Chapter 152 Prepare in Advance (25)

"Okay, have you inquired about what kind of wine he likes to drink? Naturally, you can choose what you like."

"I really inquired about this. It is said that this chef likes to drink all kinds of wine. Naturally, his favorite drink is flower brew. I heard you mentioned last time that you have flower brew, although I don't know if it is. Really, it’s always good for us to take it with us.”

Mei Mengzhen nodded, but, "We? Do you mean that I want to go with you too?"

"Yes, Zhenzhen, you are also the boss of our Xiyuan. How can such an important matter be entrusted to me alone." He is worried about going alone.

"When are you going? Have you made an appointment with someone? What if you are turned away." Mei Mengzhen asked worriedly. It must be no problem to go. She will have a rest tomorrow weekend, but the main thing is like this Chef, it is said that he has a very strange temper, I'm afraid this trip will inevitably make people toss.

"No, I've inquired about it, and they've met all those recommended by someone, and I've also dragged the relationship here, so I will definitely meet."

"Okay, this is the order today. I should get the wine tomorrow morning. When are we going?"

Fan Tianyu nodded repeatedly, "Let's go tomorrow afternoon, Zhenzhen, tell me if we should bring some more ingredients, the ingredients in our store are so good, maybe we can win with the ingredients."

"You can just let me prepare it and take it away. Use the smell of food to seduce people. They are famous chefs. How could they be seduced by the smell of food?"


But Mei Mengzhen still made it, made it in the space, and it was the only soup she thought she could get out of it, ginseng chicken soup, using chicken, ginseng, glutinous rice, red dates and garlic in the space, but she didn't want water Dare to use spiritual spring water, but the mineral water bought in the supermarket is stewed with a little stream water.

However, the fragrance is still there.

Of course, since it is stewed, there will definitely not be only one. She, Fan Tianyu, Fan Tianhua, and Mei Mengcheng will naturally try it too. The few of them just cooked in one pot.

The space has the effect of heat preservation, but it does not hinder cooking, and after the chicken soup is boiled to the optimum temperature, the sweet-scented osmanthus tree can also recognize it and turn off the stove directly. Don’t worry about it, there’s just one thing, the space has the function of purifying, no matter if it’s fruit or other smells, you can’t smell it at all, that is to say, no matter how fragrant the chicken soup is, as long as it’s in the space, it will have the slightest scent nor.

After Mei Mengzhen cooked the chicken soup, she went to the thatched hut to take out her flower brew. The flower brew was in large bottles, and Space Mall could also process and classify the ready-made wine. Processed it into a small bottle, took two bottles of flower brew and put it next to the chicken soup, so as not to forget it when the time comes.

Mei Mengzhen didn't dare to mess around in the dormitory or in the school, so on Saturday Mei Mengzhen left the school and came to the house they bought near the school. She didn't put the things she had prepared until Fan Tianyu came to pick her up. Move out of space.

After Mei Mengzhen got into Fan Tianyu's car, she asked curiously: "Brother Tianyu, why didn't you bring Brother Mengcheng?"

"Why do you take him with these things, besides, the store is also busy, he is helping me to look after the store." After finishing speaking, Fan Tianyu sniffed hard a few times, "Sister, this chicken soup is really delicious."

"No matter how delicious this is, you don't deserve it. I kept four of them in Chen Chen's room. I'll bring Brother Meng Cheng and Sister Tian Hua over later, and we'll eat together."

Fan Tianyu nodded happily, "Okay, hurry up, I'm tired of eating outside food recently and just want to change my taste."

"I'm not the same. Although the school food is delicious, it's always not as good as these dishes. You can still eat it often in the future, but it's hard for me. I won't be able to eat it at school in the future. .”

Fan Tianyu didn't take it seriously, "What's the matter, I'll find someone to give you three meals a day."

Mei Mengzhen glanced at him, "You are really extravagant. You also deliver three meals a day. Do you think I am the eldest lady of a rich family? I can't enjoy this kind of blessing, so forget it."

Of course, Fan Tianyu just said that, he knew that Mei Mengzhen would not be willing, "You stay in the store on weekends, so you can eat, not only can you eat big pot meals, but you can also eat small pot meals, and you can also help Take a look at the situation in the store."

"That's fine. Anyway, I'll go if I'm free, and I'll drop by for a change. By the way, Brother Tianyu, I've thought about it. Let's reserve two private rooms and not provide reservations. Do you think it's okay?"

Fan Tianyu asked suspiciously: "Why?"

"It's okay if the business is not good now, there are vacant private rooms at any time, but what if the business is good and the private rooms are fully booked every day, and at this time we have customers that we can't get rid of? There will be some temporary emergencies, anyway, we have so many private rooms, it may be useful to reserve 2-3 private rooms, and it’s okay to be empty, just two or three rooms.”

Fan Tianyu didn't quite understand Mei Mengzhen's thoughts, but she said that it was enough for him to listen, anyway, two or three rooms would not delay any business, "Okay, you have the final say, I will keep the two innermost rooms, be quiet, remote."

"Well, but where does the chef live?"

Fan Tianyu replied: "I live on the Jiangdu Road side."

"I don't know if the chef and the apprentices live together. If they live together, it's close to Nian Township. It takes only half an hour to get there by bus. It will be faster if you drive."

"Turning a corner, you can drive there in more than ten minutes. It's convenient to commute to get off work. If they want to live here, it's the same if I rent them a room. These are small money."

Mei Mengzhen agreed, "Yes, this kind of small money can't be saved, it should be paid out as it should be, and no one has promised to come here, everything is unknown."

"You have to have faith in us."

Of course Mei Mengzhen was confident, but the matter hadn't even started yet, so her confidence was too high.

Mei Mengzhen's school is on Wuyang Road, which is not just a little far from Jiangdu Road. It takes at least an hour by bus and about 40 minutes by car.

So, Jiangcheng is really big, this is her emotion from the bottom of her heart.


Fan Tianyu's car drove near Jiangdu Road, and then drove into an alley.

Because this place belongs to the downtown area, even if the surrounding houses look dilapidated, the housing prices are still unaffordable, and most of the houses here are private houses, and every household will build a height of three or four floors. It is even more difficult to dismantle it. Of course, as long as it is demolished, no family will be poor.

(End of this chapter)

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