Chapter 47

Liu Lian shook his head, "No, this is not a simple dead person. Look, the dark red blood stains around the tomb are clearly engraved with a corpse array!"

Liu Lian made a heavy voice.

"We've hit it right, I'm afraid this is the evil thing that destroys the village.

Yinghui, when did you enter Deshan? "

"After I attended the wedding banquet, everyone had a bridal chamber. I was worried that something would happen later, so I stayed at Grandma Su's house until it was over. I waited for you for a while, and when I saw that you hadn't come back, I went into the mountain. When he was in the mountains, he should have been a friend of Chou and Yin."

Liu Lian quickly calculated, "When you entered the mountain and there was no movement, it would take at least ten hours to set up the formation. It would take at least three or four hours for the evil things inside to turn into zombies. We still have time.

Hurry up, everyone, hurry up, I will destroy the formation first, and then we will open the grave together and destroy it. "

Just do what you say, but unfortunately, as soon as Liu Liang made a move, he heard a loud shout in his ear: "What are you going to do?"

It's not who the village chief is.

At this time, the village head has already changed his appearance. The normal old man with a little majesty, at some point, became skinny and skinny, with wrinkled skin hanging loosely on the skeleton, like a skeleton covered in human skin. terrible.

There was even a trace of corpse aura constantly wafting out from the body, the corpse aura of the living person was thick and gleaming, everyone immediately understood that this person was probably a mortician, the corpse kept in the grave, needless to say, who did it up.

Fang Yi's eyes sharpened, and he took the lead and attacked the village chief.

Liu Lian took out a small jade bottle from his storage bag. The transparent liquid in the small jade bottle was poured on the dark red blood on the side of the grave, and the blood that had been solidified suddenly "squeaked" and burst out. Wisps of white smoke.

Afterwards, it flowed slowly, more and more confluent, and even bubbles of "cuckling" blood bubbled out from the ground, and the thin blood line turned into a trickling river of blood in an instant.

Liu Lian exclaimed: "Hurry up, attack the grave, this zombie is about to be born forcibly!"

Only Yinghui knows that the other party is definitely full-term.

Everyone's attacks fell like raindrops, and the small grave was blown away in the blink of an eye, revealing that the coffin hidden underground was intact.

"Hahaha, little bastard, do you think that you are so-called monks, so you are superior to others?
Damn, I'm going to let you all see what a real strong man is.

Today, I'm going to use you little bastards to give my daughter a full meal. "

The strange laughter of the village head "Jie Jie" came from far away, his hoarse voice seemed to have shrunk, and it was extremely ear-piercing.

No one was quick to talk to him, even Xiao Ling'er, who had always been impulsive, tried her best to attack the coffin again and again.

With a sound of "coax", the coffin board suddenly exploded, and the smiles on everyone's faces froze before they bloomed.

I saw, from the coffin, a woman in a bright red wedding dress flew out.

Beautiful appearance, fair skin, as vivid as a living person.

It is in stark contrast to the village chief who looks like a skeleton.

When Su Yun appeared in the world, they realized that they had missed the real clue.

Hateful hateful!

"Ying Hui, didn't you say that you have been staring at it? Tell me, what's going on!"

Xiao Ling'er asked sharply.

It's a pity that at this moment, even if everyone has doubts in their hearts, they don't have the time to find out the truth.

I saw that Su Yun's nails suddenly became extremely long, and there was a black light shining on the sharp nails, which was actually full of corpse poison. Fortunately, Ying Hui's eyes are good, otherwise, this big black sky, I really can't find it ?

It's slow to say, but in fact, these changes were completed in a blink of an eye.

Su Yun, who had just been unearthed, didn't have good eyesight, so Xiao Ling'er, who was bluffing, immediately became her first target of attack.

I saw Su Yun stepped on both feet, and the person shot out, with black nails, heading straight for Xiao Ling'er's washbasin.

Xiao Ling'er was shocked, and she didn't have the energy to talk about the cause and effect with Ying Hui anymore.

Stepping back a few steps in a "thump thump thump" step, he reached into the storage bag with his hand, and a long silver sword came out of its sheath with a "clang".

It was actually a high-grade dharma sword.

I saw that the long sword was like a long silver snake, the moment Su Yun's black nails caught it, it went up in time, Xiao Ling'er smiled triumphantly, it was just a pair of nails, watching her cut it off, this zombie How to show off.

But, contrary to expectations, the dark and slender nails did not lose the wind when they touched the silver-white high-grade magic sword, the sound of "clang clang" was endless, and even sparks burst out.

Is it actually copper skin and iron bone?

Xiao Ling'er's face was extremely ugly, this dharma sword was her treasure at the bottom of the box, the opponent was just a premature zombie, and she couldn't compete with it, this made Xiao Ling'er, who had always been very confident, feel like an eggplant beaten by frost .

He was in a trance for a while, but Su Yun held the long sword and couldn't take it off no matter what.

Xiao Ling'er finally panicked. She grew up loved and loved a lot since she was a child. She is young and her cultivation level is low. She has never experienced any setbacks, let alone fighting experience, so she didn't know what to do for a while.

Fang Yi cursed inwardly as a waste, and threw out an exploding talisman with one hand, only to see the talisman lightly land on Su Yun's hand and explode with a bang.

The slender jade hands were instantly torn apart.

Su Yun let out a beast-like hiss.

The hand finally loosened.

Xiao Ling'er seized the opportunity to snatch back her magic sword, "thump, thump, thump" retreated a few steps, with tears in her eyes in fear.

"What are you doing in a daze, why don't you hurry up and attack, this zombie has just been born and is at a weak stage, if you still want to enter the sect, don't ink it."

Fang Yi is going to annoy these two women to death, and Liu Liancheng and Zehao are working together to deal with the village chief, and the fight is evenly matched.

On his own side, he has the highest cultivation base and a large number of people. It should have been easier, but he didn't expect that these two embroidered pillows, which are useless and useless, are as cowardly as mice, useless as farts.

Ying Hui looked at Xiao Ling'er, and knew that she had to be encouraged and encouraged.

"Brother Fang Yi, I'll help you!"

As he said that, the magic formula in his hand fluttered like a butterfly flapping its wings. As the magic formula ended, a golden sharp arrow suddenly shot out.

Although the head was not accurate, it also hit Su Yun's thigh, which slowed down her movements for a moment.

Fang Yi took advantage of this opportunity, and even played out the Explosion Talisman one after another. For a while, the two joined forces and completely gained the upper hand.

Ying Hui turned back and smiled mockingly at Xiao Ling'er, Xiao Ling'er was furious, the timidity and fear just now were swept away, picked up the magic sword, and rushed away.

At that time, Su Yun was wrestling with Fang Yi, and it happened to leak out of the back.

Xiao Ling'er stabbed out with the long sword, and within a flash of spiritual light, it directly sank into the back of Su Yun's heart.

 The editor told me that I made a mistake by posting a short post. There was no recommendation from me at all, and there has been no starting point recommendation for more than ten days. I don’t know if the short post will affect the normal recommendation. It's time for Tiantian to be recommended, and I'm so happy.

  Thank you so many little cuties for comforting me, thank you everyone, I will continue to work hard when I look back.

  At the same time, I would like to thank Xingyun Lifang and the songs sung for the rewards, thank you everyone.

(End of this chapter)

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