Chapter 128 Hit the Fame (23)

"Sister." Mei Mengchen shouted softly, Mei Mengzhen's voice sounded as sweet as if she had eaten honey.

"It's me, Chenchen. My sister has returned from the military training ground, so I called our Chenchen and told Chenchen not to miss my sister."

"Sister, I miss you so much. When will you come back?" Mei Mengchen asked in an attached voice while leaning on the sofa while holding the phone.

"My sister still has class, and I can go home after another week of class. My sister told Chenchen before that Chenchen is on vacation and my sister is also on vacation. It will be eleven soon. My sister can stay with Chenchen for a whole week. .”

"Chen Chen knows, but Chen Chen still misses her sister."

"My sister also misses Chen Chen, but can Chen Chen persevere for my sister? My sister knows that Chen Chen has always been a strong kid, and if she persists for another week, my sister will be able to go back."

Mei Mengchen on the other end of the phone burst into tears while talking, "My dear sister, I am very strong. I want to finish kindergarten, and then I will be able to go to school in the same city as my sister." He remembered everything and never forgot a single word, so he could persist for only one year.

Mei Mengzhen was so distressed now, she came to the cafeteria and bought 5 steamed buns, 2 eggs and 2 bags of milk, one was hers and the other was Fan Tianyu's. You have to comfort Mei Mengchen, "Yes, just remember Chen Chen. Look, didn't my sister say that I will call you after the military training? Isn't my sister calling you now? So my sister is not lying, please Little girl Chenchen can survive this time with strength, can little girl Mei Mengchen do it?"

"Yes, Chen Chen is fine, sister, you must come back after the holiday, Chen Chen is waiting for my sister to come back." Mei Mengchen said firmly.

"Okay, Chenchen is the most obedient in our family. My sister will definitely go back when she is on vacation. Is Chenchen good at school? Did you fight with your classmates..."

The phone call between the two ended amidst Mei Mengzhen's nagging, and after hanging up, Mei Mengzhen quickly finished her breakfast, then boarded the campus bus and came to the school gate.

At this time Fan Tianyu's car was already waiting there, Mei Mengzhen came to the co-pilot and handed over breakfast, after Fan Tianyu finished eating, the two left the school talking and laughing.

It's just that when she didn't notice, there was a man at the school gate who kept staring in her direction, and didn't look away until the car drove away.

Suddenly, someone patted him on the shoulder from behind, "Pei Ziyu, what are you looking at?"

Pei Ziyu shook his head and replied: "I didn't see anything."

"Then come in quickly, it's over early and there's still something to do in the afternoon."

"Yes." After speaking, Pei Ziyu turned and entered the school.

Pei Ziyu is a graduate student who graduated from the law school this year. Before graduation, he practiced in a law firm opened by his seniors. Now after graduation, he and his classmates have jointly opened a law firm. The reason for returning to school this time is to visit his teacher. , The second is to solve his personal affairs.

And the man who patted him on the shoulder just now was his partner named Tan Jia. The two lived in the same dormitory from undergraduate to graduate school, and then worked as an intern in a law firm. Now that they graduated together, it is logical to start a business together. up.

And the personal thing he said was that the professor's youngest daughter belonged to him, but he didn't mean it that way.

He and the professor's youngest daughter are also classmates, and like Tan Jia, they have worked together from undergraduate to graduate school and even internships. He admits that the cooperation with the professor's young daughter is very good, but if it is a partner, he thinks it is not suitable.

She couldn't get her hands on him, so she asked the professor to arrange this meeting, but the result would not change in any way. If she didn't like it, she didn't like it. As a lawyer, what he hated the most was procrastination. Yes, so I also hope to talk about the matter directly this time, so as to save trouble in the future.

But this scene is embarrassing for sure, and the professor's young daughter is naturally very unwilling to get such a result, but everyone is also a decent person, and she also has self-esteem, so this matter will naturally come to an end at this point.

As for Tan Jia who came here together, it was even more embarrassing to witness the process, "You say you, you can't be more tactful."

Pei Ziyu said: "Other things can be tactful. This kind of thing can't be tactful. She is very good, but she is not suitable for me. Let me explain clearly once to save trouble in the future."


"Don't worry, we have so many things to do, you still plan to take a part-time job, or you can just change your career and become a matchmaker. It's quite suitable for you."

"Oh, it's my fault."

Pei Ziyu patted Tan Jia on the shoulder, "I'll go to the court first! You can figure it out yourself." He left without looking back.

The trivial matters of this day have too much delayed his business.


Fan Tianyu briefly explained the situation to Mei Mengzhen in the car, then drove the car directly to the parking lot in Yuntong Lane, and then walked to the shop he rented.

Speaking of Nianxiangyuan in Yuntong Lane, she might be more familiar with it than Fan Tianyu, because she rented a small house here in her previous life to do a small takeaway business.

When she was doing food delivery, the food delivery industry was not well developed, so she didn’t know whether she was hungry or not. She and Liang Xiao both printed business cards and handed out leaflets in the park room by room. The leaflets are handed out, and the food can be ordered directly through QQ messages, or directly ordered by phone, and the meals are also very rich. Coffee can be delivered in the morning, but no breakfast will be delivered after 9 o'clock. For lunch, there are two meat and one vegetarian dishes and rice. In addition, there will be a bowl of immortal soup. In the afternoon, there will be afternoon tea, fried chicken and chips, and Coke. Everything can be delivered to your door as long as you are over 15, because takeaway is only for people in the park. , so she and Liang Xiao could do it.

And because most of the companies in the park work on weekends, she and Liang Xiao not only made money by doing this, but also lived a life of 9 in the morning and 5 in the evening. The food delivery industry is developing rapidly, and there are more things for everyone to choose from. Seeing that the business is not good, she and Liang Xiao can only be forced to change careers.

But her impression of this place is good and good, without it, the scenery is good, the environment is good, it is really very suitable for them to cook.

Fan Tianyu led her in, the store was just a simple renovation, so this meeting has already been repaired, waiting for the smell to dissipate before it can open for business.

Mei Mengzhen was very satisfied with this store, she asked: "Brother Tianyu, what do you plan to call this store after it opens?"

Fan Tianyu was stunned and replied: "Isn't it called Fan Dian?"

Mei Mengzhen wanted to vomit blood, "Such a nice place is called Fan Dian, why don't you just call it the cafeteria."

"There is a cafeteria in our park. I have tasted their food and it tastes good, but it just hit the name."

"You really plan to call Fan Dian, don't you already make a signboard?"

Fan Tianyu pursed his lips, "I'm not stupid, this store belongs to both of us, I definitely can't make decisions by myself, I'll make a decision when you come back."

(End of this chapter)

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