This fairy has some tea

Chapter 76 The Fat Sheep

Chapter 76 The Fat Sheep
"But one hundred spirit stones are profitable to this day, and the interest alone is 33 spirit stones and ten spirit beads.

I ran out of the sparkling sun flower water last night. I went to buy a bottle early in the morning. I bought four furnaces of green gold pills. I spent 14 yuan of spirit stones, and I only have one hundred spirit stones left. 76 pieces.

I still owe more than 50 spirit stones. "

"Isn't that just right? It's profitable. In a few days, there will be a hundred spirit stones again. Why is he rushing to grab your storage bag?"

Ying Hui was a little puzzled. It stands to reason that it is right to catch big fish with a long line. Chang Hong's fish is already biting the hook so tightly. Why did Xiang want to break the fishing line at this time?
Chang Hong said sadly: "Because I successfully refined the Green Golden Pill with the method of practicing with water, I can afford their loan sharks. I don't know how Brother Xiang and the others knew about this matter."

"So fast? This is a good thing, and they are not happy to return their spirit stones?"

Zhaomin still can't understand the brain circuit of usury.

"Because what they want is not Lingshi at all, but my property!

Originally, they wanted to drive me to a dead end, and then wait for me to sell the real estate by myself, but in the end, I survived the dead end. They couldn't wait, so they broke the boat and robbed everything on me.

They said that my things are worthless. The storage bag counted ten spirit stones for me, the Qingjindan counted 15 yuan spirit stones, and other things, they folded two spirit stones for me, and I added them all together and I paid them back. 27 spirit stones.

Now that I am penniless, I owe them thirty spirit stones and ten spirit beads.

If I haven't paid the money before midnight tonight, I will go to collect my house. "

It is really sad for those who hear it, and tears for those who see it.

But Zhaomin became more and more angry, "What's the difference between this and a robbery! You are also from Chunyu's family, how dare they act so recklessly!"

"Because Brother Xiang is from Chunyu's family..."

Chang Hong said quietly.

Zhaomin was embarrassed.

Originally, Ying Hui was present, and Chang Hong didn't want to reveal Brother Xiang's true identity, but he couldn't stand it anymore.

Chunyu's family's reputation is more important than himself, and he feels that he is more important.

Listening to him crying, Ying Hui just wanted to sigh with emotion that the hemp rope is only broken at the fine point, and that bad luck only bullies the poor.

Look, she's only met this guy a few times, so he never has bad luck.

"You come to kneel on me, what do you want me to help you with?"

"I want to ask fellow Taoist to lend me a spirit stone! I know how to practice green gold pills, fellow daoist, you told me this method. I have a high rate of alchemy, and I can practice a batch of middle-grade green gold pills in three furnaces. Earn nine and a half spirit stones, and this is just the beginning, as long as I practice a few more times, the rate of alchemy will only be higher, as long as you are willing to lend me spirit stones, fellow daoist, I will definitely be able to get the spirit stones out before the end of the alchemy conference. Give it back to you, please help me."

"How long does it take you to practice a batch of pills?"

Chang Hong quickly replied: "Three hours!"

"Twelve hours a day, you spend nine hours refining alchemy, and taking care of the sick yesterday, do you still have time to rest?
With such a strong workload, can you persist for a day, can you persist forever?

And your grandmother needs a bottle of Sunshine Flower Lotion in two days, do you need anything else to nourish your body?

Even if you can earn more than nine spirit stones every day, after removing these expenses, it would be good to have six spirit stones left.

You want to gather thirty spirit stones and ten spirit beads, no, not only do you have to pay off your debts, you also have to have the capital to make alchemy, at least you need to have the capital of three furnaces of alchemy materials, that is, ten spirit stones and fifty spirit beads.Add up to forty spirit stones and sixty spirit beads.

With so much money, you are so sleepless, it will take at least seven days to earn it.

The alchemy conference lasts only five days, even if my parents want to stay here for two more days, you can barely repay the principal. Usury with such high interest rates makes no sense. Do you want so many spirit stones from me? "

Chang Hong is not very old, but she is not ashamed to flirt with others.

Although he is also really miserable.

But it's one thing for her to take the initiative to pity others, and it's one thing to help others. To be kneeled and begged like this, no matter how pitiful he behaves, in Ying Hui's heart, it is a kind of moral kidnapping.

Therefore, since the other party said that they want to borrow money, they must settle the account clearly, how much to borrow, how to repay, and when to repay, and they must be clearly stated.

It's not that she has to think in a wrong way, Ying's family is located in the north of the Yangtze River, and the monks who established the foundation have to fly for two months on a flying boat, not to mention that she is a monk who trains Qi, so she has become dozens of spirit stones, so she came to find him Can you be in debt?
His family's real estate is even more meaningless to her.

As a member of Chunyu's family, if he really wanted to borrow money, even if he knew that Zhao Min was in a difficult situation and he didn't want to borrow money from her, he could ask Zhaomin to guarantee and go to Chunyu's house to borrow money.

After all, it is Jindan Daoist's nephew and grandson, so why not lend it to him?
Although brother Xiang is a member of Chunyu's family, he can cover up the sky with one hand, so that Chunyu's family will not even give face to the direct descendants?
But he didn't choose to find his own relatives, but instead found a big fat sheep like himself who came from afar, and even if he really didn't make it in the end, it didn't matter if he didn't pay his bills.

Ying Hui wondered if he simply wanted to blackmail him.

And every time Yinghui asked, the boy's face turned paler.

It was obvious that this young man was miserable, but when it came to calculating good people, he was not merciless at all.

The good old man Ying Hui thought that his rejection was clear enough.

Unfortunately, Chang Hong still refused to let her go.

"Fellow Daoist Yinghui, as I said just now, I can clearly feel that my water training method has become proficient. As long as you give me a few days, I will definitely increase the success rate and even improve the quality of Qingjin Dan. Returned it before you left.

If it’s not possible, if it’s not possible, I’ll mortgage the real estate, and I’ll pay back the spirit stones of fellow daoists. Anyway, with my strength, I’m sure I’ll be able to pay back soon. "

Ying Hui thought of the young man who borrowed usury, but the storage blind box was amputated, failed to pay the usury, and was beaten up again. He always felt that with his unlucky degree, it was a bit difficult to really sell the property and want to redeem it. .

He said a little persuasively, "I advise you not to think about real estate."

"Fellow Daoist promised me to lend me the spirit stone?

Thank you, fellow daoist, for the great kindness of fellow daoist, Chang Hong is grateful to tears, deeply engraved on my bones, deeply impressed by the five things, and will never be forgotten.

I will definitely return the spirit stones of fellow daoist before he leaves. If I can practice the top-grade green gold pill, all the spirit stones I earn will be returned to fellow daoist as interest. I will also record my experience in detail and give it to fellow Taoists as a reward. "

Anyway, Yinghui will return to Jiangbei soon, and no matter how much Qingjin Dan she practiced when she goes back, it will not affect him.

For Yinghui, it was finally a bit of protection.

He was also generous and lent him extra points, a total of 45 spirit stones.

After Chang Hong finished writing the paperwork, she bid farewell to the two, and hurried to return the spirit stone, for fear that the night would be long and dreamy, and there would be troubles again.

(End of this chapter)

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