Chapter 140 The money is gone (33)

Mei Yongan took it for granted, otherwise, why do you think he obediently ran behind Mei Yinan and ran back and forth honestly? All the methods have been analyzed, no matter what, this matter needs the help of relatives, and their family can't handle it.

Mei Yongan had a purpose, and Mei Yifan didn't give in too much. She caused trouble by herself and lost 1000 yuan to her family. Her heart was dripping with blood. Naturally, she wanted to find a way to make up for this hole. Mei Mengchen's demolition money was paid, of course, in fact, she had already thought about this money, but she had been suffering from no chance.

Unexpectedly, Mei Yifan's heart skipped a beat when she came here and heard the news. She knew that the 1000 yuan was completely out of reach for their family. Shit.

Mei Yifan couldn't get the money, and when she heard this kind of news, her heart turned suddenly. How could it only make her feel uncomfortable.

"Brother, you have such a serious matter, so call your second sister and younger brother. We are all a family. We will discuss how to solve it together as a family. Sister-in-law should also come over."

Mei Yifan's proposal, both Mei Yongan and Mei Yinan, felt very reasonable after hearing it, but the reason revealed a bit of uneasiness and good intentions that made the two of them very uncomfortable, but these details can be ignored for the time being in the face of major events .


Although the demolition of the original place has been planned, the money has been paid, and most of the people have moved out, the family of the second aunt Mei Yifang and the family of the younger uncle Mei Yongfu have not yet.

The main reason is that the two of them didn't prepare a house before, but now they bought a house, but the decoration and other things can't be installed so quickly, so the two families are still living in the original place temporarily, and it is best to install it over there. then move directly there
This is not their wishful thinking. There are still nail households in the demolition these days, so the houses cannot be demolished until the nail households are resolved. Those of them who have signed and taken the money live temporarily, and naturally they will not take care of them. Anyway, when the time comes to dismantle, people can walk away.

As soon as Mei Yinan contacted here, the first two families hurried over with their children. After all, they were all off work and everyone was at home.

Second Aunt Mei Yifang's son Qi Yongwang was in school, so he was not at home, only her and Qi Hua came.

Uncle Mei Yongfu and Jiang Xiumei came to the aunt's house with their two children. As soon as the two of them entered the door, they smelled an unknown smell in the air. He wanted to turn his head and leave immediately, but everyone had already seen him, so he wanted to leave again. There was no need to talk, Mei Yifan quickly stopped, "Yongfu, it's just in time for you to come, we are chatting."

Mei Yongfu smiled but scolded his mother in his heart, but he had no choice but to walk in.

Because Mei Yinan often entertained these relatives at home, there were a lot of chairs in the house, and after each of them moved one to sit down, Mei Mengcheng had no choice but to explain everything from beginning to end.

From when he won the lottery to when he was cheated and now owes 86 yuan.

The most difficult thing to accept is Hu Chunyu. He knows his son well. It's one thing not to accomplish great things. It doesn't matter if the family property is ruined. She just doesn't want her son to stay at home every day with nothing to do. With so much money owed, isn't a few million not enough for him to make?
Under normal circumstances, according to the standard of living in 08, it would be enough to make a few million. However, under normal circumstances, Mei Mengcheng was obviously cheated. If someone wanted to cheat him, he would be cheated out of it all. .

"Report the police." Hu Chunfang said excitedly.

Mei Yinan snorted coldly, "Reporting to the police is definitely necessary, but you can't escape the money you have to pay back if you report to the police, and it won't take a day or two to recover the money, but if you don't pay back the money in front of you, every day It’s all interest, and rolling interest won’t be a matter of 86 by then.”

What Mei Yinan said was reasonable, very reasonable.

"Then what should we do now?" Hu Chunyu asked Mei Yongan. In this family, Hu Chunyu always listened to Mei Yongan.

"Repay the money, how much money does our family have now?"

Although Mei Mengcheng is stupid, he is raised by the family even if he does not work, so he will still be filial to his parents if he has money. Once he got the money over there, he not only gave some to Mei Yongan, but also gave some to Mei Yongan. Some Hu Chunyu some, and the house they live in now was bought with Mei Mengcheng's winning money, and the original demolition money was handed over to Hu Chunyu without any change.

The son is unreliable, Hu Chunyu will not be so unreliable, although the money is not much, but fortunately there are hundreds of thousands, selling a car, and then getting together with relatives can also solve their urgent needs.

However, Hu Chunyu doesn't have any demolition money now, "That money, that money is gone."

"No, it doesn't mean anything. You posted it to your mother's house. If you post it, you want to get it back. You can't just leave it alone." Mei Yifan was afraid that her money would be used, so she naturally tried her best to help Hu Chunyu get the money back.

However, Hu Chunyu became anxious, "No, I, I."

"What am I, sister-in-law, what else is there to hide from this situation?" Mei Yifang asked in a rare way. This is 86 yuan, which is not so much if all the funds they have on hand ah.

"Me, I lost all the demolition funds by playing cards."

After Hu Chunyu finished speaking, she felt a sense of relief. After all, this matter was also a burden in her heart, so she was relieved to finally say it.

But the few people present were surprised, "What, I lost everything? Hundreds of thousands?"

This family is too capable.

Although everyone’s tone is exaggerated, the demolition money is actually not much. You must know that Mei Mengzhen’s grandfather’s house is 160 square meters, and it will be demolished for 40 yuan. Their house is only 88 square meters, and it will be demolished. 23. Of course, 23 in Xincheng is enough to buy another house these days. After all, Xincheng belongs to the county seat, and the house price is at this price. It is completely different from the Jiangcheng next door. But 23 is a house. Ah, if you say it’s gone, it’s gone, and it’s still lost in the form of playing cards. Everyone can’t help but wonder, maybe Hu Chunyu went to DU Bo, otherwise, it’s only been a long time since the demolition, how could he be gone so soon.

However, Hu Chunyu really didn't have one. She really lost in a card game, but the card was a bit too big, and she lost thousands of cards in a game. It has been several months since the demolition. According to the proportion Playing two or three times a week to win or lose is almost done.

"That is to say, you don't have any money now?" Mei Yongan wanted to hit someone, and this pair of mother and son who failed to live up to their expectations would directly piss him off.

Hu Chunyu nodded, "Basically not."

 Thanks to Carmine for the reward, thank you!

  Today is the new year in the south, I wish you all a happy new year.

  And then, I'm on vacation.

  And our company's holidays are a bit long. From today's small year, we can take a break until the fifteenth day before going to work.

  Then I set myself a small goal to update [-] words every day during the holiday.

  I will directly turn on the codeword mode this afternoon, and the update will start tomorrow.

  Give yourself a boost!

(End of this chapter)

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