Chapter 111 Going to School (33)

Seeing that Mei Yifan apologized, it was impossible for Jiang Xiumei to stay stuck, "Chenchen, it was my aunt who said the wrong thing. My aunt shouldn't be talking nonsense. My aunt apologizes to you. Don't bother with my aunt."

The apology of the two was very reluctant and unintentional, but both of them made up their minds to get the money from Mei Mengzhen, regardless of whether she had tuition and living expenses. Don't even think about owning a penny.

However, who is the culprit in the end, the two have no idea at all.

Mei Mengchen, who was apologized, ignored these two people, turned his head disinterestedly after seeing them, and continued to lie on Mei Mengzhen's shoulder.

But the attitude has already been given, no matter whether these two people are distracted or not, this matter will end here.

Mei Yinan counted the accounts for the two of them, settled the money, signed and pressed their fingerprints.

Everyone who shared the money didn't suffer, but the only one who suffered was Mei Yinan, who naturally knew how to share the money, "Everyone knows how the money is divided, don't say who has more and who has less." If it’s missing, it’s because my family is missing, and I’ve made it up for you.”

"We know." The tone was sullen.

However, an unexpected scene happened. Mei Mengzhen handed over all the 6.7 yuan that she had just received to Mei Yinan, and said happily, "Auntie, you keep this money for me. I will give it to you when I start school." My first year's tuition fee is enough, and I will earn my own tuition fees in the future, and I will put the rest of the money with my aunt, and if Chenchen wants to live here next year, he will have to spend money."

Mei Yinan didn't shirk at all, and took the 6.7 yuan with the opportunity, and the action was natural, "Okay, anyway, next year Chenchen will have to pay tuition fees, eat, drink, and buy clothes. All of these will cost money, and I will pay for the money." Take it first, and when you start school, I will directly charge the tuition fee to your card."

Then there is no more.

The aunt and sister-in-law swallowed their anger just because of the little money in Mei Mengzhen's hands, but with such a few words, they couldn't even want it now.

The two were furious in their hearts, but they still couldn't attack.

As for why Mei Yinan didn't shirk, the matter should start from last night.

"""""Time Reversal Line"""""

At 8:30 in the evening, the Fan family had dinner at Mei Mengzhen's place. After dinner, the group sat on the sofa planning what to do today.

She said before that revenge must be done in person, so she said: "Auntie, just leave it to me tomorrow, and I will take care of my own affairs."

Mei Yinan worriedly asked: "Are you okay?" After all, she knew her younger siblings well, and although their fighting power was not as strong as hers, she felt that Mei Mengzhen was not their opponent.

"I can." Mei Mengzhen was very firm.

Now Mei Yinan also thought about it seriously, in fact, Mei Mengzhen is not too young, and some things can be solved by her, "That's fine, you come first tomorrow, even if it doesn't work, my aunt will give you the answer, The money has also arrived in the account, I asked Tianyu to withdraw it just now, Auntie knows you have money, so Auntie has an idea."

"Auntie, tell me."

"I know the virtues of my younger brothers and sisters. If you have the money in your hands, you may have to make it difficult for you to take the money out of you. Although the money is nothing to you now, it is still right. It’s still a lot for them, it’s not as good as…”

Mei Mengzhen went on to say: "Why don't you put the money here with Auntie, Auntie, I also have one thing to say, I will go to school next year, and I can't bring Chen Chen to school, I wonder if I can let it go He is staying with Auntie, and I want this money to be used as Chenchen's living expenses and tuition."

Mei Mengzhen knew what Auntie was going to say, and she also knew what Auntie was going to do. Although she didn't say anything, she was sincere in helping Mei Mengzhen, so it was most appropriate for her to speak up.

"You child, you have said everything I want to say. That's what my aunt means. Chenchen will not let him be wronged in my aunt's house. If I put the money here, my aunt will also They are all used on Chen Chen."

"Auntie, I'm not worried about this. I can't do anything with this little money, so I can have a meal."

"You kid, it's tens of thousands and you still don't like it. How sad it was when it was only 3200 before. Don't be too arrogant when you are outside because you are rich. We can't show it if we are rich, you know? ?”

"Auntie who knows."

After a conversation, the situation in the private room today was facilitated. As for Mei Mengchen, she had already coaxed her younger brother, so he knew that the two of them deliberately said this to make him uncomfortable. Mei Mengchen understood the situation The last one was so angry, she stood on the bed and complained in a childish voice: "Hmph, it's too much, you actually lied to a child."

"That's right, it's too much."

So when crying so urgently today, it was naturally Mei Mengzhen who gave the reminder. The child understood right away. He couldn't shed tears, and he knew that he had to go to Mei Mengzhen's arms to cover up so that people could see it, and then when his aunt and aunt apologized, he naturally ignored these people on purpose.

Anyway, it's all a game today.

After the play was over, Mei Yinan's retirement banquet officially began.


At this time, everyone did not dare to give Mei Yinan any displeasure, and Mei Yinan, oh no, Fan Tianyu paid for the private rooms and dishes today, the rich Fan Tianyu was quite willing to order the good dishes in the shop Over and over again, everyone's delicious food naturally has no time or thought to continue to have any opinions.

After all, no one will be troubled by food.

It's just that after returning home, the anger of the aunt and uncle's family couldn't be calmed down.

Even if her mouth was full of greasy food, Jiang Xiumei didn't think of anything good about Mei Yinan, and she couldn't help but muttered as soon as they parted, "Eldest sister is really, why did you help those two bastards? What do you do with the money? If it's in the hands of the eldest sister, then we won't even try to get a penny."

Mei Yifan's family was also with Jiang Xiumei's family, and at this moment they said indignantly, "Why don't we go to Zhenzhen's school and see how she has the face to stay in school and make her look down on others."

Mei Yongfu didn't support it, "Are you stupid? We don't care about this matter. Zhenzhen has no father, no mother, and no one to rely on. She got some money from the demolition of the house and left it to her younger brother to work and study. While studying, the relatives at home are still thinking about the money, and even going to school, who do you think the school will help." Don't let Zhenzhen fail to make trouble, but they will be dirty.

Although he is muddled, he still has brains. It is fine to do this kind of thing in private, but he even made a fuss in school. Isn't this person stupid?

 Thanks to Carmine for the reward, thank you!

(End of this chapter)

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