spring cloud warm

Chapter 467 Seeking Medicine

Chapter 467 Seeking Medicine
In March, Zhong Meiren in the palace gave birth to the fourth prince.

When Cen Yunchu was named Zhaoyi, she was also promoted to Jieyu by virtue of her son.

This Zhong Jieyu had only been in the palace for a year, and her father offered wine to the Imperial Academy.

The Zhong family is also a family of poetry and rituals. Zhong Jieyu has been famous since she was a child, and her appearance is also very beautiful.

In this harem, the empress monopolizes all the power, and Cen Yunchu favors the sixth palace.

Zhong Zhaoyi knew that she could not be compared with these two, fortunately she had a son by her side, so she had nothing else to ask for.

Besides, the emperor would occasionally come to her side to see the children, or listen to her playing the piano.

Therefore, in this palace, she can be regarded as more than superior than inferior.

The weather is getting hotter and hotter, and the fourth prince developed eczema, and it's not good over and over again.

If this disease is not a serious disease, it is hard to cure.

The imperial doctor made repeated diagnosis and treatment, and finally said: "The fourth prince is caused by heat poison in the womb, coupled with the hot weather, it is getting more and more serious.

Although there are several prescriptions that can be cured, the prince is too young to resist the power of the medicine, and it is inevitable to cure the damaged meridians. "

Zhong Jieyu couldn't help feeling worried when she heard this, because the child couldn't eat or sleep well because of this, and was irritable and crying every day, so it couldn't be coaxed well.

She's only so young and can't speak, how can a mother bear it in her heart?

Therefore, he begged the imperial doctor: "Is there no other way? We can only stay next to each other? At least think of a way, the child is really pitiful."

The imperial physician hesitated for a moment and said, "It's not that there's nothing I can do, but I'm afraid it won't work."

After hearing this, Zhong Jieyu hurriedly said, "Just say what you want, but I will give it a try if there is a way."

The imperial doctor said: "The safest way to treat children with eczema is to take Suqing Dan, which can not only strengthen the innate vitality, but also clear away heat, poison and wind evil.

It's just... It's just that it's too hard to get, a pair of pills can't be made in three to five years, and there must be no mistakes in the middle.

In previous years, there were only one or two out of ten times in the Tai Hospital. At the beginning of the year, Cen Zhaoyi fell ill once, and there were still thirty pills left, and the holy order sent them there.

If Zhong Jieyu wants it, she can go to Empress Cen and ask. "

After the imperial physician left, the court lady in front of Zhong Jieyu said: "Since the imperial physician said so, I might as well ask the emperor. If the emperor said something, would you be afraid that you will come to this Qingdan?"

Zhong Jieyu thought for a while but shook her head and said: "It's not appropriate to do this, since the Holy One is busy with state affairs every day, why let him worry about this matter.

Second, doing so would be suspected of using the emperor to suppress Cen Zhaoyi. Since we are begging others, we must have the attitude of begging for others. "

She and Cen Yunchu have never violated each other, but now they have to condescend for the sake of their son.

Zhong Jieyu is not a fool, even if she begged the emperor, the emperor agreed.Cen Yunchu only needs to say that it's all over, isn't it the same thing?

This medicine is extremely rare, and a pill is worth a thousand gold.

If Cen Yunchu kept it on his own for emergencies, who could say anything?
Zhong Zhaoyi could only show her sincerity, hoping that Cen Yunchu would give her a few for the sake of the child.

Zhong Jieyu came to look for Cen Yunchu, but Cen Yunchu didn't know what to do at first.

But thinking that she has always been trouble-free, has never had trouble with him, and seems to have an indifferent temperament, so he invited her in to talk.

Zhong Jieyu sat down after seeing Li, and Cen Yunchu asked her why she came.

Zhong Jieyu thought about her words before she spoke: "I shouldn't have disturbed the empress, it is really a last resort."

Then he told about the fourth prince, explaining: "The imperial doctor has treated her repeatedly, but it didn't get better. The child was tortured so badly that he cried every day.

The imperial doctor said that the child is too young to be forbidden to take medicine, and only Su Qing Dan can cure it.It's just that the hospital has run out of this medicine, so let me ask my mother if there is any left? "

When Cen Yunchu heard this, he said, "I've eaten this stuff before, but I don't care if there are any leftovers. I have to ask the people who serve me."

The medicine bait and supplements that Cen Yunchu responded to were all in Fulan's care, she didn't dare to agree rashly, she was afraid that there might be something wrong here, so she just said: "It's been a long time, and the maidservant can't remember clearly, I'll look for it later .”

Cen Yunchu said: "Look for it carefully, if there are any, give Zhong Jieyu a few pills, don't make the child suffer."

Zhong Jieyu thanked her a thousand times, and she didn't want to disturb her any longer, so she got up and left.

After she left, Fu Lan asked Cen Yunchu: "Madam, there are still twenty pills left of that medicine, do you want to take some for them?"

"She also said just now that only three pills are enough." Cen Yunchu said, "I don't think she's lying, and it's true that the Tai Hospital doesn't have this medicine anymore. What's more, children are innocent, and they are of royal blood, so they should be given."

Hearing what she said, Fu Lan brought the jade bottle containing the medicine, poured three pills out of it, wrapped it in fine paper, and sent it to Zhong Jieyu's palace in person.

Zhong Jieyu was very grateful for getting the medicine, and came to Cen Yunchu's place to express her thanks the next day, but unfortunately Cen Yunchu was not there.

After the Fourth Prince took one Suqing Pill, most of the eczema on his body healed up, which shows that this thing really works.

Zhong Jieyu was naturally happy, and she missed Cen Yunchu even more in her heart.

The imperial doctor came to see it, and said that two pills if more, and one pill if less, can remove the root.

The emperor came to Zhong Jieyu's palace that day, but he hadn't come for some days.

The fourth prince just woke up, and the emperor teased him for a while.

Zhong Jieyu then talked about Cen Yunchu's medication, and she was grateful inside and out.

In fact, the emperor treated her well, the main reason was that she was not full of hostility towards Cen Yunchu like some concubines.

Zhong Jieyu originally thought that the eczema was cured and the child would be fine.Who would have thought that although the skin has calmed down, the child is getting yellower and thinner day by day.

Although I had eczema before, I was still white and fat.

Although I eat and drink now, but no matter what, it doesn't grow any longer.

Although I don't cry or make noise every day, I am very lethargic and always feel sleepy.

I didn't care about it at first, I always thought it was because of the hot weather, and the child's loss of appetite was inevitable.

But gradually, I felt something was wrong, so I invited the imperial physicians to see it. Some said that the spleen and stomach were not in harmony, some said that the liver meridian was not smooth, and some said it was just bitter summer.

There is no consensus, there is no fixed conclusion.

A month or two passed, and the child was skinny and skinny.

Zhong Jieyu shed tears every day, wishing she could suffer for her son.

That day, the maid she was serving in front of her was named Yu Shu, who hurried in from the outside, without paying attention to salute, she said: "The doctor Zan is back!"

Everyone in the palace knew the name of Imperial Doctor Zan, even though he had not been in the palace for three years.

"Doctor Zan has been dismissed and reinstated?" Zhong Jieyu asked hurriedly after hearing this.

"That's right, I just heard what they said from outside." Yu Shu said, "Emperor Zan's medical skills are extremely good, please invite him to show the fourth prince, it will definitely be fine."

"If that's the case, then hurry up and ask for it." Zhong Jieyu really couldn't wait for a moment, and wished she could catch her son's illness and throw it away.

(End of this chapter)

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