Chapter 191 Sudden Fire (15)

Yan Keke replied: "Diannv is also popular, this post was posted three days ago, Liang Xiao didn't fall because it occupied the first position in Diannv for three days, and the number of votes rewarded It's also continuing to increase."

Mei Mengzhen had nothing to say, "But, can't everyone tell the difference between fiction and reality? Fiction is all fiction."

"We knew it at first, but Liang Xiao mentioned in the writer's words that part of the heroine's experience is adapted from reality. The heroine has the same name as you, so everyone takes it for granted that the experience of the heroine written by Liang Xiao It's your experience, and Liang Xiao's novel is still written about you, um, how miserable the heroine is, and she hasn't counterattacked yet."

Therefore, everyone took it for granted that Mei Mengzhen, whether in fiction or in reality, lived such a miserable life.

He Yiran got excited, "Let me see what Liang Xiao wrote, and see how miserable your tragic past is." He Yiran vaguely knew something, so part of that sentence was adapted from reality and remembered in her heart. She was really curious about how miserable Mei Mengzhen was before.

He Yiran's move inspired all the girls in the Department of Computer Science. Liu Pei and Luo Yingying had only collected this novel before because of Mei Mengzhen's relationship but hadn't read it yet. Now they are also interested, "Let's go and read it too." .”

Not to mention Yan Keke who chases after her every day, at this time Yan Keke looked at her sympathetically, which made her want to scold her father very much.


Just when Mei Mengzhen was speechless, someone knocked on the door of the dormitory.

When Mei Mengzhen opened the door, she found Liang Xiao. She asked with a wry smile, "Xiaoxiao, you're done."

Liang Xiao shook his head, "No, why didn't you call me when you came, my roommate told me you were here when I just stopped, and brought me something to eat."

"That's a special product that Yiran brought over from BJ, so I'll send you some."

Liang Xiao also knew He Yiran, so he quickly thanked him, "Thank you."

"It's okay." After He Yiran finished speaking, he hurriedly continued to read the following content, and the whole dormitory was filled with concentration, Liang Xiao felt that something was very wrong, "What's wrong with your dormitory, there was a quarrel."

Mei Mengzhen rubbed her forehead and said, "I've been reading your novels. I just found out that your novels are popular. Congratulations."

Liang smiled a little reluctantly, "Zhenzhen, this is really an accident, my roommate also likes my novels, seeing that I don't have a lot of collections, so I posted a post to promote it, and then everyone found out that the protagonist has the same name as you The same surname, and then it became so popular."

"What I care about is not this, what the author said..." Mei Mengzhen asked in a low voice.

She was really sorry, Liang Xiao also replied in a low voice: "I told you what the author said before, I thought no one would read it, so I wrote it up, you agreed at the time, I didn't expect the first book The novel became popular, then you became famous in school, and then..."

Fired together.

In short, everyone did not expect it.

"I understand, it was just an accident anyway." Mei Mengzhen was very helpless.

Liang Xiao was full of apology, "Zhenzhen, I really didn't mean it, don't be angry with me."

"I'm not angry. I'm very happy that your book became popular. It proves that you are on the right path, and it's an accident that I became popular with her. I know, I'm just a little distressed, but school, there are so many things. I can cover this matter in three or two days."

However, Mei Mengzhen really thinks too much. Liang Xiao’s novels continue to be updated every day. Mei Mengzhen's popularity remained high throughout the school.

This also allowed her to gain a large number of sympathetic 'fans' while her popularity was rising, and at the same time that everyone could not distinguish between fiction and reality.

Mei Mengzhen was not used to it at first, but she was relieved after a long time. If people can't tell the difference, can she still not tell the difference?She pretended not to be able to see it, it's okay, it's true.

Of course, these are all things to say later, and Mei Mengzhen was speechless when she saw the posts on the forum.


It was not only Mei Mengzhen who was speechless, but also Pei Ziyu.

Pei Ziyu rubbed his brows, this Mei Mengzhen is really popular with everyone, how long has it been since the school started, before it was because of the flower post that the popularity of the school was high, and now it has exploded again because of the novel.

How much fright would he have to suffer to catch this man.

At that time, he was more worried that Mei Mengzhen would not be cheated by the boys from the same school.

He looked at the post, and then sent a message to Mei Mengzhen, using QQ of course.

Pei Ziyu: Zhenzhen, I just saw the school's post, is this experience really adapted by you?

Mei Mengzhen was speechless when she received the news. Could it be that this post became popular not only at school, but also outside of school.

Mei Mengzhen: Brother Pei, how did you know about the post? Has it already become popular outside the school?

Since the last time they struggled with addressing, the two have changed to Zhenzhen and Brother Pei, but this is the first contact between the two after the change, so she still has some trouble typing.

Pei Ziyu: No, my junior thought this post was interesting and recommended it to me. I saw that it has the same name as you, so I asked.

Mei Mengzhen: I was scared to death, I thought I was already so hot.

Pei Ziyu: Zhenzhen, you haven't answered me yet, is the experience in the novel really adapted from the real situation?
Mei Mengzhen: ..., definitely not, except for the same background, everything else is different, Brother Pei, you can't tell the difference between fiction and reality.

Pei Ziyu didn't feel relieved, she had heard about Mei Mengzhen's experience, and the content in it was obviously more than just a novel, but if the other party didn't want to talk about it, he certainly wouldn't force it.


At night, Mei Mengzhen fell asleep, and the scene in the dream returned to the original coffee shop.

Mei Mengzhen was sitting in the original position, and Yu Duoer came from behind and poured a cup of coffee on her face, and she immediately scolded Yu Duoer, but she couldn't understand the content of their scolding.

But cursing and cursing, two people walked towards them.

One is Jiang Cheng, and the other is Pei Ziyu.

As soon as Jiang Cheng came over, he protected Yu Duo'er behind him, pretending to hit him, and Pei Ziyu also protected him behind him, Mei Mengzhen took the coffee from Pei Ziyu's hand, and threw it on Yu Duo'er face.

Then Jiang Cheng quarreled with Pei Ziyu, Mei Mengzhen turned around and left lazily, and the next thing was the same as in the previous life, Yu Duoer rushed out of the coffee shop in a frenzy, and then pushed her off the elevator , she stood panicked on the elevator and her acting skills were excellent.

But Pei Ziyu hurriedly ran down the elevator and came to her side to support her bleeding head, shouting: "Zhenzhen, Zhenzhen."

(End of this chapter)

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