This fairy has some tea

Chapter 228 Conflict

Chapter 228 Conflict
In her previous life, she had been criticized too many times, and she had already learned to be cold-hearted.

She will not stop, but she will not help, and she is ready to leave at any time.

Everyone is responsible for the decisions they make, even these few teammates who are currently getting along well.

With the speed of everyone, flying with all their strength, they soon arrived at the place where the accident happened. The scene was very tragic.

The corpses of four wandering corpses and seven or eight human corpses were lying here and there on the ground, but they couldn't count how many there were.

It's because the human corpses on the ground have long been fragmented, with only one broken limb and arm being gnawed by a few wandering corpses.

Cui Yan was the first to vomit.

Li Shaoyang was better and only retched twice.

Yi Bei and Ying Xi were calmer, but they also frowned and moved their eyes away.

But in this purgatory-like place, there is still a father and daughter still alive.

The two were wrapped among more than a dozen wandering corpses, hiding under a tortoise shield, struggling to hold on, but the tortoise shield was already full of cracks, and the two of them were even more precarious, looking miserable with exhausted spiritual energy. A look that will soar to bliss at any time.

The father is quite old, about five or sixty years old, but the daughter is only thirteen or fourteen years old.

It's just that at this moment, the crying is so desolate and desolate, which makes people feel pity when they look at it.

The old father looked at his daughter tremblingly, full of remorse and regret, and even more so, his reluctance and pity for his daughter.

Li Shaoyang was the first to rush down, he is a disciple of a famous family, born with a golden spoon in his mouth, he has never seen such suffering in the world.

Cui Yan didn't give way too much. Although she was bluffing and jealous, she was kind-hearted. She hated Yinghui as much as before, and the most serious target was to use Yinghui as bait, and she was ruthless by Li Shaoyang. suppressed.

Seeing this tragedy in the world, if he hadn't vomited violently, he might have rushed faster than Li Shaoyang, and went to become the living Bodhisattva who saves the suffering.

Yi Bei and Ying Xi were not so impulsive, they observed carefully for a while, and saw that nothing was wrong, so they also fell down.

Only cold-blooded Ying Hui remained, flying high and high in the air without moving.

Miss Cui Yan didn't realize that Yinghui planned to stand by and watch, she kept urging Yinghui to come and help.

After all, after working together before, several people had agreed not to be lazy in paddling, and Yinghui's performance was indeed impressive. Therefore, this time Yinghui was not with everyone, she just pretended to be Yinghui and wanted to be lazy and play slippery.

However, Ying Hui remained unmoved, her blood boiled with enthusiasm, and she vented her depression these days on these wandering corpses, and gradually forgot about it.

It wasn't until all the wandering corpses were cleaned up by the four people, and the father and daughter were rescued by the four people, and when they thanked the four people with gratitude, she remembered that Ying Hui hadn't moved.

"Back to fellow daoist, why did you get lazy just now, you agreed not to paddle, you didn't even play this time, you are too much.

Their father and daughter are so pitiful, how can you stand by and remain indifferent? "

Cui Yan really didn't understand, she felt that although Ying Hui was annoying, but she was very powerful, and most of the time she was very kind, why did she go too far this time, she was straightforward, and immediately expressed all her dissatisfaction.

Although the others didn't say it clearly, they probably didn't mean it. Even Li Shaoyang didn't say anything to reprimand the discipline Cui Yan, waiting for Ying Hui to give him a reasonable explanation.

"Although I agreed, what I promised is that I will do my best in the team's collective mission. If you save people, even if all four of you want to save them, that is your own private matter and has nothing to do with the team's mission. It has nothing to do with me. I can choose to save, but I also have the right to stand by and watch. You cannot influence my own decision.

If you feel that I have violated the agreement by doing so, then I can leave the team at any time. "

Cui Yan was at a loss for words for a while, what Ying Hui said was indifferent, but it also made sense, saving people by oneself is one's own choice, why force others?

"What you said is not accurate. Although we are saving people this time, we also have harvested Danjing. Why can't it be regarded as a team task?"

Yi Bei frowned and opened his mouth to ask, obviously, he didn't agree with Ying Hui's answer.

"Danjing's receipt, since I didn't make a move, naturally I won't divide it. As for why it is not counted, it is because your purpose includes saving people, not just hunting wandering corpses.

This purpose is not in line with the original intention of the establishment of the team. Our team is an expedition team, not a search and rescue team, so it just can't be counted.

Let's put the ugliness in front of us, and in the future, when we encounter all similar situations, I will not stop you from saving people, but I will not participate in it. If there is danger, I will not help you, because you have asked for it Yes, I hope you will take care of yourself and do what you can. "

"Why are you so, so..."

After all, Elbe didn't say the accusation behind.

However, even if he didn't say anything, Ying Hui knew what everyone was thinking right now.

Immediately shook his head: "We get together and part ways, and we didn't have to be together. You are pure and kind people, and you are not in the same way as me. Let's say goodbye and leave each other with the last bit of face."

She would never let herself fall into the miserable situation she was in before. It was impossible for her to rescue a stranger when she saw how pitiful she was.

Unless this person is very predestined to her and catches her eye, maybe she is willing to take the risk.

not to mention……

As soon as she came over and saw the two of them, she felt a shiver that went straight to her heart.

Her premonition was crazily reminding herself at this moment that these two people were by no means easy people.

Even when confronting a few people, he was extremely vigilant, for fear that the two of them would violently injure others.

The joy of the rest of their life after the catastrophe was on their faces, they hugged each other tightly, comforting each other.

Then, he listened to the crowd's quarrel in a whisper.

He wanted to say something, but hesitated to come forward.

Such two fathers and daughters who could be slapped to death by anyone, it is impossible for the other four people to believe that these two are dangerous people.

If Yinghui said it, apart from arousing the vigilance of the other party, she would never let anyone else believe what she said, and even think that she was just trying to excuse herself and frame others casually.

She stepped faster and didn't give everyone a chance to repent. However, before leaving, she still reminded her a lot: "If you believe me, remember a sentence, people's hearts are separated by belly, there are people and ghosts in this wasteland, you can't see it." Those who come out cannot save everyone, so you can do it yourself."

(End of this chapter)

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