Chapter 185 Wanfu Meat (55)

Of course not, these coincidences are naturally man-made.

After Pei Ziyu moved Mei Mengzhen's idea, he had already found out the details of several people, so he would know where the house was bought, so he really bought this 1802 on purpose, but it is true that he didn't live in the house. Yes, this is an old house, and it must be renovated, even if he doesn't live in it, he can rent it out. That's what he thought at the beginning, so he bought the house when he bought it.

Originally, yesterday she was wondering if she might have made a mistake, Mei Mengzhen, but she became a little unsure when she heard this today, because it was too much of a coincidence, and she did not believe that there would be such a coincidence in this world thing.

But to be honest, she really never thought about falling in love before.

Just because she didn’t think about it doesn’t mean she can’t think about it. She used to only care about making money and going to school, but now she’s earning money and going to school, and she’s just 19 years old. What’s wrong with falling in love? Isn’t she just falling in love now? age?
The Pei Ziyu in front of her is more than a little better than the young people in the school. Leaving aside her family background, as far as she sees now, this person is a potential stock.

Not only has potential, but also looks good, and he is also very good (I learned about being good from Grandpa Pei), so why not.

In addition, she is young now, and what she enjoys is the process of being in love. As for other issues, what is there to worry about now that she will only consider a few years later.

But as for whether the two can succeed, it still depends on Pei Ziyu's attitude. She has never been in a relationship in her life. Since she wants to chase her, she must let her see his sincerity.

"That's really a coincidence. When are you going back?"

Pei Ziyu said: "I don't have anything to do today, I can do it at any time." He heard that Mei Mengzhen usually eats two meals here, so he hurriedly said: "It's okay to leave after dinner."

"Okay, then I thank you in advance."

Grandpa Pei nodded, finally finding a chance for the two of them to be alone, however, Fan Tianyu interjected: "Zhenzhen, you are sober at night, I can also drive you." He also wants to go home, the two People still live together for the time being.

Mei Mengzhen immediately suppressed her smile when she heard this, "It's okay, I can drink some more at night, I have other wines that I haven't tasted yet."

This explanation is fine, "That's fine, I'll drink some at night too, it just happens to drag me back too."

As soon as these words came out, neither Grandpa Pei nor Pei Ziyu looked at this person, without him, they had no eyesight.

Mei Mengzhen couldn't hold back the smile on her face when she heard this, "Oh."

"What are you laughing at?" Fan Tianyu asked strangely.

"It's nothing to laugh at. Drink it. If you don't have enough, go get another bottle." Whenever the Pei family and father are not here, Mei Mengzhen's answer will always be Brother Tianyu, no wonder you are single.

But she must not say this in front of the father and father, otherwise it would be too disrespectful to Fan Tianyu.


Lunch passed smoothly, because dinner was also to be eaten here, and Grandpa Pei personally cooked and prepared a dish that was not on the menu in their shop, Wanfu pork.

The original name is Qinggong Wanfu Pork. It uses pork belly, chestnuts, jujubes and lotus seeds. It does not add any coloring and monosodium glutamate. It is only stewed with star anise, cinnamon, sweet noodle sauce and soy sauce.

This dish doesn't take a particularly long time, but the fragrance is too strong. Mei Mengzhen and Pei Ziyu sat in the back kitchen all afternoon, smelling the fragrance and chatting with each other, but her eyes didn't change for a moment. Remove from pan.

It wasn't until the meat entered her mouth that she felt unprecedented satisfaction.

Mei Mengzhen actually blames herself for not living up to expectations. Although she loves to eat, she is not such a greedy person, but this dish is really delicious, so I can't blame her for being greedy.

"It's so delicious." As a science student, I really can't find any poems to match the taste of this dish.

Fan Tianyu was more exaggerated than her, "Damn, this is too delicious." It is not inferior to their shop's signature Buddha jumping over the wall.

Fan Tianyu saw business opportunities, "Master Pei, can this dish be added to our menu?"

That's exactly what Master Pei meant, "It's not troublesome to make this dish, you can add it in."

Naturally, the meat should be accompanied by small wine, and the four of them are very satisfied after a meal.

Not long after dinner, Mei Mengzhen proposed to go home, and Fan Tianyu said: "Go back now, I have to wait for a while."

He wants to take a ride, anyway.

But Mei Mengzhen didn't give him this chance, and she also wanted to know if Pei Ziyu really wanted to chase him, so the opportunity to be alone is indispensable, this time I didn't get along well, and I don't know when the next time will be, after all, this lawyer seems to be really She was very busy, and she answered many phone calls in the afternoon. If the meat wasn't too delicious, she would have proposed to go home in the afternoon.

"Let Brother Mengcheng see you off, let's go first, I have something to do when I go back."

Mei Mengzhen left with Pei Ziyu without waiting for Fan Tianyu's objection.

After Mei Mengzhen handed over the car keys to Pei Ziyu, she got into the co-pilot.

However, just when Pei Ziyu was about to send Mei Mengzhen home, another call came into his cell phone.

Pei Ziyu was a little annoyed, why did he forget his mobile phone, he would have turned it off before getting into the car.

He didn't want to answer it, so he moved slowly, but the phone was ringing, and he couldn't answer it, "Hello."

On the other side of the phone, he said anxiously: "Brother Pei, Wang Lu didn't want you to come to talk. We really can't help it. What's the matter with you? Can you let it go? Otherwise, this matter can't continue."

Pei Ziyu's voice on the phone was loud, and Mei Mengzhen could hear it clearly in the closed space of the car, but the meaning on the other end of the phone was obviously that he had already called to talk about the situation there, but Pei Ziyu didn't go there.

Pei Ziyu said: "I'll go there." XX Road and the school are in the opposite direction, but the proof of the phone conversation seems to be very urgent, he just said: "If you can wait a little later."

He must have sent Mei Mengzhen back first, the noon wine must have woken up by now, but the night wine is only drunk, wine~!Driving or something is absolutely not allowed.

After hearing Pei Ziyu's answer, Mei Mengzhen said: "If you have something to do, why don't you go and do it first, and it's the same for me and brother Tianyu to go back together."

As soon as Mei Mengzhen finished speaking, there was no sound on both sides of the phone, and then Tan Jia on the other end of the phone said excitedly: "Old Pei, Lao Pei just now was a woman's voice, there is a woman beside you."

Then Pei Ziyu hung up the phone, leaving the other party with a series of beeping blind tones.

Pei Ziyu said: "No, I said I would give it to you."

"But don't you have business to do? Send me back and go there to delay things."

Pei Ziyu shook his head, "If there's anything serious to do, this time is full of dinners, so it's okay to be a little later."

 Thanks for the reward from the blue sea, thank you!
(End of this chapter)

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