This fairy has some tea

Chapter 217 Team Up

Chapter 217 Team Up
It is said that even if you are not injured by it, you may be infected with corpse poison.

This iron-billed crocodile seems to be the first monster infected with corpse poison that appeared in the wasteland.

And Fu Ziheng didn't come to the wasteland to find a chance, but also accepted the mission of the sect to investigate the reason why the iron-billed crocodile mutated in the wasteland and the boundless swamp.

Yinghui herself is also very cautious. She had just entered the wilderness at this time in her previous life, her cultivation level was not high, and she only moved around the outermost areas, making small troubles, hunting a few scattered corpses, and had never penetrated so far. , and never paid attention to the boundless swamp.

When he got older, the iron-billed crocodile in the boundless swamp seemed to have disappeared.

Ying Huiyu used Binglan Yuchai, briefly identified the direction, and then slowly flew towards the boundless swamp.

The forces in the wilderness are intertwined, there are various forces that cultivate people, and there are also forces that wander corpses.

These wandering corpses are similar in spirit and intelligence to the human race, so naturally they will not always be surrounded by the human race like a loose sand.

They have already formed forces one after another to fight against the human race.

There are large-scale big forces, and many small forces scattered throughout the wasteland.

It's just that once these big forces are formed, they will be attacked and wiped out by all the major sects. Therefore, success or failure has not been successful.

On the contrary, some small forces are not so conspicuous, and they can last longer.

As for Renxiu, within the boundless swamp, there are corpse-hunting teams specially formed by various sects, and there is even a corpse-hunting list, which is a famous list of talented disciples of each sect.

These places have nothing to do with the former Yinghui. She has always been struggling at the bottom, without decent equipment, and even a little bit of protection.

The teammates around her came and went, only she never went back to Qiyunmen.

What a crime, why is she so stupid, why has she always had expectations, hoping that her mother can look back at her, see her hardships, have pity on her, and say to her, child, you are too miserable Yes, let's go back.

She has been waiting for her mother to find out with her conscience that she has not rested for many years, and hopes that her mother will give her some care as a mother.

But she didn't wait until she died. Every time she received a letter from her family, from full of expectations to numbness at the end, the whole article would only remind her how long it had been since she sent Lingshi back, and how mean her wife was to her. Seeing how hard her younger brother's life is, and how clever and clever his younger brother is, he must be a high-level spiritual root who can support her in the future.

Why didn't she see it earlier, why couldn't she give up earlier?
She is transparent in everything, but she is a little bit reluctant about family affection, and ten stubborn cows can't be pulled back.

If she was as decisive in her previous life as she is in this life, how could she die so bleakly.

Ying Hui wiped the slightly wet corners of his eyes, spat at himself a few times in his heart, and sped up his steps.

"Fellow Daoist, that fellow Daoist in front!"

The voice is warm and unrestrained, sunny and clear.

Ying Hui's footsteps paused, it seems to be calling her?
At the very moment when she stopped, the enthusiastic young man had already caught up.

Just like his voice, his eyes are clear and his breath is pure. He is about seventeen or eighteen years old, and he has the same cultivation base of Qi Refining Dzogchen.

She was dressed in a blue cassock robe, with a golden belt around her waist, which was clearly a storage belt, and a pair of black animal leather boots on her legs, with a restrained aura.

Long hair like ink was bound behind the head by a light ink-colored jade button.

The nose is like a hanging bridge, the lips are like painted red, and the skin is like cream.

A pair of long and narrow eyes should look cold, but there is still some baby fat on the face, smoothing all the sharp edges and corners, making it look amiable and cute.

The moment Ying Hui turned his head, the other party muttered strangely: "This fellow Taoist looks a little wrong."

Ying Hui wore a bewitching human skin mask on his face, and his eyes were once again disguised as faint turbidity by the Zhuoyan Pill, giving him the appearance of an older casual cultivator who had taken the Dingyan Pill.

In fact, there is no difference from her previous life except for her appearance.

She thought she had no sense of disobedience, and she didn't know why the young man muttered so much.

Although his voice was low, he could still hear it clearly with Ying Hui's hearing ability, so he couldn't help being a little wary. Could it be that this young man saw through her disguise?

"Fellow Daoist, are you going to the Boundless Swamp?"

The young man muttered casually in a trance, and seeing Yinghui looked at her warily, as if he would chase her away at any moment, he quickly explained his purpose.

"I think Fellow Daoist is heading towards the boundless swamp, why don't we form a team together?"

Yinghui glanced at the other party's expectant eyes, and flatly refused: "I don't form a team."

This young man's clothes are too high-profile and extraordinary, but also a little naive, there is no possibility of casual cultivation, it is impossible not to get the news about the iron-mouthed crocodile, why would he want to break in?

Thinking about whether he also accepted the task, Ying Hui didn't ask more questions, but he didn't want to make any troubles.

"Fellow Daoist, don't worry that there are too many of us, it will be bad for you. I and a few other fellow Daoists have just formed a team, just to take care of each other.

The journey to the boundless swamp is long and dangerous, so it will be safer if we form a team to take care of each other.

In the Boundless Swamp, fellow Taoists can leave at any time if they have something to do. "

Ying Hui glanced at the three people behind the young man. There were not many of them, but their cultivation bases were not weak. One person was on the ninth level of Qi refining, and the other two were also practicing Qi refining Dzogchen.

The man on the ninth floor of Qi refining is a tall, thin, middle-aged male cultivator, and he may be the only casual cultivator in this group, with a vicissitudes of life on his face.

The other two Qi Cultivating Dzogchen monks are both women, one is very petite, only in her early twenties, delicate and weak.

The last one is an acquaintance, not Ying Xi who just left in Lianyu Mountain not long ago.

I don't know what kind of fate the two sisters have, they met again just after they separated.

I don't know how her big sister came to the wasteland so soon after returning from Lianyu Mountain empty-handed. It seemed that she was one step ahead of her.

But this also verified the boy's statement that they formed a temporary team.

The height and shape of the other people were far from Huiniang's, which made Ying Hui relax a little bit.

It's just that, in case Huiniang knows some way to change her body shape, maybe.

Yinghui doesn't want to take the risk of having too much interaction with others.

Still a firm refusal.

"Brother Shaoyang, she is not with us, why are you talking so much to her?"

The petite woman gave Yinghui a bad look, as if hoping that he would be sensible and leave quickly.

Ying Hui saw that the boy froze obviously, obviously he was not used to being called brother by a girl who was obviously older than him.

(End of this chapter)

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