This fairy has some tea

Chapter 224 Pill Crystal

Chapter 224 Pill Crystal
Li Shaoyang lost all five senses for a while, and felt that he was being thrown far away. When he swallowed the healing elixir and regained clarity before his eyes again, he saw Ying Hui standing in front of him with a thin-handled bronze mirror hanging high. From then on, rumbling electric lights continuously fell from the bronze mirror, and the beast man was clearly where he was before.

Li Shaoyang was covered in cold sweat, and looked at Ying Hui with a little more gratitude.

The movement of the beast is getting smaller and smaller, the last spell consumes too much, and the spiritual power in Yinghui's dantian has long been exhausted. Fortunately, there is Zifu dantian as a supplement, and a steady stream of spiritual power pours into the dantian again. In the middle, the thunder light had already started to weaken, but when the beast was about to fight back, it ushered in a more violent thunder light.

After the beast whimpered for the last time, it finally stopped all struggles, and there was no more movement.

Yinghui and the two did not let down their vigilance.

The "crackling" thunder light continued to fall, and Ying Hui didn't stop until most of the spiritual power in Zifu's dantian was consumed.

Holding the formula in his hand, holding on to the bronze mirror, he approached the charred beast little by little.

"and many more."

Ying Hui's footsteps paused slightly, but he didn't turn his head. He was still watching the beast on the ground in front of him vigilantly.

"Let me come, you protect the law for me."

After all, no objection from Ying Hui was allowed, so he took the first step and walked up to the beast man.

After careful inspection, it was confirmed that the other party was completely dead, and he quickly peeled off the Danjing from the beast man's body.

The Pill Crystal of the Beast Man is obviously a circle larger than the ordinary Pill Crystal, as attractive as a smoky gray crystal.

Dan Jing left the body, and the beast man's body became vulnerable. Li Shaoyang casually threw a fireball, which turned into ashes in an instant.

A smile leaked from the corner of Li Shaoyang's mouth, and after cleaning up the Danjing, he handed it to Yinghui.

"give me?"


Li Shaoyang's eyes were shining brightly, and he moved his hand forward.

"This is what we killed together."

Ying Hui didn't take over immediately, one of them was the one who was trapped, and the other was the one who attacked. Although the last blow was done by himself, Li Shaoyang also contributed a lot.

I just took the receipt this time, and I feel a little guilty.

"I should thank you for your life-saving grace."

After finishing speaking, he hurriedly stuffed the pill into Yinghui's hand, and Li Shaoyang's fingertips ran across Yinghui's warm and greasy palm, and even his face was blushed.

Fly back in a hurry.

"Go back quickly, I don't know what's going on with them."

Ying Hui shook his head with a smile, looked at the Dan Jing in his hand, put it away, and followed Li Shaoyang leisurely, returning to the place where everyone camped.

On their side, because the three of them didn't hold back at all, even Yi Bei, who was on the ninth floor of Qi Refining, had a good fighting power, even surpassing Cui Yan, which made her face a little embarrassed and ashamed, who claimed to be good.

The battle has come to an end.

After the two returned, they directly joined the battle circle, and as Yinghui Bronze Mirror whirled, even two wandering corpses died on the spot.

The two of them had just finished their fierce battle with the Beast Demon, and they were full of fighting spirit, and they were merciless in their attacks. They were in the limelight for a while, and they killed the wandering corpses with great speed, and even overwhelmed the limelight of Yi Bei and Ying Xi go down.

Cui Yan's hand couldn't help but pause.

The reason why she fell in love with Li Shaoyang, apart from the friendship between the two of them growing up together, the most important thing is that she was fortunate enough to see Li Shaoyang attack the enemy, and Li Shaoyang protected her behind her, chilling the fighting spirit, and the blood-boiling battle. It hit her heart.

Others thought that she fell in love with him because of this life-saving grace, but in fact, she knew in her heart that it was not the case.

What she loves is his vigor and invincibility on the battlefield.

This is what she can't do by herself, and it's what she has been working hard for.

She hoped that one day, she could stand side by side with him instead of hiding behind him and trembling.

But she has worked so hard for so many years, and even though she has worked so hard, her cultivation can still keep up with Li Shaoyang.

The two even reached the great perfection of Qi training, and became the existence that everyone looked up to in the sect.

However, she is just an elderly casual cultivator now, which makes her feel a sense of crisis that she has never had before.

That valiant and heroic posture, the crisp and neat reaching out, the overwhelming spells.

Even though she had repeatedly warned herself that it was only because the other party was a few years older than herself, and that when she reached that age, she would definitely do better than her, but she still couldn't help feeling sour in her heart.

At some point, her eyes had already moved away from Li Shaoyang's body, staring intently at Ying Hui's every move.

Every time Yinghui made a shot, she would think, can she do it herself?

"呲" the blood of the wandering corpse spurted far away, and was completely blocked in front of Cui Yan by the water curtain raised by Yinghui.

Cui Yan just woke up like a dream, looking at the wandering corpse that died in front of her, she couldn't help but get chills down her back.

Cui Yan thought that she would be ridiculed by Ying Hui, but the other party only glanced at her lightly and said, "Be careful."

Cui Yan was so ashamed that she couldn't lift her head, so she cheered up and joined the battle.

When all the wandering corpses were put to death, the five quickly took out the pills, and left the place quickly without even having time to distribute them.

Fortunately, the five of them left in time. Not long after they left, groups of wandering corpses approached them. Given their current state of depleting their spiritual power, once they were surrounded, it would be a dead end.

After this fierce battle, the five of them finally had a little revolutionary friendship, and they were no longer so unfamiliar with each other.

At this time, the sky was gradually brightening, but the five of them had just experienced a fierce battle, and their spiritual power was seriously depleted, and they were all a little tired. It was really not suitable for them to hurry, so they found a safe place again.

Yinghui and Li Shaoyang lost a lot of energy due to the fierce battle with the second-order beastman. If Yinghui hadn't been supported by the dantian of the Zifu, his spiritual power would have been exhausted.

The others are also having a hard time, but they can't all recover their spiritual power, can they?
Someone has to take some risks and protect the law for everyone.

In this wilderness full of crises, how many people would be so impartial and put themselves first before others?

However, the expected quarrel did not happen.

Cui Yan, who has been circling around Li Shaoyang against Yinghui for a long time, suddenly took the initiative to stand up.

"Go first, I will protect the law for you, and replace me when one of you recovers."

Her voice was not as clear and high-spirited as it had always been, and was a little dull.

Li Shaoyang, who had been avoiding her all this time, couldn't help but look at her a few more times.

If it was changed to before, Cui Yan would definitely be overjoyed if Li Shaoyang took such a look at her.

(End of this chapter)

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