Chapter 206 Fan Group (55)

Liang Xiao is a newcomer and her first novel. The average daily starting point is [-]. This starting point is really high, so that she spends the rest of her time writing novels every day except for class.

But Mei Mengzhen is worried, even if you write novels to make money, you can't let the professional courses be left behind. If this is the case, the cart before the horse, then why did you work so hard to get into college?

Who knows Liang smiled and replied: "I still don't know this, don't worry, I listen very seriously in class, every time I finish the tutor's homework before I start writing novels, this is impossible for me even if I make money Let myself not get a graduation certificate, but now I have some experience of the fun of writing novels, so the daily progress is a little bit faster."

"Anyway, it's good that you know what's in your mind."

Liang Xiao really knew it, but it was also true that he had been immersed in the novel and hadn't been alone with Mei Mengzhen for a long time.

It's not that Mei Mengzhen is not used to it. There are only a few people in their computer department, so they are together all the time. She is not alone, but Liang Xiao spends all day writing hard. Does she have time to expand her social circle?
She told Liang Xiao about her worry, and Liang Xiao only said, "Zhenzhen, don't worry, I get along well with the people in my class, and you may not know it, but everyone loves you because of you." Read the novels I wrote, so I also know a lot of people who are not our majors, Zhenzhen, maybe I know more people than you."

Liang Xiao is really not exaggerating. Because the novel is loved by everyone, Liang Xiao has his own small fan group. Of course, it is only limited to the students in the school, so the number of people is probably hundreds of people for the time being, but The team is still growing, but usually there are not many people who have to code and chat, but they still know a lot of people, and there are people who say hello to her at any time when they are walking outside. In this way, her circle of friends is actually still OK.

Mei Mengzhen was tongue-tied, Liang Xiao was really doing big things in a muffled voice, of course, she was also very pleased that gold always shines, and now Liang Xiao is shining brightly.

But when it comes to fan groups, Mei Mengzhen actually has a fan group, and Liang Xiao is also in that group, but she doesn't have time to chat, but she still reads the news more diligently than her own group. Dumei Mengzhen didn't know it herself, but she knew it now, "No, why don't I know my fan group, no, it should be the fan group of the characters in your novel, you see, the same name and surname are wrong. "

Liang Xiao denied, "That's not it, it's your fan group, you're not in it so you don't know."

Liang Xiao stopped talking nonsense with Mei Mengzhen, "My book will probably be finished a few years ago, and I won't let myself be so tired from next year. This is just taking advantage of your enthusiasm, otherwise I wouldn't be so tired." There are so many more every day, Zhenzhen, you are really a noble person in my destiny."

After Liang Xiao finished speaking, she went back to the dormitory without waiting for Mei Mengzhen to respond, and then Mei Mengzhen went upstairs in a daze. Mengzhen said: "No, I just heard some things beyond my understanding and I just couldn't get back to my senses."

Everyone became even more curious when they heard this, "What is something beyond your cognition, you first say it and we will listen to see if we understand it."

"Just now Liang Xiao told me that she has a fan group, and then told me that I also have a fan group, and she is still in that group. The key is that the fan group is not only for other celebrities? Why do I have one even if I am an amateur? Yes, why I don’t know about this matter, and I haven’t received any sign of trouble.” It’s a bit unreasonable, isn’t it something beyond the scope of cognition?

However, the four people in the dormitory avoided Mei Mengzhen's eyes one after another. Mei Mengzhen was even more confused, and then reacted, "Don't you all know? You are all in the group, right?"

He Yiran pretended to cough a few times, and then said: "You may not know that the leader of your fan group is Ke Ke."

Yan Keke's lazy body collapsed in an instant, turned his head to look at Mei Mengzhen, and explained with some guilty conscience: "Mmm, yes, ah, um, just, that's it."

"What's that? You built a fan group of mine, and then you all know what's going on, except me, the real master." Mei Mengzhen said a little excitedly.

"Actually, a lot of people in the forum said they liked you, and they said they wanted to set up a group to chat with. Then I created one, and if you spread it a lot, more people would know about it. But this is the group in the school. , everyone is a student of the same school, and I also require real names to note my major and name, and the group is quite harmonious for the time being." Yan Keke said weakly, and her management is still very strict, she is not a fan of Zhenzhen. Kick people out immediately.

"So how long has your group been established, and how many people are in the group?" Although she was excited, she was actually quite curious, so she wasn't angry about it, it would be fine if there were people in the group, but it would be very difficult if there were no one. It's embarrassing, so she is quite tangled.

Yan Keke clicked on the QQ group, pointed to it and said: "My group has been established for less than a week, and now there are more than 3000 people, all of whom belong to our school, and the number is still growing."

The number of this group is much larger than Liang Xiao's group of hundreds of people.

Mei Mengzhen glanced at it. Yan Ke is the group leader, and there are three other administrators, namely He Yiran, Luo Yingying and Liu Pei. Keep it from me."

"I don't want to hide it, but I don't know how to tell you, Zhenzhen, in fact, this is not a bad thing. You are so popular, even if you don't build Keke, others will build it. There are several school beauties in our school. Group, but none of her groups are as popular as you, and there are not as many people as you." He Yiran explained, with a little arrogance when he said the last sentence.

"Hehe, I didn't want to say anything to you, by the way, since you have established a group, why don't you just set up a fan club for me, let's hold a few more activities together, start a few charity events, and go out to pick up trash Maybe our group can be more formal." Mei Mengzhen isn't too angry yet, that's it, it's just a bit depressing to exclude her as a client. You know her fan group, even Liang Xiao joined her. She went in, but she didn't even know the news, so what she said at this time was a bit teasing.

But isn't this normal?Yan Keke took it for granted: "Which star has added her fan group, it's normal if she isn't there."

"But I'm not a star, can't I know?" Mei Mengzhen pinched her throat and Yan Keke asked: "Then do you want me to add you? In fact, the group is quite lively every day. Your followers There are quite a lot, and everyone will post the pictures in the group after taking pictures and repairing them, and I have also dragged Sissy into the group."

 Thanks to Carmine for the reward, thank you!

  I went to the company today to receive a red envelope for the new year, and then took another week off, so I was very happy.

(End of this chapter)

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