yinghui seemed to realize that Huiniang had woken up.

Covering her mouth with her hands, she said worriedly, "Did we just quarrel with Huiniang?"

It seemed that she was very worried about Huiniang's blame.

"Nothing, what are you holding?"

Hui Niang leaned on the bed, her eyes glanced at Cang Lan Yue Heng, and she didn't give him another look.

"It's the treasure given by Mr. Canglan. He wants me to intercede with Huiniang on his behalf. He probably doesn't want to stay in this barrier anymore.

After all, he is old and his body is weak.

I'm trying to persuade him, if there's anything, just tell you directly, I can't influence Huiniang's decision. "

Ying Hui said, trotted a few steps, stepped forward and handed over the things in his hand.

Huiniang didn't pick it up, she only glanced at the black hair with her spiritual sense, and said with some disgust: "Since I gave it to you, you can take it, it's still acceptable.

If he gets tired of staying, you can send him to the west, anyway, the Cang Lan family has a lot of blood, so he is not bad. "

"Hey, just listen to Huiniang."

Ying Hui said, happily put Qingsi into the storage bag.

Then, he smiled proudly at Cang Lan Yueheng.

Cang Lan Yueheng's expression suddenly became as exciting as eating shit.

Huiniang simply stopped practicing, and after leaving the cave with Yinghui and Canglan Yueheng, she burned all the traces of the cave with a fire, and then threw down a bursting talisman, The collapse of the hole is smashed into pieces.

After doing all this, just took Yinghui and the two of them and left here in the bronze mirror.

Before leaving, a bunch of flying insects the size of pitch-black mung beans came out of Huiniang's cuff. They flew silently, but immediately scattered and disappeared into the woods.

Ying Hui didn't see what it was, Ying Shu had some guesses, but he wasn't sure, so he didn't say anything.

As for why Huiniang released some spirit insects after everyone left, Yinghui tried to ask, but Huiniang only said that she wanted to give Canglan's family some meeting gifts.

At this time, it had been quite a while since Canglan Yueheng was seriously injured, and the Canglan family probably had received the news, and perhaps someone had already rushed over.

This meeting gift is probably not a good thing.

The members of Canglan's family probably never imagined that even if Canglan Yueheng appeared in front of them at this moment, they would not be able to recognize him.

Huiniang turned from a half-aged mistress into a beautiful young girl, and Yinghui was the only one who could be exposed. Huiniang patted her face with a human skin mask, and her appearance suddenly changed completely.

From a slightly neutral, delicate and lovely, to Yujie with flaming red lips, with the ink-black mark of tumi flowers on her forehead, she looks even more coquettish.

Being led by Huiniang, they shuttled through the forest all the way, but the three of them seemed to be invisible, without attracting a single monster, and within half a day, they arrived at the foot of Lianyu Mountain smoothly.

Looking at the Lotus Jade Mountain from a close distance, it is not as beautiful as the green lotus flower seen from a distance.

Only the towering mountains can be seen, as well as the turquoise rocks and jade mountains that can be seen everywhere.

(End of this chapter)

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