Chapter 356 Unbelievable

It's not easy for Chi Yang to find someone with a good family background. If the two really like each other, Guan Xin doesn't want to make her son sad, and doesn't want to give up.

Chi Yue said: "Chi Yang is only 24, so there is no hurry."

Guan Xin pursed her lips, "Isn't Li Qiao's father going to retire soon, I don't think there are so many troubles, maybe the sister-in-law is thinking too much."

She also wants to fight for her son.

Chi Yue stared, "Don't talk nonsense. If you have something to ask your sister-in-law to make up your mind, it's not a year or two. It's been like this for decades. Aren't we all living well? I know you don't want to, but some Things can't be helped."

Many people have been arrested after retirement.

The sister-in-law must have heard something, otherwise she wouldn't have said that.

Her husband insisted, Guan Xin naturally did not dare to be stubborn anymore.

It's just that when she mentioned this to her son the next day, Chi Yang exploded. He must let Guan Xin go to propose marriage. He was going to marry Li Qiao, and no one else would look down on him.

It was Chi Yue who gave him a lesson later, and Chi Yang calmed down.

But he didn't give up on this matter, the family didn't help him to propose a marriage, so he temporarily delayed, and he was still dating Li Qiao secretly.


Fast forward to July.

Ji Shaobei and Ji Xiaoan's final exams are here.

According to the usual practice, on the day of the exam, Gu Jinyao would boil eggs and fry fritters for the examinees at home.

But now that Ji Shaobei is a college student, she thinks it's unnecessary, so she just messed with Ji Xiaoan.

Ji An is full of confidence, [-]% is unlikely, he thinks he should be able to score [-]%.

After this kid entered the city, his academic performance got better and better.

The exam only lasted for two or three days, and after it was over, they discussed going back to Jiangcheng.

Song Shiguang and Meng Xia's wedding is in September, and if they want to go back to Jiangcheng, that's when they have time. When the two leave, Gu Jinyao will still have to sit in the store, and they can't be separated at all.

It takes almost half a month to take the exam and get the notice.

After the exam, Ji Shaobei will have an English-related competition.

After the competition, Ji Xiaoan will almost be able to get the notice, and he will just go back by then. He will stay in Jiangcheng for a month and come back in mid-August.

This English competition was organized by the Education Department, divided into high school and university, and also set up prizes and medals, which was very grand.

In the past two years, the country has attracted investment everywhere, and foreign languages ​​have become more and more important.

There are more and more competitions like this to raise awareness.

Moreover, there is a shortage of translators no matter where they are. After all, English has just been included in the college entrance examination, and even if there are talents in this field, they have not yet graduated.

Before the exam, the head teachers of the University of Technology found time to introduce this competition to everyone. According to the teacher's opinion, no matter what your level is, it is always right to experience it. Anyway, there is no registration fee, and it is good to practice courage.

So there are quite a few people who signed up this time, with more than a dozen in each class.

These people first pass the school's assessment, and then the education department organizes preliminary competitions, semi-finals, and finals to rank them.

As long as those who enter the finals have commemorative medals, this attraction is still relatively large.

In the end, nearly 20 students from Guanggong University got the qualification for the preliminary competition.

Since the addition of English in the college entrance examination, everyone has also attached great importance to it. In addition, the current college students are basically dragons and phoenixes, with relatively strong learning awareness and ability, and some of them are progressing very fast.

The preliminaries, semi-finals, and finals are held in three days, with one day in between.

There were too many people on the first day, Ji Shaobei didn't pay much attention, and he saw Lu Zhen in the rematch.

During the exchange meeting last time, Ji Shaobei knew that Lu Zhen was doing well in school, so it was not surprising to see him on this occasion.

In the past, Ji Shaobei didn't want to talk to this person, because he felt that he had nothing to say to him.

It's best to go our separate ways and never see each other.

He didn't like Lu Zhen very much, but the two of them had no actual enmity and hatred, and it was not to the point where they were entangled to the death.

But now, he is a little uncertain.

Sun Yin told Ji Shaobei before that she asked someone to inquire about herself and got wrong information.

Ji Shaobei did some research and found out that the person the other party was looking for was Lu Zhushan, Lu Zhen's father.

Why did Lu Zhen's father release the wrong news? Ji Shaobei thinks it has something to do with Lu Zhen. He must have asked Lu Zhushan to say that.

Ji Shaobei couldn't figure out why he would do this, he hated himself, shouldn't he spread the word that he was an orphan everywhere?

Could it be that he has a connection with Li Kuan, and Li Kuan asked him to do this?

Unlikely, the two had no chance of meeting each other.

Ji Shaobei couldn't figure it out.

Recently, he encountered a lot of things that he couldn't figure out, like the dream that Jin Yao told him about another world.

Although he didn't want to believe it, it felt very unbelievable, but before going to the Chi family, Gu Jinyao told some things about the Chi family, such as the three cousins ​​he studied outside, their names, schools, and The current situation.

Ji Shaobei didn't know this kind of information before meeting Chi's family, but Gu Jinyao did.

This made Ji Shaobei feel unbelievable, and he had to pay attention to it.

"This student, if you finish it, you can hand in the paper, and prepare for the next oral competition early."

Seeing Ji Shaobei sitting in a daze, the teacher in the examination room kindly reminded him.

Ji Shaobei nodded, and was the first to hand in the paper and walk out of the classroom.

There are written and listening tests in the preliminary round. The semi-finals are to compare everyone's comprehensive translation ability. The final round is to read a novel or article selected by the organizer in both Chinese and English.

Because it is the first time to hold such an event, the organizers have no experience, so they can do whatever they want. The preliminary competition is more like an exam, and the subsequent schedule is also inspired by practical needs. In short, it is what kind of talents the society needs. Let's all develop in that direction.

On the day of the finals, Sun Yin also came. She was not a judge, but just sat in the auditorium as a spectator.

This time the competition was sponsored by the Education Department, so she didn't need to come, but knowing her son was on it, she wanted to come and see everything.

On stage, Ji Shaobei was confident and calm, and he was the best among the dozen or so finalists.

When her son came to the stage, Sun Yin clenched her fist unconsciously, feeling inexplicably nervous.

Although she knew that her son's performance was very eye-catching, and the top three was no problem, she still couldn't help but sweat for him.

After Ji Shaobei finished speaking, Sun Yin applauded along with the students in the auditorium, and she was the one who clapped the loudest.

The leader of the organizer who was accompanying Sun Yin saw this and secretly wrote down Ji Shaobei's number.

The order of appearance in this competition was determined by drawing lots. Ji Shaobei was the second to appear on stage, which was not a good position, while Lu Zhen got number [-], which happened to be in the middle.

Although everyone still doesn't know what rankings they won in the first two games, being able to draw in the middle position greatly increased Lu Zhen's confidence in taking the first place.

(End of this chapter)

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