Chapter 181 Learning to Let Go (15)

Of course, Grandpa He also has his leisure capital. At his age, the big and small things in the family are basically in a state of neglect. As long as he is in good health and eats Ma Ma Xiang, what the family can say, they must say nothing. .

That's it, Grandpa He stayed here for the time being without burden.

Since it is a long-term stay, it is definitely not possible to stay in a hotel for a long time. Uncle He is also trying his best to find a satisfactory place for Grandpa He.

Of course, this elder is not the only elder in the family, Grandma He is still alive, but she is not in good health, so she did not come with Grandpa He this time.

Since Grandpa He intends to stay here, Grandma He is also going to move here. The two old people are discussing this matter. Regardless of whether they can make it through, He Yiran is here anyway, and the house will not be wasted if it is prepared in advance, so Uncle He did his best to find a house.

If you want to talk about how tired and busy you are, there is no such thing. The He family's industries are scattered all over, and the real estate industry is naturally involved. It is still very easy to find a place to stay.

Uncle He also made a phone call, and all the real estate information under his banner was handed over to Uncle He. After two days of comparison, Grandpa He picked a house closest to Xiyuan.

"Just here." The house that Grandpa He pointed out is really close to Xiyuan, and it can be reached on foot, and it is only one stop away by bus, let alone their own car, "This It’s convenient, I would definitely not take a car, and walking home after eating is just a way to digest food.”

Uncle He felt something was wrong, "Is this house too small? It's only 120 square meters. It's still a three-bedroom. The room is too small."

Hearing this, it's only 120 square meters.

Grandpa He didn't take it seriously, "Why do I need such a big house to live with your mother? If you want to stay, you can buy another one. If you don't live together, you won't be crowded."

As for whether Uncle He should stay or not, he still needs to think again about this question.

Uncle He's eldest son just joined the company after graduation. After two years of guarding, he directly abdicated and gave way to the virtuous, so he was in a state of retirement and had nothing to do. Otherwise, he would not have time to stay here with the old man, but his son He has just joined the company, and the position has not been secured yet. No matter whether he is in Beijing or not, his son has confidence there. If he wants to stay here for a long time, his wife will definitely come here too. Is it okay to leave my son alone?
Grandpa He shook his head, "Don't you understand your own son? Why do you need your help? What you have to do now is to let him flex his muscles, otherwise under your protection, he will never be able to do anything." Growing up, besides, you are only staying here temporarily, and it’s not that you will never go back, it’s only a few hours away, let’s go back if there is anything to do.”

Uncle He was naturally moved by Grandpa He, and the He family was very harmonious compared to other families, so there was really nothing to worry about staying here except for his son.

Speaking of the He family, Grandpa He has only two sons, one is Uncle He, and the other is He Yiran's father.

The two brothers are capable people. Grandpa He saw that the two sons had grown up and left their share of pension money, and then directly divided the remaining shares into two, allowing the two brothers to use it freely.

The two brothers naturally strive for success. Not only did they get along harmoniously, they also doubled their shares several times in just a few years. This has always been something that Grandpa He is very proud of.

As for the next generation, it is not a company in the first place, and everyone has nothing to do with each other. Even if they covet shares, they cannot covet other people's companies, so even if it is the next generation, the family atmosphere is very harmonious. It seems that other people's houses are in a mess, which is the benefit of letting go. Of course, the premise is that both sons are capable.

Grandpa He has tasted this kind of sweetness, so he naturally doesn't want Uncle He to interfere too much with his grandchildren's free play.

"You just don't know how to enjoy yourself."

Uncle He understood, "Okay, how about I live next door to you. The next door on the 11th floor is still vacant. Mom is not in good health. It's good to have someone to take care of me if I live nearby."

Grandpa He would definitely have no objection to this point, and then the house was settled like this.


The house is settled, so don't worry about the decoration. Although this property is nothing in the eyes of the He family, it is a mid-to-high-end community in Jiangcheng. Even if the community here is sold, it will not be a rough house, so it is simple Buy some furniture and the He family can live directly.

Uncle He was looking for someone to arrange the furniture, while Grandpa He was on the phone urging Grandma He to come over quickly.

"Old lady, you can just pack up a few clothes and come here. There is everything here. Don't you have a bad appetite? You have eaten a lot of old Pei's craftsmanship before, and his current craftsmanship is completely different. Hurry up Come and taste it, you will have an appetite just by looking at it." He wasn't exaggerating at all.

Grandma He on the other end of the phone smiled and said, "Okay, I'll be over in a couple of days."

Her appetite was also really bad during this period, and she was annoyed by drinking porridge every day. If she could really eat Lao Pei's craftsmanship, that was a good thing, and it was nothing to take this trip.

It's just that as soon as this one hung up the phone, Grandma He passed out again.

This is not the first time Grandma He's situation has happened. As the He family member, she can afford a family doctor.

Grandma He's health just failed here, and the family doctor on the other end quickly started treatment.

In fact, there is nothing serious about it. Grandma He has a poor appetite due to long-term medication, and her already weak body will be even worse without nutritional intake. Coupled with her age, this is an endless loop. "Actually, if Mr. Pei If Mrs. He's craftsmanship can really make Mrs. He eat enough, she can take this trip. As much as she can eat, she can take in some nutrients and her health will be better, but Mrs. He's body is really not suitable for walking now. "

This creates a dilemma.

"It would be nice to have another ginseng that is older. Using ginseng that is more than a hundred years old as medicine can relieve Mrs. He's body a little bit." Resting for a few days, and then going to Jiangcheng is no problem.

But how hard it is to find ginseng that is more than a hundred years old. Even if the He family is rich, these things cannot be found at any time.

The eldest lady of the He family said: "Tell Dad about this." That is Grandpa He.

The Second Madam of the He family said: "Dad won't be able to come back in time, so I'm just in a hurry over there, let's talk about it when Mom wakes up."

However, when the two of them were discussing whether to tell Grandpa He about it, Uncle He's son, He Yan, had already told his father about it.

After Uncle He knew the news, he naturally told Grandpa He quickly. It is precisely because the old man is old that this kind of thing can't be hidden from the truth. He also told the matter of ginseng here.

He Yiran, who was going around in circles, naturally knew about it.

He Yiran was just lying on the bed and chatting with her, when a call came from the other end of the He family.

(End of this chapter)

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