Chapter 193 Shocking price (35)

Mei Mengzhen has lived in Jiangcheng for many years, so she fully understands what Luo Yingying means, "I want to buy one too."

Although Yan Keke is also from the south, the heater is turned on all the time in her home, so she doesn't understand it very well, but they all bought it, and she followed suit, "Then I will buy one too." But looking at her fat body, "I just don't know if there is a size I wear."

"If you don't want women's clothes, just men's ones. Anyway, we wear them in the dormitory, and there are some good-looking men's clothes. There must be some that can be worn." Luo Yingying explained.

But Yan Keke felt that she was not comforted.

Seeing that everyone wanted to buy it, He Yiran thought about it and agreed, "Where are you going to buy it? I'll go and have a look first before making a decision."

Luo Yingying and Liu Pei have to work part-time for the two days of the weekend, so they must not be free. They don't have classes on Friday afternoon, so after discussing, they decided to go directly after lunch on Friday.

But, it's only Monday.

A few people stayed in the school to attend classes honestly, and on Wednesday, He Yiran's family members came over here.

Grandpa He and Uncle He and Uncle He lived in the house that Uncle He had chosen before.

Next door to next door, it is not crowded and can take care of each other.

The four members of the He family were on the plane in the afternoon, almost after getting off their luggage, they went to Xiyuan.

Grandpa Pei knew that Grandma He was not in good health, so he specially made a bowl of medicinal food. According to He Yiran, Grandma He ate deliciously, and she hadn't eaten like this for several years. The family was very happy, and they stayed here for the time being. The dust settled immediately.

Grandpa He and Uncle He both have a house here, so it's impossible that He Yiran doesn't have one. Grandpa He immediately asked He Yiran's opinion if he wants to arrange a house with them so that he can come back to rest on weekends.

He Yiran shook his head straight, "No, I want to buy it near the school, in Zhenzhen's neighborhood. I have a lot of clothes and it's convenient for me to change at any time. If I buy it there, I will have a car."

Grandpa He curled his lips when he heard that, and continued to give the suite, and even picked a place, but he certainly wouldn't really say anything about her.


Finally, a few people ran into the cafeteria after class on Friday, and left the school after finishing lunch quickly.

Cotton-padded pajamas can be sold everywhere, but the shopping malls are too expensive and not the first choice of the student party. There is a wholesale shopping mall in Jiangcheng, and the price of clothes there will be more cost-effective. Good quality, as long as the style looks good, it's almost the same.

But how to get there has become another problem. The wholesale mall is a bit far away, and there is no subway here. The best means of transportation is the bus, but neither He Yiran nor she is willing to squeeze. How crowded were the big and small bags, and finally she drove into her car.

Yan Keke sat in the co-driver, and the other three sat in the back row. When Mei Mengzhen started the car, the group of people was so nervous that you caught here and I caught there. I am a qualified driver."

Yan Keke said nervously: "Being a driver doesn't mean you're good at driving, and you seem to have just obtained your driver's license not too long ago. Have you ever driven before?"

He Yiran has the most say on this point, "I did, you don't remember when Zhenzhen picked me up at the airport." Just a few days ago, "And my grandfather was also sent by Zhenzhen when he went back. Not bad." Not at all like a novice who just got his driver's license.

It's definitely not like a novice, she had driven a car for several years in her previous life, but her driver's license is new and it's not fake at all, "Sit tight."

Then the car started, and along the way, several people were afraid to say a word in their positions, for fear of disturbing her driving.

It wasn't until she parked the car in the underground parking lot of the wholesale mall that everyone let out a sigh of relief, "Oh, it's too difficult for me."

Mei Mengzhen couldn't believe it, "What's your trouble, it's okay, hurry down, this place closes early, let's hurry up, otherwise we won't be able to finish our shopping."

This is true. The wholesale market closes at about 5 o'clock because of the wholesale business. They have eaten and come here and it is already more than 1.30. The time is not necessarily enough.

When it comes to wholesale shopping malls, Mei Mengzhen knows this place, and Luo Yingying is very familiar with it, "My family lives nearby, and I shop here as a child. Don't worry, I'm good at bargaining."

She thought of Luo Yingying riding a battery car to school when school started, "So you rode to school from here?"


"No wonder the battery is out. The new car you bought can still drive to the dormitory. If the old car is halfway to school, it will run out of battery. How far is this distance, and you dare to ride it." Mei Meng Jane is not exaggerating. It took her more than 40 minutes to drive, let alone ride a bicycle. It took more than an hour and a half anyway, and the battery car only has so much electricity. Isn't this a challenge to the limit?

"I haven't driven it before. My mother said yes, so I drove it. After returning home, my father also told my mother, but I couldn't get this battery car without riding it by myself. In the end, I rode it by myself. It's all the same anyway."

What Luo Yingying said made sense, she had never seen a battery car get on a bus.

Luo Yingying took them up the elevator to the first floor. The first floor is full of shoe shops, and there will be a promotional float at the door. When they first came up, they saw a sign with a shocking price of 5 yuan a pair.

This is really a shocking price.

It was the first time that He Yiran saw such cheap shoes, and he was really shocked, "Here, are these shoes so cheap? 5 yuan." It was like a joke.

Everyone knows the price of He Yiran's oiled clothes, and at this moment, they also feel that comparing the price with the price of her clothes is a joke, but 5 yuan is definitely not for sneakers and leather shoes. , Luo Yingying thought for a while and said: "It should be slippers, it's usually a gimmick like this."

This explanation is reasonable.

But He Yiran couldn't move when he saw the 5 yuan shoes, "Why don't we go over and ask."

Seeing that He Yiran was really curious, Luo Yingying brought the group over and asked, "Boss, what kind of shoes are your 5 yuan shoes?"

The boss immediately got up and picked up a pair of slippers from the promotional float and said, "Here, the retail price is 5 yuan a pair, and you can get less if you want to wholesale."

Can be less! ! !
He Yiran asked: "How do I get wholesale?"

The boss glanced at He Yiran and said: "See how you got it, 10 yuan for more than 3 pairs, 20 yuan for more than 2 pairs, all sizes are available."

He Yiran was really shocked.

Luo Yingying is an old acquaintance here, and said at this time: "We just came, let's take a look first, and come back later."

After finishing speaking, he dragged them away. As for whether they really went there, it was not certain.

(End of this chapter)

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